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Do you know anything about his fields? I signed up too…

he made sections. first is the paid section(or was when he had prices :rofl:). after that is the free section

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if you go to view content you’ll find how to use

and the explanation

I suggest you save these info in a text file for when he deletes his store

right now I am using some of his clearing stuff and it helps me a bit to get over a heartbreak


Thank you! I was missing the ‘How to use’ part.

Not sure if he can see it, but if he can, Thank you. It’s… very gracious.


I use some of his fields and followed the instructions of alternate days to integrate the energies better. I do enjoy the Reclaim your energy field, using less often now that I have The Aegis, & the menopause relief series (not downloadable).

Basic fields & straightforward, & I find the fields complement Dream’s works which are much more comprehensive, eg Resilience Max+, (my) the Mecurial panther with Aegis etc.

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Speaking of Psychic University, does anyone know where P.U. gets his music from? I’m currently listening to his Self-worth, esteem, respect field and the music is stunning. Have to go to work now but if anyone knows, can you message me thanks. :slight_smile:


Thanks for responding. I didn’t feel the few I tried not like SM and PU. But still intrigued enough to get a subscription.


To whom it may concern PU is having a sale right now


Yep and 4 new great fields!



Got myself Sun Healing and Development and the New Natal Chart healing


Nice, considering this one as well. What are your first results, feelings?

I’m yet to use them i think I’ll meditate with it in a moment

The description sounds very cool though.

I’m not an expert in anything regarding astrology, but I think it’s something which is beneficial to work with and optimise it

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Ok, I started and I immediately started to feel more at peace.

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Do you / does anyone know/remember whether Energius includes Jing/Chi/Shen/Ojas/Orgone/Prana/etc.?

Hello everyone Has anyone come across the Real Morphic Fields channel? I listened to several videos, for some reason I feel the same feeling on all the videos, as if I am being cleansed of negativity. I probably won’t take any chances.

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His jing restoration made me dance like Maitreyas 3 treasures. There are a few fields that can do that and interestingly they include jing or some energy most of the time.


Anyone had positive experiences with light language?

I just had a cough attack and I open youtube and the first thing I see was light language to relieve coughing :thinking:

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How reliable is Binaural Nutrition? Any ‘harmful’ energies in his subs (if anyone can detect it). My intuition is off when it comes to these things lol.

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Pretty good. And haven’t seen anyone having negative experiences with his work.

I once used his voice deepener and worked very fast, very noticeable results in weeks.

I could continue more, but then I might get my post again deleted for unknown reason.


this one is pretty strong