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I owe it all to Dream for filling in the Gaps that were making it hard for me to impose some order unto my inner chaos.

But I am glad it helps, even if a little.


Thank you for the kind words and intuitive message :sun_with_face: its very much appreciated


Hey @SorcerySupreme, between
. Consecration High Magick Angelic Circle,
. The Adjuration of Metatron,
. The Archangelic Chaos Magick Miracle Generator,
. The Sword Banishing

and frankly,
. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - LBRP,
. Tetragrammaton*

, which would you recommend/use/combine [for passive use] for preparation for meditation, including cleansing and ‘communication line clearing/protection’ (and undisturbed sleep, frankly), as well as ‘emergencies’? I’m talking about daily/‘ritual’ use.
I’m trying to care for my nervous system and cut down a bit…

Thank you.

*@Alkul I can’t seem to find the other Tetragrammaton field you’ve linked somewhere, on Youtube anymore


It was deleted, and the creator is no longer active.


If u dont mind can u plz tell how were u able to know that without even seeing her in irl and what’s solar level of consciousness :sweat_smile:

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Hmm I just remembered having seen a black hole inside my chest a while ago, into which its ‘external’ was being swallowed up (I was however very scared and confused around that time)
(possible that I was using to SZ’s Rudra around that time)


Not gonna like out of principle, but funny :P

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Listen twice a day minimum anywhere from 6 months to a year since, judging by your circuitry, you likely won’t even do any training.

At that point, maybe, you’ll start to get it.


For preparation for meditation etc.

For any and all “higher” workings involving the Akashic Records or petitions to Metatron, but basically all the time.

For when you don’t know what you need, but you need help, or you just want to experience something cool.

This is the best for emergencies, but of course good at all times.

I’m not familiar with the other fields, but I like both. They would be undoubtedly good for meditation.

Of course you can do the High Magick Angelic Circle and THEN perform the LBRP and Aduration of Metatron in ritual form. :smiley:


Thank you!!

Does anyone know of any field to restore the microbiota with good bacteria (probiotics)?
Or one that includes this :pray:

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If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by “charged” ?
How does one go about “charging” a mandala?

Maybe intestinal cleaner on Gumroad? Look at the description on it , but I think it does


Pick a point you want to focus on from the mandala, then, continue to focus on that point until the whole thing starts looking blurry or skewed. This will connect you to it, so that you can mentally activate it when you feel it’s no longer active even when carried (i.e, the field is not acting on you to any significant degree) - this step usually takes about 3-4 minutes.

Then, for the charging part, since the connection has been made, calm your mind (just try to drop into a slower brainwave state if you aren’t super calm and chill already) and look at the mandala. As you study the patterns, draw a slow 10-15 seconds breath (nose or mouth are both okay, I prefer nose), and as you do, imagine energy from your environment being drawn into the mandala and bringing it to life and brightening up its colors. Repeat this 7 times. With every breath, hold the level of “energising” you reach as you exhale, and build on to it. By the end, the mandala would seem very bright and energized from your perspective. It’s ready for effective use anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, go by feel.

Try to maintain the imagined energy neutral (golden/white light) - as drawing in elemental energy (red, blue, brown, yellow, black) could have some “unpredictable” (not really, just needs some studying) effects.


Thank you for the detailed answer @Alkul !

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Of course ~

This any good? https://youtu.be/0ynUhDn_CYM?si=6w4SkyY4h8MjvnTQ

Is this good to use


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