The Requests and Fields

Reduce oxidative stress in the body

Oxidative stress is the result of excessive free radicals and insufficient antioxidants in the body. It is related to 85% of chronic diseases, such as inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, aging, arthritis, Respiratory diseases, kidney disease, gout, diabetes, etc.


A single field (or multiple) to help babies and small children. Additionally, it would be great if these need to be run only a few times (or in a mandala form) because parents are already so stressed/overwhelmed with having a baby :slight_smile:

  1. Baby sleep: Not necessarily just to put them to sleep, but to help them get into a routine that works for their body. Each baby is different, and need different number of naps and overall sleep requirements vary. However, what does work is having a routine so that the body automatically gets ready to sleep. The problem is, many babies resist sleep, and their bodies and brains change so rapidly that their sleep needs can be quite unpredictable/difficult to track. So, a field that helps their body recognise that it is time for sleep, and allow them to sleep before they overtire themselves. This can also help the baby sleep for longer stretches at night (as long as other needs are met - hunger/comfort/etc).
  2. For caregivers: to help improve their intuitive/conceptual understanding of the baby’s (or child’s) needs because they cannot communicate it themselves. Even for older children, they may be angry about something, but the core issue might be something else. A field that helps parents/caregivers get insight into how to help them, would work wonders. If we could “know” that the child is not sleeping/crying/hitting/etc because of xyz reasons, we could help move towards a solution much faster. - for example, my first child cried a lot and woke up 6-8 times a night. After lots of googling, I figured out she had silent acid reflux and got her medication when she was 5 months old - I still feel guilty that I didn’t figure it out sooner, but I didn’t have the tools or knowledge to figure it out earlier. Plus the severe sleep deprivation does not really help with a research mindset.
  3. Tongue ties/Lip ties : Many babies have tongue ties and lip ties and it impacts breastfeeding and causes other issues down the road. A field that naturally resolves them (without the need for surgery) would be amazing.
  4. Something to help with the severe sleep deprivation that new parents face
  5. A field to help postpartum mothers recover from labour/surgery - I know there are individual fields like womb healing, core strengthening, stomach shrinking, etc , but would be great to have a single field, that can be played 1-2 times a day. Some common issues that it will need to cover are: recovery from childbirth/surgery, digestive issues, weak ligaments, joint pain and back pain, poor nutrition, poor posture, sleep deprivation, brain fog, significant fluctuations in hormones, hairfall, sagging breasts/uneven breasts due to breastfeeding. Having a stack for all of these would take the entire day, plus I am not sure it is safe to play fields near babies (even on earphones). I find that my 5 month old does get restless or wakes up everytime I use fields nearby (on earphones and very low volume). So a single field which can be run a few times, in a different room would be godsend.
    PS: Postpartum period is now claimed to last for seven years, so many women don’t really feel like themselves for several years. Something to help speed up the healing process or support them along the journey would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading, and hope these come to fruition :slight_smile:


A high protein/ammonia detox field.

High protein diets can cause excessive ammonia which can cause health issues , especially neurological disorders.

I have a similar field in mind as the ‘enhanced alcohol processing’ one. In this case you could increase the enzyme GDH in the liver, which detoxes ammonia and would make it more safe for people who want to eat a high protein diet.


Vitamin E Filed

Health Benefits of Vitamin E Tocotrienols:
Vitamin E tocotrienol is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant. Scientific research shows that taking vitamin E tocotrienol has multiple health benefits [1], most importantly, it can effectively strengthen the immune system.

Anti-cancer effects and improved overall health – Research shows that tocotrienols have an overall positive effect on human health and have specific anti-cancer properties.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowers cholesterol levels – Tocotrienols may help slow the build-up of plaque in the arteries and lower cholesterol levels.

Improves fracture healing – Research in people with osteoporosis shows that tocotrienols help strengthen and heal fractures faster.

Neuroprotective Effects – Studies in humans show that tocotrienols reach the brain quickly and easily, where they may improve brain function and health.

Improve response to influenza and pneumonia infections - Tocotrienols can play a role by changing cell membrane function and cell signaling, effectively inhibiting various inflammatory mediators and resisting viral invasion.


Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

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Captain_Nemo will you be doing a album based on plant growth and possibly germination? it would also be pretty interesting for a morphic field based on what i’m doing.

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Plant growth and enhancement is pretty great have you tried?

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I have but it’s technically one file

well just for curiosity’s sake, what else would you think you would be looking for specifically in a plant audio

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field to grow limbs. why not?
the morphogenetic blueprint is there


A few separate files. One for germination, one for rooting cuttings and other stuff involving cuttings, one for healing and enhancing, and one for plasma charged mitochondria and chloroplasts.

I have been doing spirituality zone’s when nothing else works to attempt to emulate the effects on a seedling. It also appears to be working.

Btw, what exactly does plasma charged mitochondria actually do ultimately.

I have also attempted to recreate SM gumroad fields for myself before (I’m not in control of my money). I haven’t really been actually creating fields like that for awhile.

The field I mostly successfully recreated were the oven and the plasmatron. I had effects from the recreated fields as well as people who were subjected to them.

Adenosine receptor repair.

Prevents a tolerance to caffeine, so you can continue to enjoy the energizing effects of caffeine even with small dosages.

This would be quite easy to make I guess + could benefit alot of people.


Tojisha-Kenkyu based field

Active Hypnosis and Field for extreme wealth and abundance please for The Dream Muse channel.


Blue Noise of Celebration for making a room ice cold in the middle of the summer. Or a field that stays with you for a while no matter where you go.

Or maybe something to counteract the negative effects of too intense heat on the body.


A field to dissolve hypochondria kind of ossessive thoughts

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A fun, useless field to experience what it is like to have aphantasia, the condition where you lack an inner voice or ability to visualise

it isn’t a frightening thing, to me it seems like a very neutral state where you ‘know’ rather than visualise or think

nah u dont want that its fucking horrible and its ruining my life trust me man