Discussion for other Creator Channels

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Very good, Well, I just wanted to say hello, I hardly see you online brother :D


Do you listen to the Dr. Manhattan men’s series?

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Confidence, assertiveness, very captivating aura - Women and men are drawn to me, women are very attracted, guys are respective and kind of brotherly with you. My face is glowing, facial features seem to become more potent / sharper, libido is sky-high, body seems to be affected as well - more energy, muscles look fuller, frame becoming better, pheromones seems to be produced as well - I think that ties in with the attraction and respect part. Overall, I’m way more grounded, sharper in every kind of sense.


Do i know you? Sorry have not been here much haha, just busy with work and travel :relaxed:

Yes just the manly man mainly for health benefits

So, in all likelihood it’s what made your face more angular, because it happened to me too,
as I never listen to Quadible.

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Which health benefits did you notice from manly man?

Thank you.

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I find my workouts are much better and I lift way more effortlessly. Testosterone boost is very noticeable.

Also, it is kind of hard to say if it is indeed this field - because I also use Super Serum, Yujiro, Prince, Master Chief, etc., and also have some permanent energetic modifications done directly by Dream.

But the angular face does seem to be from QI’s field because I don’t really use any beauty fields - I use only fitness, health, and spiritual fields. And overnight, I saw a sharper jawline.


I still think it basically comes from Manly Man, because I don’t use them either, but after I started playing hard with Manly Man, like 12-16x a day, the effect became very noticeable.

Your feedback is appreciated

Kabus stuff feels good, I can feel huge relief in my upper chest while listening to his stuff.


Hey, i somehow stumbled upon your comment. You think this also works on very very low volume? Since these are subliminals and not morphic fields as i understand. I can’t hear the music, but my legs got very hot while playing this.

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This one is ridiculous lol

very strong.

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Hi guys, I started listening to sigh. I’m trying different topics. Maybe I’m seeing a lil bit of progress from the complete workout (I don’t remember the title but it’s something like this). Cam I trust him? The fact that it’s silent and I can download it and it doesn’t change nothing is strange, what type of energy does it use? How does it work? I see different comments from someone who writes DAMN YOU CHANGE MY LIFE OMG !1!11!!1 to someone who writes IT DOESNT WORK!1!1

Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube - #5470 by lezeallion there are concerns not regarding efficacy.
Generally fields are silent and any audio is there for esthetic reasons or just to make sure player actually plays the file.

Ok so it works but maybe it puts strange ideas in your head?

I wouldn’t consider using that content in a nutshell. And this is not similar to any critique of MEF for example, which can look alike. He is fine from my perspective.

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Idk, since I listen on medium to high volume, but you can also listen with headphones.

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