Discussion for other Creator Channels

Yeah, his karma clearing is good, but idk, every karma clearing field worked on me.

And the side effects are always, always weird, embarrassing dreams.


He’s not active anymore. Meaning nothing new will be put on Patreon. I suggest you join for a month and grab what you can before it’s gone forever.


I never get those (by request)…so it may be why things need to show up in reality.

I mean…I request to not remember them, not to not have them. But I guess, if it ain’t in your awareness it isn’t real.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Catvan’s Plant Experiments

@SaintJordan the best cure ADHD so far I have found is using binaural nutrition’s Adderall field / binaural beats, I use it before every study session and it works wonders for me, give it a shot!


@Rain If you are interested in the Energetic part of Yoga, you can skip the Asanas/yogic postures (although they are really good and can clear and heal your chakras and the meridians too, and do other stuff) and jump straight to Energy work/energy focused Yoga.

Heres an older video explaining about the chakras, what they are, what they do, how to activate them, etc:

I would suggest to start doing these type of exercises, to help your chakras yourself, using the methods described in that video and in countless others or in many articles.

Although they usually recommend Om/Aum for the sixth chakra, I learned about the Ksham Mantra from an energy Healer years ago and I stil use it, rather than Om; however, for the 7th one, I use the Om Mantra (silence/meditating in silence, color meditating, visualizing and other stuff help the 7th one and the other chakras as well).

There are all sorts of Yogis and Gurus, both from India and from all over the world, who gave unlimited content regarding Yoga, Chakras, Energy, etc., however, often they have slightly different views, opinions, methods, etc., so do whatever feels comfortable or good to you/for yourself, be your own guide.

Here are two Great articles from the Enlightenedstates website (and a YouTube presentation too):


Yeah, the source is wikipedia, but Ksham is the bijaa mantra/seed mantra for the 6th chakra (Om is also good).


Had to share this here this is incredible

Welcome to our special nightly mantra session, designed to protect you from malicious intents, curses, and black magic. This sacred chant calls upon your spiritual guardians and ancestors, those who resonate most deeply with your soul, to stand vigil over you. Each time you listen, you will feel the potent shield of this mantra deflecting negative energies and bringing relief from these harmful forces. Experience an immediate improvement in your luck and overall well-being after every session. Let the chanting guide you to a realm of safety and serenity each night.


Hell yes.

This is exactly the kind of info I was looking for.

Gonna run through this tomorrow. Do you mind if I DM you about this a bit later?


No. Feel free to dm me anytime.
However, I don’t have notifications on, so you might need to wait a little bit for a reply. :sweat_smile:


I was prompted by the system to check out a creator called Quantum Healing. His fields read well but there’s very little activity, and I don’t see a you tube channel. Can anyone comment or give input?
I was especially interested in his Candida field.
Thank you.


thank you for your feedback i appreciate it :slight_smile:

thank you so much :slight_smile: i’ll first join BN then!

exactly it’s sad that he’s gone :( but his works seems good i was just not sure cause i’m not energy senses to understand it myself but thank you and other friends here i’ll buy his patreon soon to download them :slight_smile:

Who is BN?

Thank you for your feedback. Did you happen to try his Ritalin and MM-EF5 as well?

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Binaural Nutrition

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Unfortunately no, not really.

Has anyone had any experience with or heard anything about
Illuminated Mind on the Enlightened States Store / Illumined on Patreon?

A post was merged into an existing topic: The Requests and Fields

Can anyone energy check his fields to see if it works, Been using his fields and im not sure if im seeing results. https://www.youtube.com/@LucilLust