Discussion for other Creator Channels

I saw this :joy: but then the video was deleted… *roll eyes

Hmm, it’s still there when I try it. I wonder why it shows deleted for you?

Either way, I don’t think I’ll be using that video, because it says he targeted trans fats to be converted to stem cells. Trans fats are toxic, energetically dead fats that prevent proper cellular function in the body, so that’s the LAST thing I want to be used as the new building material in my system.


I don’t know if they really use trans fats much anymore. Even fried chicken usually uses oils free of trans fats.

In the USA, the government allows products to be called “Trans Fat Free” if it contains less than 1 gram per serving, I think it was (read this ages ago). So, 0.75 grams for an incredibly small serving size, congrats you’re trans fat free!

They still use them, because trans fats don’t spoil. Problem is, they don’t spoil because they’re not food, they’re plastic. Nasty stuff.

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maitreya email responding quickly…ask whatever you want


What did you ask?

I really think we should have a whitelist/blacklist of all legit and fake youtube channels, officially researched and tested by the highest authorities on this forum


You know what, why let your dreams just be dreams? Imma go and start writing up my own


If you don’t mind me asking, which came first Rupert Sheldrake or you? Did you manage to discover that Rupert Sheldrake’s theory was true? Or did you already know about this for a long time until Rupert Sheldrake came along and merely gave it a name? He doesn’t seem to be aware of the extent of the possibilities from what I’ve heard in his conversations.

You don’t have to answer my question if you don’t feel comfortable.

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I’m pretty sure the term of morphogenetic fields as described in physics was coined first, and then it was adopted by Dale and Sapien

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The context is important here. He’s talking about the various YouTube channels that create energy work audios. In his quote, he says that his is the first CHANNEL to use this term. No where does he say he’s the first PERSON to ever have used it.


I wonder if I coined the term Intention Repeating.


Quadible is starting to work good for me now


Why WEBM format instead of WAV?

Or FLAC. 1/2 the size of WAV and still lossless.

If to the example Quadible playlist
Hydration, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity
you want to add this

where would it be placed and how many times?

Try it and you’ll get your answer.

Is there any software to test WEBM and WAV quality?

I don’t think it’s about quality so much as WEBM is streamable where WAV is not.

Ok, for me only the quality counts and the WAV format I have been using for several years