Discussion for other Creator Channels

What a shame that he has disappeared!
I feel that his works are underrated masterpieces.

I used the Neuralgia Healing audio that contains a type of anesthesia and my face quickly began to fall asleep.


Yeah, I just started using Freedom and I’m sorry to hear he/she has left Gumroad…

I just listened to Contract & Vows Removal and as I was offering my forgiveness to those who have wronged me and as I was asking to be forgiven and released as well and to have all contracts removed, those which are not beneficial or helpful or/and those which binded me, I started feeling/smelling a pleasant smell, like basil and something else, I think some incense.

The vibes that audio gives me are Very High, very liberating and beautiful.


I’m confused. What are you referring to with the namesake series?

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  1. So the channel’s name is actually @Freedomenergyforall.
  2. There’s the final entry on the Community Tab that has this quote:

For the main purpose of the Freedom Project(Channel’s main purpose), I have reached it already, it is subtle that many would not understand fully, but already accomplished now.
You might see my videos as individual, but when you see that many of them are complementary, you will start getting a grasp of it :)

  1. And then, the direct answer to your question, the most recent playlist. The latest playlist includes the second to last video and is titled “Freedom Essence”; a namesake series.

That, all together, said to me that the ultimate goal of the channel was to create fields that completely encompassed their conceptualization of Freedom and what it would take to take someone from not-free to free, and they believe they accomplished that.

I view it much like cultivation novels talk about the Dao. They are pursuing the Dao of Freedom, and part of that journey was to figure out how to gift Freedom to others.


Well, i wrote about that some time ago
When he started the channel he said how freedom is his goal and after that he’ll start new life, far away from energy work and metaphysics work
He stayed far longer that was planned, he made alot of audios which were not part of the plan (Many of audios from channel were my requests :joy: Like myostatin, muscle growth, testosterone etc…)
Planned was one more audio for Freedom essence series (Actually last one instead of metaphysics boundary removal) , i have a prototype but It’s not done, have no noticable effects


Im using it last couple days now .
His Patreon has many different choices


Hi, best stack(subliminal or morphic field) for male beauty?

free or paid?
Currently thinking of facial toning, stem cell to fat in face, morpheus fields glowing skin and hide your girl, and others that I currently cannot recall

Currently using slade’s subliminals… is it normal to feel “head empty, no thoughts” when listening to gray cells?

Has anyone used this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC5FS0slMW8 and have it worked. Trying to remove the effects of a field I listened to for almost a year that gave bad results and had a compulsion to keep on listening to it while being unaware of it being the source of the bad results. Stopped using it months ago but seems like the effects of it still pop up.

Which video would you use when making manifestation candles? I want to create my first manifestation candle. The idea is to make it from beeswax, with added herbs, various crystals, set intention in the form of sigils, so I was thinking of additionally activating it with an energy video or frequency? How do you like that idea, has anyone maybe already made something similar and used a video? The intention is to also be able to gift the candle to friends who don’t listen to any of this, yet still get the effect by lighting the candle.

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Another banger from EWFAE:


Babe wake up, P.U new eye field just dropped.


I just saw this out of the corner of my eye:
Fields Storage Creator / Energetically Programmed Audio / Maitreya Reiki™
Maybe this is something?

Or maybe Sapien has an NFT for it?


He has several, in the Sapien Shop. You print the mandala, stick to a candle, and it will work.

But I don’t know if zin-uru sigils and all will still work if the field “takes over” the candle effect.


I used Maitreya’s Field Storage Creator, the one off Gumroad, and I don’t think it worked as intended. :frowning:


Thank you. I think I’ve found two videos that could be useful for making manifestation candles. I don’t have much experience with these creators, so if anyone can share their thoughts on how safe they are to use. Or recommend some better options.


Who(m) I consider to be Very Powerful, besides Captain/Sapienmed, are Psychic University and Morpheus Fields, but there are others whose work might help you, including Drvirtual7 (lots of audios for black magic, psychic attacks, protection, Implants, even for E.T.s and entities, demons, etc.), Freedom, Programmed Intention, EWFAE, Maitreya Fields, Divine White Light (Reiki Channel) and Mainstream Reiki.

There are also Powerful Creators, being active on the forum, like Equilibrium and Sorcery Supreme.

Here are two audios you can try:


@gelicv loop Psychic Harassment 2 and Reverse the effects of Psychic Attacks from PU.

Loop them for a while, for whole night/dsy/when needed, make a playlist with those 2.

Also add Self Love fields.

And, again, Devotion is Very powerful.

I’m Chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” daily now (took a long break :sweat_smile:), also Jesus Christ is Very powerful when it comes to Protection from any hostile forces.

Simply pray to Him, just mentioning/calling his name (I’ve tried Iisus, the Romanian variant of Jesus, also Yeshua, Idk if it’s Hebrew or Aramaic, etc. They all work, but try for yourself).