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he said hes creating 1 soon. but right now i just talk to him on BNs server , can send u a link if u want


Binaural Nutrition’s? You can PM it to me. Thank you.


fk is safe lol.

i’ve been using it daily for 1 year.

first day of using fk was tough though.

it forcefully purged tons of crap out of my system in an hour. my ego changed radically and i wasn’t prepared for that.

after that event i stopped seeing authority figures anywhere and i don’t get sucked in so easily by whatever a social context dictates to be ideal or truth. i guess that’s the psychopathic part of it, i still love my gf, family and people i care, it’s like a “selective psychopathy” that works against people that want to harm you in some way or social contexts that want to be imposed over you.


what are ur thoughts on this then?? What Fk/Wrath/Seth/Kabus/Pashtun don’t want you to know about their subliminals. : r/Subliminal (reddit.com)

Dont use FK subs, Kabus and others. My mental health is fucked : r/Subliminal (reddit.com)

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Hmmmmm fuck man . On one hand Im part of the BN server and so many people report positive results

then people on reddit come out with that crap

maybe i should try it… I was thinking of trying Eslyium bc i dont wnna be a psychopath lol

btw, when i got triggered from his RMV3 field, fk adviced me to do EMDR (a well known technique for trauma release). he didn’t told me to pray to some satanic egregore.

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Well people say bad stuff abouts dreams work elsewhere I’ve heard so just judge it yourself.

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Yeahhh thats such a good point

I feel like its a good idea to be shielded tho if im exploring. any suggestions broski?

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What suggestions are you asking for?

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Like shields , protections to use when venturing out to unknown creators

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Shielding 3.0, Inner Armour Shielding, The Sword of Clarity, Booted Bhoots and Voodoo Detangled should be plenty.


Guys, I’ve been wondering, does listening to audios from Drvirtual7 like Reptilian ones or other aliens (to remove them, their influence, etc.) pose any threat to our DNA?

There are countless theories that humanity has mixed blood or certain genes from many experiments that aliens or other beings did on us for aeons and in case I possess any potential for a higher healing, for example, I wouldn’t want it removed lol.

Or it just removes active Parasites or parasitic influences?

Also, I assume or at least I hope it doesn’t remove any positive influences from aliens.

Possible solutions:

  1. Don’t listen to some audios.

  2. Listen to them, but then also listen to the DNA field from Captain, which restores your DNA, so it’s all good.

Edit: Of course, also, maybe there is no risk involved with the respective audios.

Tbh, I only feel intrigued to listen to such audios, because I still feel stuff moving throughout my aura and even physical sensations, like there’s small something throughout my body…
It’s quite hard to explain lol.

Also, it happens to move when I listen to fields like Exorcism, Voodoo one and others from Captain and it reacts similarly to certain fields from PU and others.

So far, I never completely got rid of those sensations.
It could be my own body reacting, maybe my nerves, but I still find it strange how it reacts mostly to those types of audios.

Extreme heat was also present sometimes, also other times (rarely) I felt cold or even freezing stuff…

I still don’t know for sure if I have Parasites or parasitic influences or attachments and why are they so hard to remove.

I’m almost certain it’s something else, besides my body, because it doesn’t like when I pray either…

Also, When I used the new Angelic album, especially St Michael, I had some serious movements and jerkings throughout my body.

In case it’s not my body, what could cause those things?

Demonic or entity possession, possible attachments, Implants, etc.?
Agreements made in previous incarnations?
My shadow self (so actually me)?
I have no idea, there are many possibilities…

And it could also be just some Blockages, some fears from previous lives or even from this life (certain horror movies are not for young children, plus some childhood trauma, etc.)…

I can live with it, but I would like to know what’s the cause and if possible to get rid of the issues.

I’ve been to Exorcisms in the past and I didn’t scream or roll my eyes lol…
But I did felt strange movements throughout my aura and body even back then.

It might be self induced, who knows…
Still, there’s always that doubt, maybe it’s entities or whatever.

U tried naga shield?


have that one and its pretty good


I’ve had those movements with other fields. I’m testing Archangel Michael right now. The energy lit up in a area that tracked to a know health issue where it stays and expands. It also took a quick jaunt to an area that where I never had a problem. It was there about a minute. Now it’s still in the original area and roaming all around. Good field.


Very Interesting.
There are Countless possibilities, from Kundalini, to Energy moving throughout the body or the fields encountering certain Blockages or areas which need more healing, old wounds, etc.

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Yea that’s true too, I saw the rumors about sapien on Reddit back then. Because he used to have a channel with something “vampire” in name. :joy: And nowadays people know he’s not a bad person.


I just think people want to bring down people with potential because of jealousy. With the motto “Why could someone make energy if I can’t?” Back then sapien, and nowadays fk because one of his old collab friends started to spread hate about him on discord. So who knows.


Listen to authentic Gregorian chants, without fields or anything else, just the real ones and listen to them more often.

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