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Probably I have carried such fields all along since the moment of birth then :slight_smile:

possible, see when you’re a teacher it is so easy to notice lol

Aura of fear and magnetism and hypnotic voice and sight are features of good teachers. Isn’t it? At least folks in my family line who were really good and nice school teachers carried these traits. Their pupils always liked them.

Yes. Respect and magnetism. I gotta add plasma flower to use in the classroom tho lol

My stack for protection and healing from psychic attacks:

Naga shield - PU
Reverse the effects of psychic attacks - PU
Soul core and heart center restoration
Higher self cord cutting - PU
Auric and Energy Body Repair
Curse and spell removal
Enhance the connection with spirit guides - PU
Higher self soul healing - PU

I believe this is more than enough

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Anyhow I don’t find it possible to address side effects if any at the given moment.

It seems that bulk of negative influence is rooted in desired unnatural and forced attraction and threat projection from users of any subliminal or field. This is the pattern among those who experienced side effects, including Androstenol audio.


Thank you
Is there any particular book you’d recommend?

Pretty much yes.

At some point he addresses the power dynamic stuff.

Forcing things is a low vibrational process. It is trying to keep things the same or bringing them down a notch. Higher vibrations allow more freedom. Why force ANYTHING if you can simply allow things to select to do what you want instead?


Demian is the one most on point re: Abraxas. But the books read fast. The biggest problem is that they mostly take place in a world where Christianity was a dominant and suffocating force that gave the protagonist something to react against. That’s hardly our world anymore, so you might have to have to think of think of dominant ideologies to relate his books to your situation.

I’ve been watching QI channel and I’ve decided to give it another chance.
I have a question: why in some audios is the use of headphones recommended and in others it is optional? What techniques are used in these?


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Is it possible to listen to Morphic Fields simultaneously with binaural and obtain the full benefit of both?

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If you listened to a programmed intention (which is silent) and a binaural, then you could get the full benefit of both. An environmental field at low volume could also work with a binaural. I’m not even sure that you have to listen to a binaural—hearing is sufficient.

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I really feel sorry for Kabus, because I used to listen to some of his creations daily, and now I decided to stop. Is Narcissist at least safe? The problem is that it rarely works and produces results for me.

Can this video help me get rid of all the undesirables?

Binaurals are very demanding/resource-heavy. Instead, I would leverage/find binaurals that increase the brain and body’s capacity to better assimilate and absorb fields.

Gateway Tapes seem like a viable option for an overall “upgrade” using hemisync … I have the tapes, but did not try them yet

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Pretty sure the other creator called Narcissist on YouTube has exposed Kabus (FK) before where he showed screenshots of Kabus talking about mind control and draining from users to offer to the demons he work with. Seems like that was indeed true.


Wow. Do you personally know if Curio Subs is the same? Like do they have any correlation? That’s crazy…

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Yes, especially if audio is composed with both, I assume Quadible uses binaural beats together with energy so it’s already a combo, like BN does.

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Just buy Magickal Protection from Damon Brand and read it.

You never know when Internet or your phone will stop being available.

At the very least use the free resources that allow you to learn how to talk to your subconscious via sigils and how to contact your environmental spirits.

LBRP for daily purging of negative feelings.

Once you ascend above the sphere of Adam and into that of Emmanuel/Metatron, you’ll stop needing all these shenanigans altogether. But, to the best of your ability, reduce your dependence on things that don’t stick to your vibration (SZ) or teach your subconscious how to replicate the effects like Dreamweaver’s fields.

Honestly, I was an atheist up to my late 20s, but, to be fully candid, Jeheshua always answers the call when you call upon any of his names, and there isn’t a thing in the world he cannot purge. But you have to come to him in earnest and as innocent and bare as a child.

Also slowly work your way into your DNA ties. Hermes and Zeus for instance are part of the same lineage, Loki, Thor and Odin are as well. Gilgamesh has parts of Bahamut’s soul DNA, and Bahamut is karmically linked to Behemoth… Jormungandr and Leviathan are also tied … etc.etc. It’s like the AC games… in fact, you can use their set-up to get your subconscious to explore your memories.

One distinction to make is, humans isn’t Homo Sapiens. Arcturians are hue men too, etc. And your Soul has a DNA just as your body does.

Spam Sapien Med’s IPF to notice when these parts of you are talking back to you. They exist in a realm where any direct interference with ours will tremendously accelerate the entropy of this one, so their responses often come using “seeds”. It’s the only way for them to respect the freewill rule imposed by Lady Balance.


That’s so cool.
When I went to dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time, he told me I looked like a tractor tire because I had gained so much weight.
I wish he could understand the state of health of my aura and energy body.