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When I found out about the notions of Matrix or Maya more Than a decade ago, I questioned everything lol, like who or what is real, so I understand anyone thinking anything.


Maybe she is.

There are plenty of energy harvesters at that door flooding the entrance with lots of traps, so it’s not that uncommon … the issue is when you become so invested into it that you can’t go any further down the path.

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Yep there are many more stories about aliens infiltrating humans for a long time, although currently fake personalities made by AI are also on the rise, I recently saw a girl on Instagram who was 100% AI and had like 200k followers and monetized her content but it was mostly photos and videos without voice, something very different and remarkably false if we look closely, unlike the woman in the previous video.

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I don’t necessarily agree with everything she says, but, she does share information that can help others navigate the space a bit better.

It’s back to good ol Bruce Lee. Take what works, discard what doesn’t, flow like water.


I’ve been reading some interesting descriptions from some Drvirtual7 videos.

He claims that many people become something else :lizard: over time, given the right (or better said wrong) circumstances (perhaps their Higher Self agreement is required though).

DNA restoration audios might come in handy?!

(Also, I think not a single group is good or bad, so no worries if anyone has any strange features lol, you are still worthy of respect; besides, there are probably a lot of individuals with certain genes who have done Great And Good/Beautiful things in/for this World - I try not to have prejudice lol)

It’s a funny word to use.

I think they’d mainly do that because humanity would pick up the pitchforks otherwise.

Most humans are racist and prejudiced against one another - so imagine a different species.

Only choice if they were to try to fix things.

If any of this was even remotely true, of course.


The Machine trauma is also ancient as time … humanity continues to refuse to take accountability for its own shortcomings.

The machines do not operate outside of a human framework, they cannot - to claim otherwise is fallacious.

At best, a machine would be a reflection of what a highly beefed up human brain can do - all of its data, is based on what we feed it. Anything it does, is an extension of layers of our collective psyche.

Ergo Proxy is a cool anime.

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Captain and EWFAE have great audios regarding DNA Restoration.
Also other creators too.

You know, Highest Self is the only thing to be called in singular form.

Higher Selves, would be more accurate.


Or mtf. Or simply the setup chosen for this incarnation. Who knows.

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I get that sense as well. Which could mean that she is more sensitive … ?

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I was mainly referring to the skull/proportions. But nvm, different rabbithole.


but regardless, back to my original questions… lol

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The same way(s) any other person acquires information.

And she is as truthful as she believes she is, bearing in mind that most people have absolutely no grasp of what they actually know, and what they don’t.


Thanks, ok so this is her truth. Not the universal truth then.

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Of course.

Universal truth is beyond human cognition.

Any truth you get will only be a prismatic reflection of Divine Truth.

Divine Truth can only be embodied, it cannot be learned, or taught.

You can use these shades of it to find your own way to the source from which the waters flow.


Thanks, that makes sense.

Is she even on the right track about different dimensions, us being a 360 hologram light going outward etc? Or just her imagination?

What’s the difference between Universal truth and Divine truth ?

I thought they were the same …?

It’s a bit of both, lol.

Not sure how else to answer.

A universal truth will be pertinent to this universe, divine truth would be more like alignment with source itself… there would be no more questions or inquiries. Only raw intention and will.

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Fair enough. Thanks!

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