Discussion for other Creator Channels

Could be sheer ignorance?

It happens to the best of us.

It’s not temporary - but reversible, as most non-physical fields are.

But usually, those clearing files go very deep and really leave nothing.

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This is for you

I’m sorry I couldn’t help it xD
I don’t mean it

I don’t understand?


If you follow a channels that clearly says in its title that is for trading premium paid files, there is no way someone can follow that account by accident.

Anyone who follows that illegal trading account has no integrity.

Also, all followers of that account downloaded and saved, so makes no sense for anyone reading this to unfollow it now. Too late, the data will be used for further processing.

You don’t see the intentions ewfae might be having, so I’m like - take a look at some ignorance in the mirror…

But please don’t take it seriously lol

I honestly don’t care, irrespective of intentions. I follow divine guidance when it comes to my choice of fields - I really have no preference for any creators.

Everyone is just resources. Demons and Angels alike. Demons can provide tools Angels cannot, and vice versa. (Using a black and white example to illustrate my point)

So, if people want to blacklist EWFAE, I couldn’t care less. Their reputation is of no importance to me.

I also am a firm believer in a being’s ability to change and grow.

Black and white thinking is strange to me.

If I try a field, and it has negative effects, I state it, if it doesn’t, then it’s helpful, so I share it. All “creators” are just arms of the divine - they come in various shades. Who am I to judge God.


also in my humble opinion, it might be a good idea to cut every other creater out of your playlist except sapiens and PU if you really want to be 100% sure

some other creators (even here to a degree respected by some user) will disturb your aura field which might lead to disturbing effects of your reality


No, I am not implying that ewfae is a a bad guy, even for having an intention of pirating fields.
It just that it might be his intention. I don’t want to paint black.

Also, I just realised that my favourite emoji (the pirate flag) is gone. Oh well

You asked for help and this one gave assistance as he was guided. Ever hear the saying “don’t shoot the messenger”?

Please allow for the fact that even though you don’t get answers you expect, the answers you get might well be what is beneficial.

The way we react is a part of the circumstances we find ourselves in.


That is a given. Betrayal and deceit is in the very nature of mankind - I never give anyone my blind trust.

That’s not too inspiring, is it? :D

“Inspiring” is of pure sentimental value - if it encourages constructive action, then by all means, indulge in it.

I prefer things that are pragmatic and dynamic. Neither rigid, nor naive, seem all too helpful from my perspective.

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I literally knew you were going to say exactly that.
I knew it :D

Actually, if prayer doesn’t suit your goal, this is the next best thing from my own experience:


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Must be a Deja Vu.

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I do not intend to presume on the reality of the situation, whatever that might be, but I would point out that in a sense you’re also following that account, as well as anyone who might keep an eye out for who’s selling illegally?
Or how people still follow exes etc. to keep an eye out for things?
I also did not check how many accounts ewfae is following, I know there used to be a trend with blind follow-backs.

Again, thank you for bringing this up, not defending anyone. But it just crossed my mind…

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The thing people need to understand about spirituality is that it only genuinely begins once your connection to your higher self is genuinely established. Until that is done, you’re in the exploration phase. The connection to the higher self or the holy guardian angel is your first true initiation.

Once you familiarize yourself with that, you open up an entirely new world of possibilities.

As a “regular human”, you simply will not have the tools to peer beyond the “regular human” paradigm of being told what you need to know and do. This is a state of complete powerlessness and confusion.

To break free of this paradigm, you need a “higher” perspective. A more elevated level of awareness. Kind of like crystals and gemstones, while conscious, still need a human’s higher awareness to give it a sense of purpose.


Can you tell some more on that please?