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have you considered keto and carnivore diets?

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No, due to the fact that I can’t eat lots of foods due to my allergies, so reducing to even less options is not gonna be good.

I need to reduce calories though, especially sugars, fats, etc., so I’ll have to cut the size of my meals and simply eat less caloric bombs.

First remove this thoughts about “again”. Second - metabolism alterations and appetite modulation can help, but what’s your goal? Persistent change - aim for cells conversion and elimination. If subliminal then wholistic audios, there’re few that target only fat loss. Maybe VortexSubs, MagicRealms, DanielSubs, can name some more, but think that they will be less accepted on forum. Pick up one subliminal that target your whole body, from one of these creators and use daily long-term.

Try this for a start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnnf9MSy7Ag

If you look for silent masking consider SubMorphic.
Tobisteles has some interesting fields as well.

It isn’t process for a month, two or three, allocate a year and keep consistentcy in minimum selection of fields, add them on top of your routine, don’t subtract.

Although my recommendations aren’t in line with allergies, I can eat unlimited pure gluten and my psoriasis still diminished recently for example.

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Thank You.

Yes, i do want this and I Truly Wish to change my lifestyle for good, basically I want to go back to eating healthier and less of what’s not that favorable and of course, I wish to be able to simply eat less, of anything…

I want to make it a permanent lifestyle.

Results take time.
Before relapsing, I kept myself under control for almost 7 years…

Thank You So Much for The Recommendations and for the Reply. :pray:

Forget about “control”. It will not get you very far, or sane.

You are welcome.

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Idk how else…
For all these years I craved bad food, but somehow i maintained a superior diet and lifestyle.

Self control was the key, but now I find it to be almost non existing…

So, I need an overall revision, of mind, chemistry, body, lifestyle, etc.


Fat loss and diets won´t fix emotional eating.

Fix the underlying cause = self love stack


My recommendation is first forgetting the idea of “keeping” something. It’s direct nurturing of your Ego.

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Thank You.
I thought that I have achieved self love, but I’m still a rookie.

Well my eating habits aren’t emotional :slightly_smiling_face: Changing morphology is possible without any fields and subs, but ideation about “keeping” and “controlling” is something to be left behind.

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First step in self love is exactly accepting your state instead of repressing it.


I don´t know about you, but “3 meals in a row” is obviously the attempt to try fill a void that can´t be filled, only soothed for a short amount of time.

You can spam fields to loose fat all you want, but without fixing whats wrong in the first place, you´ll bounce back just as fast, which leads only to more frustration.

Maybe it´s just the subconscious belief that he is “ugly”, has to hide himself, that he has to protect himself by building a “shield of fat”, or something like that, I can´t tell that for sure, but I do know that increasing self love will help with close to absolutely certainty.

Sometimes it´s hormonal, but even there self love ties into it. By healing trauma you reduce anxiety and the production of cortisol over time, which helps in loosing fat and increasing muscle mass.

Shame and guilt are clear indicators that he is aware of it being unhealthy, so why does he keep doing it?

No mentally healthy being self destructs, so there is either something seriously off with his bodychemistry/ has parasites, or he lacks self love.

In the majority of the cases it´s the later, in 100% of the cases, self love will absolutely help him, not just in coming to terms with where he is now, but also with loosing fat in a healthy way.

@SoulStar33 Some fields out of the top of my head are Amygdala Healing, Revision of Guilt, Devil Reversed and Innocence to ease the negative feelings. Then trauma healing to adress root causes.
Also have a g.p. check your bloodwork if possible, use the parasite and detox fields.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.


This is the basics, first you stop saying such words about yourself, dropping the ideation about your current state.

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What do you think about this channel? It looks good for me


Physical change will help no matter what. Take one big subliminal focused on body, like the very same DanielSubs recent one or his glorified Colosso III, use as recommended at least for 1 year, don’t look for its effects at all.


If you can eat avocados, they have a lot of fat, which should give you a sense of fullness.


I would second the suggestion of the Alchemical Revision of Guilt that @Freedom mentioned. Perhaps the underlying guilt of having difficulty with self control during meals, could be the cause of some setbacks as well. Good luck. :pray:t3:

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Thank You, @BrandiTX and @Replay and Everyone else who Replied.

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I definitely recommend submorohic. His files are very effective in my experience


Most of them (curio, chumpy, wtv) are latching on to BN for validation.

BN himself doesn’t have any “private techniques”. He doesn’t even use reiki or any energy work in his files.

It’s no different than some creators here that market their stuff through the forum.

BN’s binaurals work fine without any weird side effects … but can easily be overwhelming. Morphics work OK as well, although I am not sure how effective his interpretation of what they are is compared to what Dream means when he uses the term.