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The choice was the management’s


i see; thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

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There was a thread that explained it.


oh i didn’t know at all i’m sorry

edit: found it,again i’m sorry for unnecessary reply and it’d be good if you delete these thank you

I used her ( I think it is her) subliminal for teeth straightening. I was getting results in few weeks and started to notice the changes in my teeth. Then I got tired because of my long sapien stack and I stopped listening to it.


for everyone sensitive to psychic attacks. this one is a really good one:

it also helps to develop an organic shield over time.


What do you guys think of this


Deep Sleep by EWFAE is really good @flutterfly

What I use to sleep every day after some loops of the QI’s Sleep Repair Healer while giving instructions to servitors and friends about my sleep. And that is after I’ve used intercessions for the same too.

EWFAE’s Access Alteres States and Be Still are good too.


I used this one quite dillegently for some time, it does help - I especially like the aura healing aspect. But I switched to Inner Amor Shield & Magnetic Resonance + Your Energetic Being combo.


It could be used for various things
To activate DNA strands, expand consciousness etc… It’s best used, by freedom instructions, if you used it before/while practicing any skill, anything which requires talents
Also i noticed it could be used as subliminal booster


iinteresting! I wonder if the environmental servitor can help me with sleep? I’ll give it a try, and I’ll check these folks out. I’m hesitant to use other audios besides SM, but I will peep. Thanks for looking out! Sleep repair healer sounds lovely.


Yesterday I have lost my ear buds in a museum. So I listened to it and keep saying affs like: “I have my ear buds, they are found,…” I called today there and they found them

Edit: I have also listened: probability and luck + attract your desires


Is this the same as Unlock Your Potential on his Patreon? Obviously the Patreon one is boosted.

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I have been listening to Karma Clearing and Blockage removal audio(neither Sapien’s)and I have been feeling really depressed. It might be a purge but it has already been weeks.
Has anyone experienced a purge that went on for a long period of time?

Eh. Way back when I had a purge that lasted years. I don’t think that’s necessary these days lol.

I’d suggest listening to the Grace of Angels field (Patreon and YT, I think) and grounding field. Make sure you spent some quiet time in nature, just looking around and being curious. Perhaps also etheric cord cutter a couple/few times since it’s not SM audio.


Maybe the depression is caused by other issues?
I saw a clear difference just by adding whey protein and A-Z supplement to my diet, I was more positive, my mood was better overall, etc. (this was before finding Sapienmed), however due to some personal/family issues I slipped back into depression, but then I tried depression fields, Intercessions, ponr, etc. And it was gone.

Depression stress anxiety or other/ newer depression fields truly do their job and I have a healthier mind.


Good point. Purges can also take a lot out of you nutritionally

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Ouhh, It’s not
Patreon version is stacked and boosted but youtube is newer and updated. Also stronger


urmmm ive bought fields from the gumroad like 2 days ago, i sure hope its authentic bruh . it seems to be working though :pray:


Interesting. @DavidCopperFIELD ?

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