Discussion for other Creator Channels

Haven’t tested it myself, but, sounds cool if it works as advertised.

The fact that they mentioned both cosmic and solar energies makes me believe they are unto something… however, it could be mere lucky conjecture.

(She recommends it up to 6 times)


Is this OK, is this a way to use the Quantum Booster Mandala from Maitreya:

I open it and look at it or set it as Wallpaper, then open the video that I Desire (I’ll mostly or perhaps even only use it for Maitreya Fields YouTube Audios), let it play, then get back to look at the Mandala?

Thank You.

I think You mentioned that Patreon fields are stronger, but I’m at my limit, with my budget, so unfortunately, no more Other/New Patreon Subscribtions (except for those that I already have), for now/a while, so I’ll stick with YouTube.

Sounds like it could work fine that way.

The difference in potency isn’t significantly bigger, but it is noticeable. Consistency is always key with these things.

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Got the Supreme version last night.


How is it?

Hello guys, are sigh energy or this new channel scalar waver reliable? I’m not sure as scalar waver uploads new stuff every day which makes me wonder how someone is able to produce so many energies in a short period of time.

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It’s great. Very productive day today.


Nice, it’s the most enticing one I’ve seen in their lineup so far


Are they trustworthy?

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High IQ covers some of the same ground. I find them both to be effective.


Good stuff



Am I being attacked? Or was just at that moment. I’m basically experiencing my common health issues symptoms so that may be why I was feeling down…a strong chemical change before the detox.

Bruh I thought my low consciousness level was enough of a defense…why can’t they leave us NPCs in peace xD

Playing dumb doesn’t provide protection ;)


Still part of the game—Grand Theft Universe.


a “morphic programmed field” by Binaural Nutrition.

He definitely has has the most effective audio doping subliminals and is very well researched in auditory stimulation like binaural beats, isochronic tones etc. He has morphic fields on his channel too.

i messaged him and he said he takes a largely scientific approach to making them so im sort of skeptical as to whether they are truly a morphic programming or just energy programming or nothing at all

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Ask him what that means, then.

Scientific is a word that means different things to different people.

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One of my friend shared this with me the other day. Looks like ewfae is on fire :fire::fire::fire:

They actually deleted some of the messages one ewfae destroyed them.

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Most of ewfae inflated prices are backed up by their brand.

They put tons of effort on image and nice videos of high status ppl doing high status stuff.

But that is all a facade.

Don’t fall for brand. It is your identity being deluded into advertising strategies.