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Energy Cleansing

Should help


The blocker shield

Could also help


Who is FK ?

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Really? I’m using some fields from him damn

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The Mystical Mirage by EWFAE makes for interesting dreams.

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Kabus, on youtube. A subliminal maker and energy worker

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Please don’t delete your comments so often. :sweat_smile::pray:
They are very helpful.

Many Thanks for the tip.

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How about Exorcism Rite, if you want to go the old-fashioned but proven ways lol.

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It would probably help too.

Offtopic: All I know is that Im shaking (jerks) from any field which tries to remove negative stuff, whether it’s my body responding so or something else…




Idk what it is…

Hopefully not that.

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It’s subjective. Friend noticed results after a 2-3 days
For me it took like a month and a half and i noticed just casually how women start staring at me,telling me how cute i am, weird coincidences when i get somehow on parties full of women who flirts with me etc etc… Before these mantras, i were basically invisible for women haha

I’m not on nofap… I mean, i have girlfriend if you get me :joy: But do not masturbate or watch porn
I listen Semen retention of Freedom every day or every few days and listen tons of Jing (After ejaculation and after every stack to recharge myself)
Flow of Jing, Jing infusion or meditate with Spirituality zone Jing, Chi, Shen

  • Btw, i met my current girlfriend after i started listening Love and Pleasure mantra and God of Love (SZ) :blush:

Yea, I approve Freedom’s work, although I’d say a little more on the stronger side for me personally. His muscle growth - muscle memory energetic programming had my muscles tingling and contracting a little.


can you link to this please?


What if i tell you that Freedom used only like 20% of his true power haha
I experienced like 40% and felt like someone stabbed me with tazer
He wanted actually to make weaker energy audios but with more-quality results at the end
Example is Genetic perfection
It took near 7-8 months to experience full results but energy is not that much forced


Then what happened to him? Why has he stopped releasing on his public profiles?

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