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I hear you. It’s such a good field - I hope to check in with people in time on it. I have ebbs and flows with it. Right now I’m not understanding it well. In the past I’ve gleaned a lot of insights with it. It’s in more of a quiet period for me.


Thanks for the detailed answer. That gave me some ideas :bowing_man:

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Description says it can erase any energy thing from an hour prior (like aura cleaner). It works on NS and fascia ime. Would be best before sleep (another tip, I sleep on an inclined bed…can release lots of crap from the legs at the beginning, even if you don’t keep it as an habit).

Idk if these involve the fascia but given their effects, should help:

From Dream, Bushmen Medicine and Bone Shaker can help. Same goes for any trauma field and for healing related areas (where you want to work on fascia), and the posture one too.

To help with releasing tension (more on the muscle side), magnesium + vitC + collagen + grounding.

If you have Dotto Ring, that would be great for this. Hyperbaric compression can help too.


Did someone try the new field version from mef dynamics?

Tbh I feel the energy in the latest one but I would like to know if someone else does it too


I personally wouldn’t trust MEF.

While I am not up-to-date with what he currently does, he seemed to have many big claims, even in the beginning, like he makes stuff for celebrities, etc.

I’d personally stick with Dream, Psychic University and maybe Binaural Nutrition.


Alright, thank you!

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If you want to fix your posture for free effectively, I highly recommend Qigong, any decent program will get your posture fixed relatively quickly, I am the living proof.

You don’t even need to sign up for any program really, my personal experience, any move that resembles the first move of eight brocade done properly will do the job. posture, spinal health etc. Why use a field when doing a move in real life does the job? 2 min per day is enough


signed up for Quantum Healing patreon basic membership, and they have a Structural integration and fascia healing audio. Silent.


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By not keeping it on at the same time, you mean using dimabrel just when you need it, or?
With the dimensional pockets or dimabrel did you happen to find a sweet spot in terms of duration for the environment?
I was thinking about having Naga or something else set up to protect your space 24/7, not sure if that’s what your were thinking of.

Also, nice to see you around! :wave:

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any use curiosubs?

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i think it’s ok

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spirituality zone or morpheus?

SZ seemed pretty nice when I was using his fields, like 3 years ago. But it didn’t feel any near as advanced as those of Dream and Psychic University. Plus someone known to my friend reported weird results.

Morpheus appeared to me overly activistic in his stuff, putting too many chuchy-muchy stuff and putting his moralistic views onto the fields. He may do stuff that are quite effective in something, but it didn’t rly appear he was completely aware of what he was doing. This was like 3 years ago, but still can be relevant in a way.

Thus, I think sticking to the 3 I mentioned above could be the best while safe option. Just working with it more mindfully and in a more structured way instead of smashing stuff from all creators to try to push for results.

Energy and Self Work is also a key.


@Powren do you have any opinion on freedom too? i know he left but i’m somehow drawn to his work and maybe getting the patreon if it’s worthy specially time wise🥲


Manifestation Device seems to manifest. Could not get the smell of petrichor to fill my room etc., but it’s already the 3rd time I’ve manifested a storm, within the same day


thought I would share this here. This channel offers a variety of mantras that I think are highly beneficial


I’m not the person you mentioned, but Freedom is legit. I used his brain regeneration and neuron connections and it works.


doctor magus made everything free on his shop Doll Made Fantasy


Nah, man. Have stumbled upon him a little bit 3 years ago, but don’t rly know anything.

Perhaps check and see. Just first off would advise you to prefer Dream, PU and BN.


It seems (on comments…idk if SZ has a discord or someting) everyone has good results with his karma cleaner.

I’ve had some mixed results. Like something bad happens, then something good, and so on. Like…I pay off the debt with a bad thing, then I get a good thing cause the karma isn’t there, and that’s it.

First time I used in conjuction with the the good karma booster by Maitreya. Something heavy fell on my thumb and I got some blood at the root of the nail…though it has healed fast. I got a person interested in buying something, for the exact amount of money I asked in a prayer.

Second time I used alone. They cut off my internet cause the bank refused the payment. When I went to the bank, I couldn’t put money in xD.

But next day I went to a place with wifi and paid for it, and the money was there too.

Now…I need some good luck but I’m not playing it xD

So I’m curious if anyone experienced this? I’m afraid I even “lost” my good karma boost. I’ve been doing some good things lately, and that may explain why I got that interested person…but then it would be bad if I have no more good karma to boost xD