Discussion for other Creator Channels

Actually bn incorporates morphic fields in some of his audios. So he says in the description. They just don’t work :joy:
I gave a few of them a shot because he had some interesting stuff. The energy felt forced and my body wouldn’t accept it so I gave up on his stuff
Unlike dream’s steroid fields which gave me incredible results without issues

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Binaural Beats Frequency’s Wizard’ s channel has been terminated by false accusations of violating Community Guidelines. It’s extremely disappointing.

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don’t really want to bash bn, his work lead me to use the real morphic fields a week later, but his so called morphic isn’t really morphic, and binaurals are cool but the steroid mimics just carry too much sides. It is kind of cool though, my arm got so full my wife was asking me if I took roids for real.


His version of SLR is a good starting point for people who have 0 energy function enabled as it’s more mechanical in nature.


This is the most powerful testosterone field on youtube. I was lucky enough to discover his channel last night

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This is the dr virtual7 channel, I also listen to it myself


awesome, any videos you found particularly useful, as I have not used a single video from them ever


Hey, you could search for ‘DrVirtual7’ here, there’s a couple of references there :)


I started listening to Dr Virtual 7 for the very same reason. I’m finding him helpful.


It’s a Good channel, I listen to some of its audios.

For more details, as @zea said, there is an entire thread dedicated to other channels.


I read as a Sapien Patreon user on Excalibur - Creator Dr Virtual has themed and teamed up to create a legendary tribute to the legendary itself. Mostly I think other channels can be fake, but since Sapien did a collaboration with DrVirtual7 Empower Dynamics, it makes me trust them. Can anyone tell me about DrVirtual7 Empower Dynamics, is it a good channel with genuinely good creations that work like Sapien’s ?


FREE ACTIVATION AND POWERFUL MANIFESTATION TRACK: From the Moon Goddess Selene :waxing_crescent_moon::full_moon::waning_crescent_moon: - YouTube

opinions ?

i discover it after Higher self healing karma bu PU …

The mother of vampires … hmmm … dunno.

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Lately I’ve only been listening to this channel, every day I’m discovering new gems :star_struck::gem:

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white moon in astrology is somthing good … it is the path of light

Anyone used the advanced omnipotence program by SZ?


How is it? Can anyone recommend?

I have it. Good for expanding/upgrading your energy system and to make you more sensitive to the fields and whatnot

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What do you guys think about this? Something bad? Effective?

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What do you think about this? Is it good and safe?

You should try Testosterone of SZ but advanced
That sh"t is powerful af