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The real reason I used that website, is that it doesn’t re-encode the audio, but instead lets you download it in whatever format is being streamed at the link you provide. It’s re-encoding that changes the structure of the audio file, which MAY interfere with the field/energy work, according to Sammy & the Cap.

So are fields more sensitive to coding than binaurals, for example?

According to the guys that make and sell them, yes much more so. They advise that you do not re-encode them, don’t play with EQ settings, etc. Leave the audio as close to original as possible, because it’s that original audio that’s serving as the link to the energy contained within the field.

This concept also apply to Quadible’s audio?

I think it’s a generally safe practice, but you could also reach out to Quadible Integrity themselves to get their opinion.

Changing name of files, that is renaming them, affect the fields or their quality?

No, because that has nothing to do with the audio encoding.

Well for anyone who cares, my dossier is coming along good. So far I have covered the science of subliminals, binaural beats etc. And I’ve already reviewed HypnoDaddy and Ascension Archangel. I’m now onto DrVirtual7.

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Could you do one for the audios I make with my free, open-source Intention Repeater tech?

I didn’t see the word “Intention” in there.

I wrote this paper as well:



Sure, i’ll try.

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great work @anon44876465!

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I always read this thread but only out of curiousity, I never try anything else.
PI was the only one I had on my “maybe I’ll try it later” list, and then she came out with chakra removal… so nah I’ll pass :D

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If to the example Quadible playlist
Hydration, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity
you want to add this

where would it be placed and how many times?

Place it at the start 5-10 times.

5-10x every playlist?

5x[POWERFUL FLUSH], Hydration, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity

@anon44876465 Looks like the dossier is still in development , But I like what I see till now , seems really well done.

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Yes just listen to it the first thing of your day 5-10 times.

OK thanks
Did you read above, that if the fields are to be downloaded, they must be done in WEBM format?

They don’t have to be downloaded in that format exactly, just don’t re-encode them. So, those sites that say they’ll convert them to mp3 for you? Yeah, that’s what you don’t want, the file being converted. But, whatever format the source is streaming as, if you can capture that you’ll be good. So, if it’s mp3, mp4, avi, webm - doesn’t matter, just don’t convert it to something else if you want to guarantee that you’re not interfering with the fields.

If you’re energy sensitive and have a good sense for the strength of the fields, then you can test this out for yourself and see if you can tell a difference between a source file, a downloaded file, and a downloaded then converted file.

If you’re not energy sensitive, either find someone who that you trust that is and ask them, or decide if you’re the type that likes to play it safe or don’t mind the risk and act accordingly. There’s no rules here that you’d be breaking and get in trouble for, it’s just suggestions and best practices.

Would it be better to download them directly through the extensions of each browser?