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Well… looks like I found my answer to where she gets her info.

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Dude, I can feel her feminine aura and energy through the fuckin’ screen.

Looks like that all those years your studies were focussed on the wrong things…



Greetings. How then can you explain that she blinks halfway, at a speed of 0.25 this is clearly visible? A person physically cannot blink like that. Her eyes need to dry out.

I checked on one of her videos what you mean.

Of course, this is possible for humans.
Blinking is controlled by muscles and the nervous system.
Therefore, all types of blinking movements are possible.

Here is an example:


Thanks for the answer. Perhaps this is true. It’s strange, of course, that this happens to more than half of bloggers)

Do you have any source or actual statistics for those claims?

One has to be careful with such claims as the internet is full of stupid conspiracy theories, because most people never had even the most basic biology, chemistry and physics education at school. Most people cannot tell the difference between a virus and a bacterium. Last year, some people believed that cubic structures inside the vaccines where “nano bots” because these people didn’t knew that crystallization exists :laughing:


Could be the fact that they have light blasting up their eyes when they film :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There is one Russian YouTube channel of one blogger, he has been working on this topic and similar ones for several years, there are many analyzes of videos and photos online without Photoshop and other things.

My education is good and I can distinguish stupid conspiracy theories well. Because for 15+ years I have already met almost many of them)

Can you please post the respective YouTube channel.

Its first and second channels:

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You’ve met half of the bloggers out there? Really? Half of the millions of bloggers? I mean I’ve met a few hundred of the top ones by physically attending Chris Guillebeau’s World Domination summits in Portland, Oregon. All human.

I blog and vlog. Can confirm I’m human.

Please stop with this ridiculous conspiracy theory. You should question your 15 years of source for your education. I can’t believe I’ve spent five minutes of my time even reading and replying to this.


Lmao, a human can’t recognize another human. What kind of Zuckerberg type of shit is this.

Are you replying to me? A human can’t recognize another human?

I see I’ve allowed myself to be dragged into this ridiculousness.

EWFAE has a new field out this morning. Perhaps some should take a look. Maybe I also need this after letting myself be impacted by this ridiculous robots conversation.

Breaking the Chains of Soul’s Addiction to Pain, Suffering, and Negativity:



It’s like I didn’t talk to you. This is just a point of view, I did not say that all bloggers do not exist. ) Topic closed )

Because you’re perpetuating a theory that does damage to real people with real families.

Being American in the land of Trump and zealous followers, this is something I’m painfully familiar with.

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Bruh, no

I watched a few minutes in a few videos of his (about the gaming show, about the the bitcoin, the Australien bridge and few others).

In my opinion the dude is a delussional idiot.

A victim of heavy selective perception of things that confirm his world view.

None of his claims or assumptions make any sense when looked from a rational perspective.

He doesn’t even believe that Australia exists lol.

His obsession with hexagons and numbers like 11, 101, 20 is a typical symptom of “idiots uncovering the illuminati world conspiracy by selectively perceiving symbols where they want them to see”.
David Icke did the same bullshit.
As did many others decades before him!

He sees clues for his conspiracy theory in everything, yet ignores 99,9% of all the facts that do not confirm his worldview.

The guy is a complete moron and you should stop watching this trash.

He cannot even clean his own room, look at all the mess and trash he has in the background of his streams.
The guy wants to be an “intellectual uncovering the big conspiracy”, yet cannot even clean his room. The dude is a 13-year old in a body of a 55-year old.

This guy should better stay at his datsha and grow strawberries.
Or go back to school.
Whatever this dude says, like every 10 seconds in every video, is proof that he has no clue about anything at all.

And while the Matrix really exists (!), nothing this dude has to stay has anything to do with it.

Sergey, please stop wasting your time and believing this shit from this YouTuber. The guy is a literal “debil”.


Bro, youre too rational, no love for conspiracies, Wth lol.

There are valid ones, and cointelpro.

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