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how do you guys compare this to MEF’s?

also i somehow feel more energy when submakers layer MEF’s one with their affirmations and export it?! although it doesn’t makes sense cause they convert it for downloading and then also change the name of final audio…-
any experience with best way of using these? thanks

He has gumroad

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hi have you tried their second account too?
can i have your opinion on this one if you’ve tried it? cause i’m usually more comfortable with listening for whole face instead of single topics

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Wow súper. congratulations! :dog:
How many times did you hear it?

Once is enough - but you have to consciously engage the energy and ask it to do what you want. Otherwise it will just balance and clear your energy field and raise your vibration.

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Just meditated to the advanced version (it’s just 1$) and I did notice a subtle difference in my ability to balance between being compassionately detached and displaying some assholish tendencies, which is impressive considering the level I am at in this particular aspect of spirituality.

It’s a very unique type of field, I am not sure what it actually is, but it definitely feels very uplifting and good. (Although feeling uplifted, centered and good is a default state for me at this point)


He basically wanted it to give it for free the way it was price lol.

It’s a very subtle difference so it makes sense. The major difference is in how the field works.

The free version is not as intense and is sealed within your aura, while the 1$ version allows you to radiated it outwards.

Intensity is not significantly higher, the major difference is in the type of function the field assumes.


Thank you for your response, I know that the author recommends not listening to it more than 2-3 times. But since pompom said “an hour later” I was intrigued to know if he/she heard it all that hour hehe

I have tried looping some SZ audios and I have been totally blown, never more.

Did so too and I honestly took a few days to recover, it eventually saturated my entire energy system and I had no room for anything else until it was processed.

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I have been using WNEW to expand my capacity (asking it directly to do this) with a few uses of the Energy Expansion card by Dream, and I have been able to handle a lot more than 2 months ago, but I still eventually reach my limits. (For perspective, I went from being able to handle 3 proactive listens to around 9 with some fields like Commune with Higher Self)

I have no doubt that after a year or so, it will eventually reach a point I can feel satisfied with.

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Is it a reliable producer?

I am able to listen to 2 fields simultaneously 24/7 from two devices without feeling overwhelmed but with SZ it is something else. I do prefer to obey him :grimacing:

Morphic fields are less dense, so it makes sense. That being said, I think striving to go beyond the recommendations in a “healthy” way should be a goal for everyone.

Yes I have tried the second account and it works, but I use the Patreon download now for better efficiency.

I cannot answer your second question as I haven’t used it. I remember this field was discussed on his discord so maybe you can ask there.

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i wasn’t sure but few replies before me others said that it’s safe and effective if you scroll up you’ll get to it

thank you so much!! i appreciate it

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I played it only once while rubbing his stomach in a counter clockwise motion like SZ instructed and commanding him to be healed.


Wow! Thank you for submission! (I can’t find the right word rn and won’t postpone due to trying)

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Hmmm, idea. Why don’t you first try @XEquilibriumX 's Shadow Worker and see what the root cause is? Or The Root Cause from the Mandelbrot series, if you have it. Or SZ’s Shadow field.

I won’t look much into it now, but HypnoDaddy has a subliminal for incorporating healthy habits, Programmed Intention has one good Breaking Addiction and Bad Habits, and @anon72573121 has one for addiction and withdrawal on Patreon. You might also try SZ’s Astral Disruption or When Nothing Else Works.

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