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I’m Glad for Your Dad and for You.
Blessings. :pray:

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What do you think about him?

Someone here asked me to test it out - while I can’t comment on effects just based on 2 loops, there is certainly energetic information here - not morphic programming, but feels more like radionics perhaps? I thought it was a sub, but there seems to be more to this…

I never used subs so I am not really competent to comment about this tech, but its fascinating to see innovations around subs + energetic programming. This guy/girl certainly does not feel like yet another teenager creating videos.


And his buddy;

He had a sub called “Ultimate Ascension” or something of the sort… he was using some fiesty beasties (dragons/draconians as far as I can discern in retrospect)

I wonder why he deleted it. It had some really “stronk” stuff attached to it.

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This one was removed as most others due to copyright strike, after channel recovery they are on his Telegram to download.
What kind of stuff? There were some drama and claims of entities in his audios this year.

Who knows :innocent:

I recommended it before and I’ll recommend it again:

This video is divine. If you can meditate to it, all the better. Want to release energy? This thing… this is amazing.


She also has Reiki sessions for Bronchitis and other Such issues. I can Easily Recommend Her, after trying a few videos.


In return, I ask you to pray for humanity, and for this world, and as far as possible, help those around you, become better.

He mentions this though. Would a general prayer, loving-kindness type statement be ok? or better to do Om Mani Padme Hum too?

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Why not both.

The Forum’s mass meditations work too.

Why not just do everything good altogether?

Listening to Captain’s Singulartity audio also works. SZ is going to make an energized mantra audio of this one as well.

Anything you do to burn off Karma is good for you in general, not just for this audio. I think Captain also had a Karma Crucible NFT or something of the sort that can help too.

However, when you help, practice discernment, help only those who are truly in need. Not only will the heightened empathy needed to identify them properly a huge bonus in of itself, but avoiding vampiric beggars and individuals will make your life so much easier.


Is any mantra good to reach Higher (Spiritually), yet also to help my family and All Existence?

Like, Drift mentioned Om Mani Padme Hum, but that is a mantra for heightening compassion, how about Om Namah Shivaya and thinking about the Good of All?

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Also there is Essence of Mantras too, of course.

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Mahamrityunjaya, perhaps.


This power retrieval video is really amazing ! Can more energy sensitive people use and share their experiences?


The voice vibrations, water work, crystals, incenses and music instruments are all things used in some of Dream’s artefacts. All good energy carriers.

From what I can discern, this calls back power from all lifelines and lifetimes. Not just those taken by others during this particular incarnation.


Thanks for answering. In our judeo-christian culture we have “do good and don’t look at who”…but I’d rather avoid problematic people too.

By others you mean alternate/parallel selves? Or other timelines have been taken over/possesed/walked-in by some beings or tech?

You might find this energy very powerful, so that You might even listen whole piece in pieces.

Ancient Egyptians knew that souls after death go to Sirius B, Dog Constellation, A.K.A. Anubis.

How did they know?

Cult of the dead. Mantaining contact with diseased, mummies, feeding them with earthly energies, got them in exchange great info about stars, and life after death.

I proudly present Sirius B energy. Finally there is resonance on Earth that respects enough my Starseed Soulstar energy so they agreed to upload this transmission once again.

Some will get the highest honour of entering realm of people with Dog’s souls and blue light from eyes… One of the best realities I’ve ever been to in my journey.

Some will learn magic.

Some will explore ethical darkness that is beyond anything.

Although Dog Souls prefer magic than logic, this star can teach You advanced science arts, physics, mathematics, whatever.

This star will teach You respect and ethics so You will understand many things from higher perspective.

Kruk Kamak Sur Viz Kudur.

Morkash Vakesh Somakz Akash.

Akasha Surmiz Treksam Markaz.

Borgad Vjolvur Metkiz Vurug.

QI has a lot of their energetic frequencies for purchase on their Spirilution website, you can pay extra for personally attuned, more powerful versions of various creations. I personally have various ethereal attunements, and they work far more powerfully than the normal YT versions, some of their fields are also Spirilution/Gumroad exclusive, not everything they drop is on YT


Others, however, are not even available on the channels you reported, such as. Hyper Velocity Results Machine, The 11th Power.

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