Discussion for other Creator Channels

I think there is a big difference in following a channel by clicking on the “follow” button vs opening it up and just reading the description.

Of course, the possibility of a blind follow-back still exists.

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I think I’ll add it again, glad I read the description again. This was the fastest field I ever bought.
It did not make me jolly, but quickly put me in a ‘neutral’ state, which in itself… greatly improved my mood and functioning.

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Actually many creators simply follow back anybody who follows them on Instagram, I noticed that long time ago, kind of network growing tactic, just try following some of them on Instagram and observe on your own. I mean creators of any kind of content really.

And yes I was followed back and followed through like that, without expecting that a bigger account like biohacking or some other nutrition expert will follow mine back, so it seems to be quite reasonable explanation.

It can even be an automated follow back.


No. Do your own research, kid.


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Had lowkey done some time ago actually. I just like reading the things you write. :P

Thank you, I never heard/thought of this perspective before.


It’s not meant to be propagated because it’s a thorn in the throats of charlatans and false-gurus.

Nobody but you and those on a divine path benefit from you becoming your own independent being.

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Agni, the thumb, is a key component of almost all practiced mudras - there is no purpose or expansion without the flame of passion for something.

It all starts with that flame. Explore what genuinely stokes that fire in the depths of your soul, and dive head first into it. Things will, over time, naturally fall into place.


You will know that you’ve identified it when you feel like you can spend your whole life doing that “one thing” without ever feeling bored. No matter what anyone else says about it.


Do you mean any kind of hobby/activity/occupation by “one thing”?

I have always been on the fence about connecting with the higher self

Might be my years off reading xianxia novels, but the current incarnation - higher self always seemed similar to the mainbody - clone synonym in the stories, where the main body reabsorbed the clone after it mastered a dao, a skill or something, or just at the end of the clone’s life so the main body can master his own dao like the Dao of Life&Death ( I know it’s not advised to derive spiritual knowledge from fiction but it stuck with me)
To my knowledge, my whole existence is just for the higher self to gather “experience” so that one day it can become it’s own universe or whatever they become.

If life lessons are pre planned why would I want to take advice from the higher-self a being who’s sole purpose is for me to learn every life lesson that it planned for me? Wouldn’t that mean when I am no longer useful that my death comes “earlier” because I have no longer any purpose in that incarnation even though it’s pre planned too I guess

I would love to hear your perspective on this, since my knowledge on the topic is lacking and probably flawed too.

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Nothing ever goes according to plan.

You have, at any given moment, the right to change the whole paradigm.

But this is too complex of a topic to explain - it’s a journey better experienced first hand… not to sound cryptic. But some things do not make sense when merely spoken of.

Understanding how “zero point” works is part of the process.

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It’s the unmistakable one thing.
(⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I only know one One Thing

You know… Above space and time, everything everywhere all at once, without attributes… That thing

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Bring him back



Hi, do you have this book in PDF? :pray:

I think ewfae or any other creators have the time to go to any individuals profile who follow them will check their profile… as part of the business strategies they will follow them back. Either they will follow none like sapien or follow all who follow them back. It a strategy.

But ya their Gumroad fields are expensive. I wonder what made them do that… specially post TCP launch. I am assuming they have a big team who collectively works and no one is going to provide good stuff for free.

Its like launching an lamborghini and a toyota. Considering their production value on yt. And its all free. I think its a part of their business strategy.
What I can see from their change in tactics is they have’t got good responses in terms of followers compared to other creators. So they will keep their prices high now for the status quo. And now they will not let average income earner to give an access to their premium fields. Had it been they got a good followers they must have kept the prices low. This is what I intutively see. Their is no angel and demon thing happening behing the seen. Its all status quo. Their focus is now quality people then to quantity. I think they are creating a tribe now. Less is more strategy.

I looked at the “Ewfae Synergy Fields” channel and there are more red flags I found.

When one sorts the videos by “most viewed” and looks at the comments, one can clearly see with most of the “popular” videos that they have had a few comments since they were released but then none afterwards anymore.

If this stuff would really work as promised, there would be also newer and recent comments. The fact this is not the case and most of the recent comments of the most popular videos are on averae 1 year old, sometimes even older, shows that people played the videos a few times and then gave up because they didn’t experienced any effects.

And then there is also cringe stuff like this (taken from the comment section of the " Fat Burner Extreme" video):

NEVER ever would this creator every get my money or listening time.