Brain Guild General discussion

These are awesome.

By the way does anyone else still find it funny that we don’t get literally don’t autism anymore after multi looping? It’s about 2 months in and I’m still laughing.

These same fields a few months ago would’ve made my brain feel stuffed like a piñata.

Brain key and snapping quickly cut that axon overgrowth.

I agree with this too.

Also I believe too many fields in one folder being broadcasted via link/bypass may be not be as effective. Too much information coming in all at once for the body-mind to integrate.

And by too many I’m talking like 8+ or less if they are heavy duty fields.

Nice to see a video where a super smart person didn’t end up on math/physics researcher route
Tho I guess his accountant degree had enough math in it.

I also hope my brain field gains will show up one day :muscle:


Is their another other methods then link and bypass?

Couple of free and paid broadcasters around.

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PI has usb talismans
Maitreya has field emitter
Seductionmagickflow has talismans too
Sorcerysupreme’s digital magnetron broadcaster casts mandala fields directly to you too ( I think paid version works with audios too)
I think there’s even an nft field that does that too but it’s private
That’s all on top of my head


Also Truly Supreme Subs Copycat field.
SourcerySupreme’s Septarion Chi Ball that extracts and purifies essence of an audio.

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You can use Tower Of Power as well and saturate yourself with the desired fields via intention/command. However this still doesn’t match direct listening in terms of strength.

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Broadcasters if you use them for several weeks (complete effects start to go in from third to fourth on average) with exactly same broadcasted stack usually build up. At least this is what I generally observe and hear around.


Nice, good to know!

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I’ll be trying out the copycat field (silent + overload version) for the next couple weeks, I’d buy Link and Bypass but I think I’d rather save up for more brain fields haha


What is copycat field? seems interestin.

Speaking of production of vendors, I have bought a field called Hyper Competence by Alchemy Haven, right before ES removed all other vendors.

It is a all in one brain field.

Anyone have this production as well?

I am currently learning about mental mode, it there any brain field can help?

Will subconscious limits negate wiring from brain fields? Or does it simply hinder you from realizing the effects?

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I have been trying out the Field Optimizer and Mandala Manager from Maitreya, seems to work really well. The fields work in tandem to broadcast directly to you via an energetic cord that is created between your aura and the Mandala Manager. Then the Field Optimizer works within the Manager and is run via your Higher Self to broadcast exactly what you need to achieve your goals and can also be set with intention.

I put my 600ish Sapien Med audios and almost 100 Mandala/NFTs into the manager and programmed it to run on auto pilot. No need to carry anything or worry about missing out as you’re always getting the best energetic treatment for you in every moment.

Then just keep adding all the fields Dream makes that you acquire. I have Premium Patreon so those for example. Taking a break from buying fields otherwise since I have one for basically everything now, and then some.

I can feel the pressure in my head as if I had been mass looping my Brain fields all day.

Worth checking out if you like auto pilot and are busy.

Edit: I also have Link and Bypass. I like it too but feel like the Field Optimizer works better since you can only really turn on/off Link and Bypass or schedule it. Like others said, when you have many fields, it seems to be a weaker serving or your field can only absorb so much.


Bold strategy. Curious to hear more as you progress with this! Definitely update us.


I wonder what happen if I put PI and MF broadcasting fields on the same usb with it broadcast the broadcaster to me. Lol


It would be cool I think if Dream were to make his own version of a field emitter/broadcaster/optimizer that takes all the best parts of the other ones made, adds his own flavour, and combines to make the ultimate in fields implementation tool.

Kind of like your own personal Etheric DJ that can broadcast your fields to you, in real time, constantly updating based on your daily needs, blending + mixing them together creatively for maximum results to the individual users needs and goals/wants/needs.

Our Higher Selves know us better than we do ourselves and are infinitely more intelligent and capable.


Are you using Link or Bypass? Or both?

Im gonna try both and see what happens. Do you schedule them or manually activate and deactivate?