Discussion for other Creator Channels

Yeah, i saw it too
I guess it is, you can access from youtube page to his gumroad


Have someone used Metaphysic Boundary removal of Freedom? I’m still afraid to use it after my first experience with that audio haha

It could be used as booster too
In that time my playlist were full of Psychic powers audios so seems my progress were dramatically boosted after i started using that Metaphysic Boundary (Psychic powers and energy audios too are part of Metaphysics)

Good to know, i asked for this on his communitty tab

Pls someone check, i want to know too :sweat_smile:

What about this channel? Anyone tried? can check?

Thank you for your comment!
I tried listening to Grace of Angels a few times and it gave me some relief. I’m including it in my playlist : )

Thank you for your suggestions. I have whey protein powder in my freezer which I had totally forgotten about. I think I do need to review my nutritional state and make some changes.

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is safe? wow

I’ve tried a few Lucil videos on YouTube, I have to be honest, something negative attached to me, got stronger the more I listened, I had to spiritually cleanse from it, the first day after I listened to his (or hers?) I like couldn’t sleep, it was just bad unrestful sleep, not nightmares. After cleansing from it I slept perfectly again.

what did hhe say?

10x Semen Retention Mutiplier Subliminal + Superfield + Supraliminal - YouTube

This video is amazing for anyone on SR . anyone know if i can download it tho? it says its a superfield and i thought fields weren’t meant to be downloaded. is it even a field lol

Me and another guy made the request to him, but he didn’t respond, but he definitely saw the requests and decided to bring gumroad back… And besides the request on Youtube I even sent him an email.


I think so, when Chumpy lost his channel some people had downloaded his audios, and he had also shared some on Telegram. You can try talking to Chumpy on his Discord server to ask for the raw file.

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thank you broski

whats his discord?

I’m trying to get it but it seems like server invites are disabled, I’ll talk to him.

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this is from his profile… chumpysubs

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? wdym

Which creator’s Subconscious Limit Remover do you think is the fastest?

No doubt.
You gotta put the work in, too.