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I listened to the body nutrition from Sigh energy last night,. Cleared my late night hunger pangs immediately and slept peacefully :+1: Will try more of their work today.


okay buddy, i really don’t have much success with sigh honestly but i just felt hungry when i read your experience and decided to test it for fun and the field is really strong, the hunger is really disappearing.
Oh I wish more of their fields work like this, it seems some are strong some not idk, in my case


I use his ,full body detox daily and when you play the Audio in the bathroom seated in the toilet you can hear your self all the organ been working

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Also use the increase bone width and when i hit the wall with punches it hurt less,i also use his divine flame and feels it cleaning the energy ,all his stuff work ,but his method are unknown ,but in the description said he use energy , frecuencys ,scalar wave ,and for now i don’t feel negative stuff or having negative situations

Why would you do that?


I feel the need to speak out on this issue because it seems to be a persistent one.

Everyone is entitled to listen to, whoever they desire. It’s their soul. However, there are many good friends of mine here such as JAAJ and GnosticMedicine27 who have been good signposts to me.

I used to use them, quite frequently. I’m not like Luna right now and can see astral, although quite sensitive, I can’t personally sense anything “bad.”

That being said, everytime I have used that creator I had nonstop thoughts about them being the best creator. It was contagious. I firmly believed they were the best. I keep a journal everyday and look back at notes at me praising them and their “level.” Despite me having many of Maitreya and Sapien products, I have never praised them in any way like this. Nor I have ever praised anyone in that manner.

Things in my life were also changing. I was getting results from the fields, at the cost of something in my reality shifting. It is imperceptible unless someone journals every little detail, but it’s like something extremely bad was brewing despite what felt like “me ascending.”

Lastly, I’ve had very uncomfortable dreams that I will not be posting here. but for those that recognize the dream world connection to the astral, they will know, that dream signs must not be underestimated. I just kindly ask, anyone who is using any creator, for the sake of your own spirit, please stop looking at results and start looking to your Higher Self, guardian angels, and truly take some time to reflect. Maybe it’s just me, so please just use your own judgement. Not everyone doing energy work for things you desire is an ally. Just as darkness is not bad, light itself, can deceive and bring about the greatest threats to your own spirit. Results don’t mean anything at the cost of spirit.


Whoa, I didn’t know that for someone their fields could work to this level, that’s great, I am glad for you
I wonder what I am doing wrong with some their fields, …sigh lol


Thank you for this review. :heart:


Oh I am sorry for your bad experience dear

Can you more elaborate?
What changes of reality?
Did it affect your family also or just you?
I mean if you want to elaborate

Oh I know that we shouldn’t running so for results, but I would literally sold my soul for some results although it sounds pathetic but it’s it, cause if I don’t achieve all my wishes, results I want it would be not worthy for living, so I don’t care for hell or life afterwards honestly, if I can’t enjoy and be living in this one…no offence just my look of things

{honestly f* life without any results, achievements, success, that’s what make someones life more enjoyable, worth of living}

What’s your response of Higher self regarding this?


Sometimes nothing f*** up people faster than “light workers.” For the spiritual powered ones, it’s easy to disguise themselves in whatever they want, including light.


Yeah man i also feel it in my brain i mean i take everything ,also i use his new fat to stem cells ,it work ,and i feel it in my skin ,and my skin looks more light than before like glowing ,de-aging but ,i i don’t know sometimes I prefere the smart stem cell one from sapiens ,all his stuff work but no all give results some other stuff are wierd and i just stay away ,the wierd thing of it if that ,i use his stuff daily and i have no since of bad situation ,demons ,entities etc ,since some people said his work attract bad things , Demons,parasite,etc ,i don’t how sigh do his stuff the only thing I said it really help me a lot ,i also use one for improve gaming skill and i have been improving i Halo 2 very fast


I was like :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Then I read more, you’re describing the ego… what’s the point of this edgelord terminology?
I know you weren’t the one who made it up ( so it’s not calling you out personally) and on some other forums this is normal, but just because they give an edgy new name to something, it doesn’t mean they found out something new.


