Discussion for other Creator Channels

Sapien already have one for that with the name ‘DNA repair system’ so pretty sure that is better

I’d say to read the doc fully, and be 100% sure you want everything in there to be applied. It seems like it would make quite a few drastic changes, changes that would be uncomfortable and rather abrupt. If you’re just starting your spiritual journey, this could be rough to handle. Now…Damon66 himself seems ok to me as a person. Just to be safe though if you were to listen to it, to shield yourself beforehand, and Dream has quite a few cleansing and purifying audios if you react negatively or if you feel like the audio is affecting your life negatively.

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Thx for the reply
Damon said it has smart field in it which will do the job what I want and not
And i am thinking of using sapien anticancer and exorcism v2 and if I don’t fell good I will stop using it
Btw can u sense energy and field ?
If yes do u feel energy from it

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No, sorry, but you don’t have to feel energies for fields to work, they work regardless.


Searching for a deleted morphic field channel Tobisteles

There was a guy with good workout fields but his channel is deleted? Cant find it anymore, he had upper body crossfit, glutes, cardio, chest muscle, pull ups, actually his fields were not bad, the name was tobi, tobias or something like that? Anyone know his email or some info? Actually he wrote his email several times in comments but i never wrote it down, any help would be appreciated


this is his email address



It’s not, try to send email it doesn’t work…

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I took it from an email exchange i had with him. Maybe he deleted it

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From other Channels/Creators:

The creator (Helpfulwaves) has other audios too, for probiotics and other needs.

There’s also Morpheus Fields; one field called Mind Healer mentions that “It will also help propagate good bacteria in a balanced way to help manifest and maintain optimum gut flora benefits” (check the description of the audio, to find out why it mentions the gut flora).

I felt very good while using it (definitely felt it Working on the body), but I only used it for a few days; can’t appreciate anything beyond that, since Idk what positive effects it would have long-term.


Damn yeah he deleted everything probably, is there any way to access those workout videos of him?

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In addition to @SoulStar33’s input, Programmed Intention’s got Healthy Digestive System, said to ‘promote healthy microbiome production’


Don’t trust it? Don’t use it. Feedback won’t override your inner programming.


I mean you can choose to not use the videos you consider religious.
He writes quite detailed descriptions on how he makes his energetic audios on his website.


I don’t think he’s fixated on religion. He seems to have a yogi background. He made earlier chrisitan energy protocols aswell, not just hindu mantras/ diety energy protocols.

I like his alpha code field and when nothing else works

I have some others too like brain,eye,nerve, extreme drive but I am not that good with those, also I somewhat suck at consciously interacting with energies.


It really is all in your head. Like I said, go by gut. It represents what is true, for you.


It actually might seem like that, but it really is not.

Religious practices carry energies… mantras have energetic effects… planetary movements have an energetic imprint… it’s all been created by the collective mind of mankind… a true “scientist” would cut through all dogma, take what is beneficial when found, discard what is not.

Even science can become dogmatic. When it comes to SZ, he really is a-religious and he just follows where energies guide him.

The real goal is to overcome all fears. Wherein you find fear, therein lies your task.

Fear is absence of power. Comfort is presence of power. We fear only that which can consume us. The one thing we are transforming into, this whole universe/existence is its body… consume everything into yourself, and help it hatch into an adult.


Any idea why he deleted? His field worked good for me.

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Ask yourself: what would a true Guru, or better yet, to move away from vedic traditions, what would Buddha, say?


Thank you very much @SoulStar33 and @zea for your answers, I did not know any of these audios and they are very useful to me.
Many blessings to you in this new year :pray::purple_heart: