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I’ve avoided answering you for a couple of days in order to observe.

The first time I’ve used it I was feeling it strongly in my head, and I was literally seeing lights. It was intense.
I’ve tried the ‘why x?’ method, but not much, as I wasn’t certain about the reliability of the answers (1) I was getting, so I’ve used it passively with just 1x the next couple of days. Then again, actively, a couple of repeats. Still intense in the head, but subsiding. Something grand was happening in my mental world, a great shift. Somethings were dissolving.
I have not seen things that one might not want to look at, so far. The answers for me came in short, few words. It seems it may enable dramatic shifts in things I was stuck on and I could not resolve otherwise. It was mostly pain-free (other than the definite energetic intensity in the head), though there was some confusion caused by the answers (like… ‘how is this tied to that??’, ‘what do you meannn?’). You can say the confusion was painful, but that wouldn’t be something entirely new… I for now stopped trying to go much deeper and just let it process things, I’ll see what it meant when I get more clarity.

The after-effects are mostly relieving and… unifying, upon active more focused work. It seems to have activated the knowing/remembering of things I was not aware of – which can now be processed by the tools at my disposal, that might have not been able to get that deep.

I’ve also previously used Maitreya’s Shadow Integration. You can use that both passively and actively, to at least get something going on this end. I’d put that in a passive playlist, though it was quite ‘nice’ actively used too.
There seemed to have been a preference for SZ’s version, which is also more interactive.
This one seemed to have gotten the largest ‘approval’ and effects – perhaps because of the automatic processing (?), as I haven’t found it to be as interactive as SZ’s (actually I may not be interacting with the shadow directly here, but it seems like it does ‘bring it up’).
In all cases, my Shadow was keen and willing to ‘collaborate’, not at all something to be frightened by. I tried to communicate honestly with it.

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The confusion is due to poor programming.

You are expecting answers. Don’t. Let them come to you and, just as enlightenment in meditation is allowing things to wash over you, allow data to freely pass through your brain, until you catch a glimpse of something that seems compelling to both your heart and your mind.

You are also not leveraging resources enough. Google the words, look for etymology, or news, or letter numbers… whatever you feel intuitively is the right process to decipher things further …

This is what using your heart and mind together means … you won’t “suddenly” know EVERYTHING. Some things, maybe. But for most things, you’ll need to have your intuition guide your mind, and for your mind to pave new paths for your heart, for new intuitive insights to come, etc etc, ad nauseum.

Also, there are no absolute truths except ONE, God. The rest is ever changing, so what you have accessed may only be true temporarily, as the universe shifts and as humans leap all the time.


SZ’s HS and SS protocols work directly on the energy cords you have to these aspects of yourself. There is no interference from your mind or emotional baggage, so it’s bound to be better. These things aren’t just floating in the air … the biggest problem with spiritual awakening is that people become ungrounded and think that suddenly, the whole order of things collapses (“I am God” mindset) … that is just a projection of the chaos they have in their mind because of the new influx of data.

By all means, you will see many wild things and visions, but remember that there is a method to the madness.


Thank you very much!

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Has anyone used a field emitter, how good is it. More spesfically has anyone used PI USB?

There’s also truly supreme subs’ copycat Playlist. Give it a try


This person?

Yeah. His stuff is hit or miss. Copycat is one that def works

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This is the Copycat audio https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RYkIxkcWxXY Make sure to not change a playlist broadcasted for one to two months. YT version is loopable up to 1hr daily.

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Diamond-White / Electric Blue Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing the Sacral Chakra - YouTube

this saved me from death :sob: :white_heart: my soul was suffering from heavy sexual energies of others …

the world feel so much lighter …

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how was your experience with it? how many fields/subs did you put in?
my experience was it grows really powerful day by day if you dont change the playlist
at one point it hit like a truck
though I also added his listening multiplier in it. might be why


is “Morphic Energy Fields Music - M.E.F. Dynamics” on YouTube trusted? I have been listening to a few of the videos, and I was wondering what everyone’s opinions are regarding this channel. :white_heart:

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Search this topic with they keyword “mef”. There are a lot to read about.

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thank you, thank you :hugs: :white_heart: !

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Based on what I’ve read from igem and looking at TSS’s discord, copycat works on momentum when listening to the same playlist so it’ll keep getting stronger as you listen to it with the possibility of it becoming stronger than the original fields within the playlist itself.


Can it only be searched in the general search engine of the forum or can it also be searched within each topic?

anyone got reviews on sephiroth v2?

Both. For this topic check this box:

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yes PU has free fields
he has two gumroad links which you can find these links from his profile

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