Agreed. I think that sometimes in an enthousiasm to get certain effects, it’s easy to forget one very simple thing: what people claim about themselves and what they do (especially when their identity and products cannot be verified) is absolutely worthless.

While I am not disputing the possible effectiveness of other creators, if looking at them like one would a supplement (or medication), I find there is a very simple process that can be done to see if it’s worth trying.

First, we have to consider that there is very little reliable information about how most of these audios are created and how they do what they do. This is akin to not understanding what a supplement or medication does. Which is fine when something has been used for a long time and there is evidence to support how well it is tolerated (Aspirin comes to mind). But as far as I can tell these audios are fairly recent. So while they may show good efficacy in the early stages, who knows if it’s sustainable or if any adverse effects will be felt eventually.

Second, something I look at when it comes to supplements is the company that produces them. You can tell a lot by their track record: if they do third party testing for purity, if they have been caught with subpar quality or have ever misrepresented their product. In the case of these audios, we can’t rely on scientific studies (yet!) or third party testing so one has to look for more subjective things to make a decision. In the case of Dreamweaver, he has been around for a long time and people who personally know him have all talked about the quality of his character, which is further evidenced by his consistent intent. Then, one can look at the results people report. To the exception of normal “side effects” (like overwhelm) or those who have misused the products, I could not find evidence of adverse effects (they might exist, but I didn’t find any after fairly diligent research), only those for whom it did not work. So with responsible use, the risks are pretty much absent. With the vast majority of other creators, we don’t know who they are, only what they tell us about themselves, which cannot be verified. I’m not saying that they aren’t genuine, just that if it were a supplement, I wouldn’t use it when a) I don’t clearly understand what it does or how it is made b) it hasn’t been around long enough to make correlations on long term usage c) I can’t know anything about the company/creator except what they tell me.

Add to that that something fairly unique about these fields is that competence and intent matter a LOT. With a supplement, if you can verify that the ingredients are genuinely what’s claimed on the bottle, you know what to expect. With fields, someone with the best of intentions can end up producing all sorts of unintended effects by not being quite as competent as they think they. AND being unable to truly know what someone’s real intents are opens one powerful can of whoop ass, not only for themselves but potentially others around them. In my opinion, there are no results that are worth that, especially not when we have a creator that can be reliably depended on. Even if one cannot find a field for their specific needs, with the Light Collapser you can literally do anything you set your mind to.

So whenever there’s an alluring field that pops into my awareness and I’m tempted for a hot second, I think about this and find myself ending at the same place, every single time. Why would I?


Same here indeed

Being using some things for long time, I don’t believe in this parasite thing and any bad, I mean it’s neutral experience like with Sapien, I don’t see anything strange, and I do believe they want truly to help like Sapien and don’t have any bad intentions…then why they answer and create on almost every requests guys requested if they are so bad… I don’t get it, but okay it’s their opinions I respect

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well, have you considered the possibility that this is because their work is a scam ? they don’t have to make any effort to post a video with a thumbnail picked on Google, a description copy pasted from the mail request or the first Google result on the topic ?

I have experienced that months ago when I was trying them.


And, many people in the past have reported what looked like very negative energy, be it in making you addict to their product, manipulate you etc etc.

really helped you a lot yet you punch walls…

Maybe you guys are just unaware as to the negativity it is slowly bringing into your reality and being ?

You know we aren’t being paid by sapien, actually there is a creator named programmed intention who is appreciated by the community here. I’d recommend taking a break and seeing that there must be something off if so many people talk about Sigh with warnings. Maybe this is also the last way for your higher self to warn you since you may have ignored him ?


I would like to give a special shout out to Divine Tools Aura Clearing audios though. They are the real deal, I could feel every ounce of build up being pulled and burned out of my bodies while meditating to them. Really strong stuff. I’m looking forward to trying their San Pedro Experience audio, it sounds like it will be quite the adventure.

Here is the link to Divine Tools if anyone is interested.


Thank you for your whole reviews

Do they take paid requests perhaps?

You know sapien does. Have you heard of the NFT groups going on?


But dear people , can a creator be bad or evil, if you ask him which field he recommends for this and that, and after two or three days the next video is just that, not even requesting … my experience… I mean idk
What does that say about creator please?