Discussion for other Creator Channels

What is your experience with this channel?
There are no descriptions in the audios and the author hardly answers but it gives me a good feeling and the energy feels strong.


Yeah the audios are strong

Feels like they affect you, get access to you quite easily. I don’t know if they remain with you after but i guess thats why the channel says ‘loop it’

His 100 days stuff surreal lol

Try his ‘he shou wu’ and ‘astrugulus’ - 100 days

His prana field too is extreme lol

Try them honestly quite good.


Ok yes! that’s what I’m into, testing.
I’m going to try those!

A lot of material to experiment with, a lot of rejuvenating material for my body lol


Yeah lol haha

I wanna know which ones the best one too tbh

Let me know what you find :slight_smile:

Bless your heart!


thoughts on the grounding mandala by maitreya fields ?

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Anyone using hypnodaddy from long time can share your experience with that channel?

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@zea Thomas has a video about bubble tech too:


Why does he have so few views?
I put that video on for 15 seconds just to see and my legs started tingling- presumably very strong energy.


What is that?

I somehow missed it or forgot about it.

Edit: Nevermind, I just read the title of the video. :sweat_smile:


Those feeling can come from using the intention repeater itself. There is something about bubble tech that gives euphoria and is supposed to make you feel energy (or tingles too).

You may want to work with the intention repeater too. The program is free to use.

I liked his plasma light video (seemed to work on the environment but the whole house felt nicer), the energy clearings, and the higher self healing and ascension chamber.

But I don’t feel them working nowadays. Still, sometimes, when I feel I need to clear and I’m using everything, I add it too.

But from my first experiences I know they work.

I’d also like the acces consciousness to work but it seems to have…way less effect than advertised. But then…that is a me thing…so probably some people can benefit from that a lot too.

The ascension chamber seems to keep working. It always pushes too much stuff to the surface :tipping_hand_man:

But yeah so far I like those.

I tried that bubble tech one as an alternative (safer?) to the real thing but I don’t think it gave me any effect at all. It is still not the real thing though.

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It was continued from here

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So what channels have we established work and are effective?

The only ones I have in mind are Sapien Medicine, Psychic University, and Quadible Integrity.

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Morpheus Fields

Programmed Intention


And Others…

For reference/for example, just click/touch my username and you can then press on the highlighted area, to see all my posts in this thread.


First time seeing that lmao

Would have come in handy xD

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Anyone has any experience with vesteria(king maker) on YouTube? I read through his documents and it mentions that he uses narrative magic. Not much experience with it, his themes are weird but the comments seem pretty positive.


This doesn’t seem positive to me


I stumbled upon this yesterday @Maoshan_Wanderer.
I like Arcturian Sounds Healing stuff, it’s just a pity most of them are so long.
I’m going to test this out for a few weeks and see how I feel afterwards. Hopefully it will give all the benefits you mentioned :crossed_fingers:t2:


Does anybody have experience with altona777?