Discussion for other Creator Channels

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anyone tried this? how’s this compared to other channels?

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I have the Ethereal Attunement and works very well (YT version probably is good enough!)


Guys, We should make a list with Maoshan approved Creators or at the very least those that Maoshan found to have no negative programming/energy or entities or something.

Well, let’s hope some good folks will do the work for us lol. :pray:

Also, Alkul approved and so forth, depending on whose word, abilities and/or experience you listen to.

Also, feel free to add your own list of approved Creators.

Hopefully, we’ll get multiple such lists lol.

Let’s see…


You can just search his (or anyone else’s) posts on this thread.


I really think it should depend on each individual.

Making lists based on other individual’s preferences and experiences seems odd to me.

Experiencing the world from your own vantage point is the best way to evolve.


I’ll be very candid.

When I give a recommendation, it is just a window for you to explore.

Our experiences may match up, you might benefit more than I would, or you might have a completely different experience altogether.

What matters more than these tools, is the mindset you approach them with.

If you are still in the phase of “I need external confirmation from others”, you really need to make a solid focused effort on developing your intuition and your connection to your higher selves, first and foremost.

And you know, by placing excessive importance on trying to keep things safe, you’ll get frowned on by Lady Balance, and the things you once found safe, might become deleterious.

By all means, be careful, be wise, but don’t be a scaredy cat.


I approve Sapien Medicine and Psychic University.
You don’t really need anything else.

I see too many people on this thread and this forum who are using all types of creators, not understanding what they are putting into their minds and energy bodies, messing themselves up in the longterm. This includes energy stuff as well as subliminals.
(This includes you as well @SoulStar33. Your FOMO tricks you into sacrificing a lot).

Also people blindly using all types of third party products that are marketed on this forum or participating in unknown spells and rituals created by other forum users.
This level of blind trust and lack of discernment is why so many mess up themselves instead of making real progress.

Then those people wonder why they cannot fix their problems or even go mad.
There are several users on this forum who use all types of shit and think they can outsmart the process and then go mad and crazy.
I could drop some names of users here who went crazy on this forum and who suffer from severe mental issues, all because they have used and are still using (!) all types of shit from YouTube or unsafe sources. But it is better not to mention them, they will know if this applies to them.

So if you are one of those people who blindly use every “field” of “sub” that shady creators spill out there, don’t come here later crying that you have problems or mental issues or other type of self-inflicted shit.

If I see anyone posting something with a problem and I know that they have blindly used third party shit, I simply mute them.
People will not get my energy and attention for being lazy.
My attention and energy is too valuable to bail someone out for their poor decisions.
Everything has consequences.
That’s one of the big lessons here in the physical.
Everything that you do or don’t do, can really fuck up your game character for the longterm.
So discernment and strategic evaluation of everything is of utmost importance.

Most people on this thread here discuss all types of trashy and shitty third party creaters, without even knowing what Sapien Med and PU fields are available on their patreons.

Maybe I am expecting too much from people?

Most people in society don’t care about what food they put into their physical bodies – so why should I expect that they would care what they put into their minds and energy bodies?

Self sabotage is a very real thing and a lot of users on this forum are suffering from it.

This post is a vent of mine, because it is painful for me too watch how people mess themselves up, I simply have too much empathy.

But I will also never bail anyone out or help them as most of them have to go through enough pain and suffering to learn their lesson and come to their realizations.

It is all a lack of self love really.
When people don’t love themselves, they will be okay with going through the most painful ways in order to reach their realizations.


I don’t disagree with anything JAAJ said. I have the same concerns about a handful of people who are very vocal on this forum but seem to be suffering from some substantial issues. I don’t always agree with how the message is delivered but that’s my problem.

I feel fortunate to not have ever experienced mental illness so I won’t get into any further judgement on it and I agree with Dream and PU as recommendations. That being said I also work with and receive substantial benefits from EWFAE and I occasionally work with Equilibriun. I found the latter’s servitors to be excellent.

That being said, my stacks are very small these days. Yesterday I listened to three Sapien NFT’s, twice each. And one PU.

This morning, one EWFAE so far.


@Alkul ive several times marveled at the wealth of knowledge you wind up deleting.

The Lost Book of Alkul….


It wouldn’t be a book I authored.

I just read from the pages of forces much wiser than me.


My philosophy these days is trying to identify a handful of things that have broad coverage and to use them to level up a tiny bit every day.


I feel like alot of people on this forum just jump between different goals and don’t stick to a certain group of fields for a long time to get maximum benefits. Like when new ones come out why buy it if it doesn’t suit your current goals your just buying it cause the effects seem cool but might not even help you. There’s no need for a massive library of fields imo if you keep changing so many things about your self with fields what’s the point just use a few an stick them out for months.

Just my thoughts


Breakthroughs are a thing. The grind builds a base, but sudden realizations are what catapult us upwards.

If you can train yourself to see Ego, that is more than enough for most aspects of this game to be overcome, assuming things don’t just randomly change.

Ego is an opponent I respect. One that I rather work with than against.

By conversing, and replying, in this thread, I am, partly, working with Ego.

But it can be constructive work, or one which draws towards me rude awakenings.

You want to position your awareness somewhere between Ego and the Gods (mainly your subconscious), as often as you can. At least, this seems to be the best grind for now. Things can change, who knows.

I want to work with the world, not against it… I’ll respect its own will and individuality, and the expressions of consciousness that exist around me… I am no judge, nor jury - the trial never ends…

If you work against it, Ego will hide where you expect it the least - in your biggest blind spots. Work with it, and you’ll have a powerful ally, rather than an undefeatable enemy.


You know, the High an ego can give you is the wildest trip you can get. Probably also the longest, since it can span several incarnations.

No drug can match it.

Seeing beings and geometrical shapes is one thing … but to believe you’re in full control of the entirety of creation - I don’t think it gets wilder than that.


update. i aint doing this anymore, FK is sketchy. i’ll stick with sapien, lol

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Obviously lol


I have immense love and respect for all the creators. They are doing outstanding job. And I strongly believe we only attract for who we are and not what we want. Taking accountably is the most important part in our spiritual journery. And I don’t live by other’s opinion. The soul already knows what’s good and bad. Pain and pleasure are the same thing just different degrees.



It’s really a brilliant construct … to let go without attaching yourself to letting go.

There is simply no logical, linear, or linguistic framework for this fine art.

But the Shadow Law is this: what you reject defines you.

Finding a functional and dysfunctional framework for everything in this tower, and then recognizing the guiding force that allows the two to coexist…

How hard or easy it is, depends on your soul’s maturity.


yo whats a good way to ‘flush’ FK’s subliminal energy. i feel dirty

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