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He suddenly got out of nowhere while FK was gone/banned , even used his pictures for some subs, collabed?! with him, immediately got praised by the kid creators despite of his ignorant comments and then opened patreon gumroad started selling stuff in a flash.

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What about vnmx and curio guys? Do they have any relation to k*bus

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Yes, they are close friends.

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vnmx looked effective but its best to drop all that circle


:heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: love this meditation,

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Thanks for the meaningful answer and recommendations. If you ever have time, make a mini-tutorial with free fields from different creators to achieve everything you wrote. What exactly is LBRP and how is it performed? :star:

Daaam what kind of succubus s using that my fear,my urge to fap ,gone,i also use his face sub and i look more masculine,with low trust eyes,bones got harder as fuck my knuckles when i toach them.feels solid as fuck ,my kicks got faster,my comunication skills improve alot ,the mind set of "i dont give a fuck of what people think "is growing and becoming permanent in my mind ,gain some.muscle without exercise,womans look at me more often ,i never had this attraction result before,when womans talk to me they look to my mouth and not eyes :rofl:,and also my energy skyrockect and gain dick /balls size result,when i play test and Dht from sapien it improve more those hormome fields since he had some benefit for enhancing glands etc i dont know but love the psyphath result ,it will not gonna make you evil or ah slayer like Richard Ramirez,but i will put your mind as if i been experience in killing someone so no fear if u had to kill someone who s trying to kill me or hurt me ,so you wont flinch ,i feel taller ,my posture improve etc i have been listening to his stuff for 1 years no negative side effect ,only in first try as result ego triggerin,but them i got no trigger anymore even if it increace it be able to manage,my will power,stoic increace,and also when i heard the rumors i start using hanuma kalisa ,voc,and i use daily point of no returm with quadible 11 booster field and nothing negative happen


That narcisist look more ignorant and crazy ,the discord of narcisist also have occult and witch stuff

why? what’s wrong with them?

The whole point of the occult and witch stuff is what gives the audios power and results. Just like how a gun by itself is not evil, witchcraft and occult or spells are not inherently evil, it’s just the purpose and way it is used. If it can give people results without harm then that is that.

I had an email exchange with FK and he was available to address concerns:

I highly doubt it’s from Casanova, back when I had my discord server everyone there was using it and not one person mentioned something like this, based off the technologies in there I myself know how impossible and implausible it is because there is no “attachments” or external energies except my own, but for the sake of keeping my techniques private I won’t elaborate. The only time something like that could happen is if someone tries to steal my work, break my rules in the description maliciously and willingly or tries to attack me, but even that is not aligned with what happens in such scenarios.

Of course, Casanova’s Elixir drastically increases sexual energy so if someone is already aurically weak and masturbates then their high sexual energy would be a magnet for parasites.

But in the last few months lots of people have been trying to attack my work moreso especially by spreading rumours to play with peoples bias, others were removing videos and got my channel banned for over a month.

If anyone has any concerns about my work they are always free to use some protection or shielding audio from someone they trust, do their own shielding or auric protection, or simply not use it, I never insist anyone to use anything I make as it’s all for a very specific audience.

And if this guy is so concerned then he could just email me, I always reply when I get time.

All good and yeah, it’s part of the process. I don’t use attachments or things like that but many of these “love and light” people have never done proper shadow work and mistake their own shadow for other things, this is why I always add such warnings and generally cover topics that aren’t very marketable.

Yeah, I’ve been looking into what you sent me, I’m out the country presently so haven’t yet been starting on any large projects but once I do I’ll incorporate it and see how tests go. And 100% agree, RM3 itself it has a lot to wipe away societal conditioning, eventually I will make a new stoic audio and include similar principles.


there is a huge conflict going on in discord between SOAP and FK,

as far as I’ve checked “SOAP team” tries to take down FK group but FK shutted down his disc apparently.


This is why I don’t use anyone except Sapien, PU
& PI.

And once in a while Maitreya, SZ, and QI.

We already have so many goodies. No need to be greedy and risk ourselves. I believe I have so many fields that I will never be able to work with them all in this life.


save up for eternal :stuck_out_tongue:

Both soap and fk now make “advanced” energy fields and spells too.
This smells so fishy. Almost like chasing a fad. When do they test their stuff before selling for 300$.
I am putting them both in the avoid bucket

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I got it. Haha. You’re right. I probably do have enough time.


nice discussion group. im enjoy read this one.
frm my experiences. Quadible is good 1 i played testosterone booster frm their channel and i was near my boss, he is round/chubby/ball looking dude. few day later i noticed him secretly make intimate noises in toilet, i think test boost works from QI but imo i feels tht dream field is clean one most

brothr he is round guy. not like this red guy, he normali eat sandwich on his belly u kno? but he frm sudan and he sed it is veri delicious 2 have big belly hahaaa

but he lsn test audio now and i alway see him make inappropriete noises random time. he woz take parcel frm amazon n i saw him pull his tongue out at the drivers. he needs more testoosterone


Have you tried hankami v1? It’s free on youtube.

Stuff erases life long ptsd in minutes.

I looped on several places in which I was highly reactive and triggered and now it is all gone.

Check reviews on youtube too


I’ve avoided answering you for a couple of days in order to observe.

The first time I’ve used it I was feeling it strongly in my head, and I was literally seeing lights. It was intense.
I’ve tried the ‘why x?’ method, but not much, as I wasn’t certain about the reliability of the answers (1) I was getting, so I’ve used it passively with just 1x the next couple of days. Then again, actively, a couple of repeats. Still intense in the head, but subsiding. Something grand was happening in my mental world, a great shift. Somethings were dissolving.
I have not seen things that one might not want to look at, so far. The answers for me came in short, few words. It seems it may enable dramatic shifts in things I was stuck on and I could not resolve otherwise. It was mostly pain-free (other than the definite energetic intensity in the head), though there was some confusion caused by the answers (like… ‘how is this tied to that??’, ‘what do you meannn?’). You can say the confusion was painful, but that wouldn’t be something entirely new… I for now stopped trying to go much deeper and just let it process things, I’ll see what it meant when I get more clarity.

The after-effects are mostly relieving and… unifying, upon active more focused work. It seems to have activated the knowing/remembering of things I was not aware of – which can now be processed by the tools at my disposal, that might have not been able to get that deep.

I’ve also previously used Maitreya’s Shadow Integration. You can use that both passively and actively, to at least get something going on this end. I’d put that in a passive playlist, though it was quite ‘nice’ actively used too.
There seemed to have been a preference for SZ’s version, which is also more interactive.
This one seemed to have gotten the largest ‘approval’ and effects – perhaps because of the automatic processing (?), as I haven’t found it to be as interactive as SZ’s (actually I may not be interacting with the shadow directly here, but it seems like it does ‘bring it up’).
In all cases, my Shadow was keen and willing to ‘collaborate’, not at all something to be frightened by. I tried to communicate honestly with it.

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