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I’m hesitant to leave a link to the google drive audios in my dossier, but i guess i could do it with a disclaimer that the reader is trying the audios at their own risk


Does anyone happen to have saved Thomas’ explanation of how he makes fields?

Yeah I googled Thomas Subliminals + gay and found this lol


You’re not wrong.


My theory ATM is that this person could have happened to realize they were gay at the time of listening to the audios, and blamed it on Thomas’ audios in denial of their sexuality or smth

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Though my name is Thomas and I made the Intention Repeater (IR), I’m not that Thomas that had the morphic fields or that YouTube channel.


I was in reply to a deleted post that Samurai wrote.

@This_Boy_Here what’s your name in the discord

Are the discord members gathered elsewhere in another server/DM?

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Yeah, it’s the link up there, the one that this_boy_here sent

Can you invite me? I wanna get some statements.

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That link doesn’t work, just takes you to your Discord home page.

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I mean, take everything with a grain of salt. The way I see it, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it’s a freaking duck. When he had came out with his first ‘field’, my intuition off the bat told me to check the date of when it was introduced on this forum, and that I was pretty sure he was a member on this forum… So I had checked the dates of when he had made his first ‘morphic’ field, and it’s almost identical to the date of when the Intention Repeater was introduced on this forum. I had told a handful of people about a month or more ago. Then, he was over there at his discord, bad mouthing Dream, saying this and that, how Dream is only after money. Use any little thing to shit on Dream’s name.(I.E. saying that Dream ‘programmed’ his fields to not work downloaded, and if you don’t give him money you’re fucked. When almost all the other channels say the same thing! Or saying his items are overpriced, and all kinds of other bullshit. A really shady character.) Then initially, when people first ask him what were morphic fields, he would always copy-and-paste Dream’s description of what a morphic field was. Always really vague about shit. (You can tell he didn’t know what he was talking about) And then I had found out a couple of weeks later from @Nytor, that he was drunk one night…saying some shit like, “Hmmmm, I wonder how he makes those things?” And then BAM…A couple of hours later he makes his first ‘morphic’ field. I even told @Anthroteacher about this. Why was I making a big deal about all of this? The way I see it, if he’s already showing true colors and being shady about simple things like this, wtf are his real intentions? The repeater is ran by a powerful servitor, and given the right affirmations/commands, it can cause some pretty unwanted results. But I am not telling you all this to tell you not to use it. I am just speaking the truth on what I had observed from my intuition and experience. So hey, feel free to use his audios still. Doesn’t matter to me. Just don’t say I ain’t said nothin’.


I’d be cautious to trust a discord community full of fragile millennials using psychopath subliminals to get rid of their emotions entirely all the while giving life advices based on their 14 years of existence on this physical plane.

The creator wasn’t even off for 24 hours and the same people who were worshipping him the day before immediately turned on him and started bashing him right away.

If you have been on that discord long enough, you know that they don’t really respect ANY creators, so their attitude doesn’t surprise me one bit.

Also, discord lurkers


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I didn’t mean you are him. I didn’t know your name is Thomas also :rofl:. What i mean that his work is in best case some sort of programmed intent and that it can also work for some people…


You could be right. I only started coming by there because @anon34550888 referred me over there.(For my cancer and etc.) I’d quit going over there almost as quick as I had came. Got tired of all the bullshit comments and dense energies. Then @anon48416969 invited me over there a couple of days ago, so I started checking it out again, for a couple of days, since a couple of people from this forum are over there too. I had came to conclusion awhile back that the whole situation is not worth my time. I really just warn all my friends, make sure they are good. Anyone else feel free to listen to it or not. I am not going to risk it for muscles, attention or anything else. Not worth it.


I guess I’m glad I never saw any of Thomas’ videos or his morphic fields.

A lot goes into making a Servitor like the Repeater uses. That took 20 years, and it was a co-creation of 100’s of beings (mostly alien). I am going by intuition so I could be wrong. But the Servitor for the Intention Repeater is a 6.6 solar mass black hole with 2 stars: an energy regulator and an energy processor. I had to deal with energies so dense they caused my skull at times to make crunching sounds. At times I have some pain in my bones and muscles, mostly due to being in a transformation field. But I welcome that. The Repeater isn’t just coding. Infinite Love of something over decades can co-create a black hole servitor.

Can you link me to the post you mentioned about when you told me about Thomas making the morphic field? I’d like to read it if I had somehow missed it. We have gotten repetitions up to 1.5 EHz (Exahertz) speed on Google Colab. I actually had to turn down the speed for default because it was getting too strong for some.