Discussion for other Creator Channels

@lonewolf Also, try marigold cream, it was very useful even for some small wounds I had.

And, if you want you can try some more expensive creams.
This one, called Gerovital, although very popular in Romania and although it might have good reviews, it’s not FDA approved.


I would suggest you to start with sunflower oil and marigold cream, cheap products, highly efficient for the problem you mentioned.
I had it too, from time to time.
Washing your hands less often does help though.

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Understood, let me try that asap, I did use their skin rejuvenation, let me check the pH balancer as well.

Thank you for you suggestions on using oils and the marigold cream @SoulStar33 I will look into those as well.

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That gerovital was just an example, there are creams which are made specifically for hands, although Idk how this stuff works lol, I barely used anything beyond marigold cream in my entire life.

I keep things simple, cheap products, highly efficient and I try to solve my problems with fields, first of all.

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Most stunning thing I’ve ever tried for this kind of thing (nothing seemed to work either). If by this you mean rough, damaged and dehydrated hands (twas after excessive Corona handwashing). What was different than all the other stuff is that it contains acids which peel the dead skin (made it super soft in 1-2 days), then hydration.


Checking it out now!!

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Has anyone used the following fields from Psychic University?:

  1. Divine Beauty
  2. Autophagy Booster
  3. Fire Therapy and Healing
  4. Speed Up Physical Changes
  5. The Enlightened Template

Would love to hear some results from either fields.

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I’m using Divine Beauty and it does have a glow-up effect but nothing too radical. I’ll be switching it out for the new Aura of Attractiveness (Shri Krishna) field by SapMed at the nearest opportunity, though. :slight_smile:


Psychic University having any forum to discuss about it

Not Medical Advice

This might get at some of the underlying anxiety about germs that is driving this behavior.


Anyone know of any free fascia fields? I know Cap has a few but I am not in a position to purchase them currently.

Has anyone used the channel Waslerr fields or get a good vibe/intuition from him? Seems to have good reviews and some interesting audios using “akashic energy” eg:

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Will the situation be more complicated than using fields with a single field creator?

Do their models of consciousness and thoughts confuse the users? Even around the same topic?

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I think that’s quite possible. One has to be careful what fields to mix.

I use other creators, but I think those fields and the ones I use from Dream are totally compatible.

They are just shields and an aura clearer so…also sleeping fields. I’ve noticed they all work together pretty nice though, the sleeping ones.

But that is way simpler than changing all your limiting beliefs in one area.

They also all work in very different ways. So, they may complement each other but not so much synergize, neither interfere with Dream’s fields.

For example, I use some for health from other creators…I still need to use the whole playlist of Sapien fields. The other creator’s fields don’t cut me a single corner xD

Sapien fields synergize and boost each other well (well I’ve designed my playlist that way).

The others work in completely different ways (I haven’t tried fields for the same purpose though). The good thing is they still work and it doesn’t tax my body. So I can get extra healing and benefits from the other fields while using Sapien ones.

But that’s all they can do…they add a little, but Sapien is medicine I can’t skip.

I think energy and even block clearers, vibration raisers, and in general energy stuff is no problem.

It is the mindset changing ones or manifesting ones that may be incompatible and give weird results.

Well, we don’t know what is in a field. If I’m using trauma fields and all they do is flush trauma, I can use from any creator, I think.

But if the field is programmed to flush trauma in X way, and furthermore has programming to process that in X way, and another field has its own programming for how to process it…then they can clash.

Or all the fields may try to flush trauma in the exact same way, with some block-clearing so you don’t stop the field from working. Then it can get very overwhelming.

This is why fields for increasing jing, chi, mana, orgone, are so necessary. But the brain, nervous system and subconscious needs to be cleared and in shape too, to process everything perfectly.

Also I have my thoughts about how to combine fields in an effective way but Dream’s fields work faster than anything, and that makes them hard to combine in a way they’d support each other.

On the other hand…I’ve seen people using everything and making progress in all ways. As long as you can handle that…


Thank you for sharing your experience :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s one from Artemis Fields and Healing


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@Drift i always love reading your posts! So much good info
@zea are you still subscribed to SS kofi? I woke up this morning thinking/remembering how when I was having a terrible psychic attack I used dimabrel and man, that thing kicked ass.

General comment: feeling inspired to get naga shield up in my room. Wanting to get a copy to put in my spouses wallet, as well as for mine that’s an about to start school. She is obsessed with “magic” - I want to tape it on the inside of her pencil box or something so she has it all year. Freaking love naga shield.

Also soul continuum has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing with it @Freedom?


Yep. What did you use dimabrel with?
Just figured out that I can use banishing with my Wellspring of Power and Protection. I used the Sword Banishing the other night (just touched the item) requesting to banish all energy vampires from my life (it did cross my mind that I might become all alone, but wth, I had already said it) and it just swooped a whole bunch of assholes like a vortex. Presence of Metratron from ko-fi has also been quite regular. Hi @SorcerySupreme!
How are you planning to put up Naga Shield?
I think you can use dimabrel if you leave it on all the time, or this might also work.
I’ve been experimenting with leaving something on all the time, but not sure I’ve done it properly yet.
Yeah, I like Naga Shield also, but it seems to me that it might want to be listened to as well, at least afaik.

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I think I read at some point by an user who might not still be around that Dreamweaver’s also teach your subconscious how to do it and you can work with them…

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Dang, that manifestation device looks awesome. Seems to have the same set up as dimabrel.
I used dimabrel with sorcery supremes hyssop, arch angel Michael mandala, shielding 3.0, reiki symbols, I forget what else.

I want to put naga shield up on one of those canvas box posters

In my experience with the constant broadcasting whether it be dimabrel or dimensional pocket commands, you don’t need to play the audio, but of course always can to play it safe @zea


All my attempts to share details about it during the last months, have been stopped by my higher self
last minute.

It seems I´m not allowed to share them, at least for now.