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  1. Sapien Medicine / Dream Seeds / Energetic Alchemy

  2. Psychic University

  3. Dr. Virtual

  4. Rife Force

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can’t find them by searching up the name can i ask what platform?

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For those who can tell, would any of you be willing to check-in on some of Ethereal Nexus’s content and verify its legitimacy and intent?

Does anyone have any experience with their content? I’m primarily interested in them continuing the Book Absorption series, but wouldn’t mind checking out some of their other stuff.


They’re here on the forum under Classifieds > Equilibrium and on Patreon I believe (but only really using Patreon’s store function last I checked).


It’s very sterile. I had a very clean shower


Does anyone use audios from Freedom channel?


thank you for the detailed reply :)

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@DavidCopperFIELD since he’s your friend, any clue why he downed his Gumroad?


I had this the other day. The narrative that helped me make sense of it is that there are stories we’re not only attached to but are plausible, and they’d make us fulfilled and/or happy. They’re not necessarily our highest or greatest good, but they’re a fitting top 10. And some of them are in direct opposition to what we want, so they have to get sacrificed.

When those timelines fully cut off, when getting back to them in some way is not ever going to be possible again, I get really sad. And this is an inner knowing.

Quick example: My ex and I broke up because my life is heading in one direction and hers isn’t and we just didn’t see how to reconcile the two. It was a rather painful breakup because there was nothing to hate except life. I was doing what was best for me, and the person I loved was doing what was best for them. For a while, there was a sense of paths that would allow us to meet again and grow together again, we even talked about it a time or two post-breakup. The other day, I mentally committed to a direction, if not a path itself, and the instant I realized I was crossing the threshold where I was collapsing possibilities behind me, I got REALLY sad. I had to poke and prod myself to figure out where it was coming from and it hit me. As soon as I completed this step of what was truly best for me, my ex and I could meet up down the road but that story is fully done, I’m committed in a general direction now and barring some real trend-bucking on her part, she’ll never be in the path of it in a romantic way again.

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No Idea mate, he just dissapeared… Even he didn’t seen last message on wa


How intriguing.


Maybe you should report the disappearance to the police

You will give off an alpha smell! Don’t you dare not have confidence after that! (extreme pheromone expeller) - This frequency is designed exclusively to exhale the true smell of alpha male, with the properties of causing fear in other males and attracting females, with the added property of being able to attract someone specifically chosen… With specific binaural waves of attraction and exhalation of alpha pheromones you will even have a bigger booster on your journey to become the best alpha version of yourself!

This Xenoverse guy really knows his stuff. I listened to this and this is the first sound that I felt worked instantly, I’m not normally energetically sensitive, but this sound made my breathing quicken after 2 minutes of listening and I became very angry and aggressive…
this is really strong

Indeed intriguing. As if he/she had one single mission, and it was completed.


He had large sale like 75% before closing his GumRoad, although not explicitly announced closure after the sale.


Speaking of freedom, has anyone gone all the way through with the Karmic system removal? How long ago? What have the noticeable effects/side-effects (if any) been?

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I got the impression it was the namesake series. To provide as complete a reality of freedom as possible for an incarnation to achieve.

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But his Patreon is still active

Did he have other audios on his gumroad or were they the same boosted ones?


Other on GumRoad, different versions of Patreon ones and some unique as far as I remember.