Discussion for other Creator Channels

I just started using it, did you continue?

   **(Your) Dream Collabs**

What are some Collabs that you wish to see someday?

First of all, Captain + Other Creator

But also

Other Creator 1 + Other Creator 2

Or even more than 2 creators…

What Collaborations would you like to see?

Here are included Collabs like:
Captain + Artist/Music Creator (non morphic field creator)
Sapienmed + Other Field Creator(s)

And Why would you like to see such Collabs someday?

Let’s see what you guys have in mind.

For me, I’ll Start with these 2:

Sapien + Psychic University
Sapienmed + Morpheus Fields

Reasons: I use Fields from all 3; their Creations Are Pure Quality

Disclaimer: this is only for entertainment (and what if scenarios, as a stretch of our imagination) purposes, as each Creator has the right to decide if and when and with whom they’ll collaborate. :grinning:

Sapien = Sapienmed = Captain = Dreamweaver or any other (user)name he has/had (this is for Anyone who doesn’t know, but it’s very likely that everyone or almost everyone reading this Thread knows this)


Comment moved from Book Absorber Thread - Psychic University

Maitreya has one field similar to this fraction of a cost and I think it works too. I am at a very early age of testing it. But if you guys believe her fields are good, you might have a look into that too. I have written it here as I see we are allowed to share info about other fields in any thread.

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Guys, any free height fields that doesn’t increase HGH?

Is Quadible one any good?

I believe HGH is a prerequisite for any form of biological growth

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there’s a channel called sukret khambete, anyone got results?

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Is that for printed mandalas, or even if you use the from a device or emitter or sorts?
I wore for quite a while a teeth alignment mandala of theirs, but it only seemed to work if/while I was actively engaging with it…

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An awareness of their presence within your field should do the trick


Thank you!

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Try to memorize the outlines of each mandala to build a better connection … animating it in you head will make the integration faster.


@Alkul or really anyone on this specific forum, how do you guys meditate to absorb energy? Do you visualize the energy or do specific breath work? I’m thinking about using SZ’s videos but I do not understand how to work with the energy field or absorb it’s energy


Since you’re working with his Files, use his Modality:


Unfortunately no. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but I’ve just gone back to SM & DrVirtual7 for now as they’re the only two I have had success with

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Hello :wave: How are you ? It’s been a while since we heard from you. I’ve been thinking of you from months somehow randomly …hmmm…Kind of missing ur presence maybe :) hope all is well .


Yeah. Maoshan Is The Best!!

@Maoshan_Wanderer You’re like a Big Brother to us/the forum.


@Lucky @SoulStar33 :pray:

Thank you for the immensely kind words.

I have not been much on the forum as I’ve started keeping extended periods of silence starting last Navaratri. I am still around and will pop by now and then :slight_smile:


Guys, any suggestions on fields or other creations that helped you achieve your targets at work? Have been struggling a little for last 2-3 months at work and this month is really going to be a deal breaker for, please advise/suggest something! :crossed_fingers:t5:

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Try detached resilience from sapien


Has anyone tried this creator ? Any thoughts on his work ? ( « safe » ?)