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Yes, I have. I am not energy sensitive, but let’s just say I felt woke lol. A different feeling to Superhuman Genius, but similar results. Was better with earphones


Thanks for review, man.

Btw, how many time a day did you hear?

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Agreed 100% :100:

I feel gratitude to dream and sammyg. I hope the haters stop because because their attitudes are so off putting and I seriously fear that dream will stop making fields due to them.

I genuinely think that dream might quit in a year or so if the scammers, haters, and rip-offs continue. He has been making all this work yet you still see people not appreciating it and some claim that he is rich (seriously?), He does not even charge that much for all the good audios he has been making, yet people complain that it is too expensive.

I think people who steal his stuff and ones who get his audios through unethical means will be the cause of sapien medicine shutting down.

Lets hope that doesn’t happen


Did you listen to YT or did you download it?

Probably twice bro. On the first listen you can still feel the effect, second one reinforced it

@Fender_Cad I listened on the YouTube version man

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Can Anyone share his experience with this ? I mean short-term experience.


Angry 3D people… ofc its possible. Everything is energy. We do not only get energy from food. Thats why its possible to get nutrients from energy.


Sapien has also Planet Energy, Plasma Energy, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Collagen, etc…
And it is possible to produce those energy only with field/sound.

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Yes, fields can manifest anything out of the quantum field. That’s all that matter is, is a manifestation out of the quantum field.


so it is possible to double the calories in the body after 1-2 listening ?i assume

It would depend on the strength of the field. I work with a black hole Servitor with my mind and I can manifest the feeling of something solid in my mouth in seconds, but it doesn’t quite manifest physically. But I have been doing this work for 20 years.
Anything is possible, but I do find it unlikely for a field like a video to manifest actual calories out of the quantum field. Even a black hole Servitor can barely do that, though I haven’t given it much time. I have been able to remove my feeling of hunger though.


I manifest all needed micro nutrients with quantum energy since a while. Macro nutrients I can imagine need much more energy tho.

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For how long?
And do you know for sure you don’t eat enough of those?

Before you all get carried away, dream often remarks that in order for some fields to work well, you need to add the physical nutrients because your body needs it to be able to do the work properly (that the fields are making it do). Too late for me to find the comments, there were some YouTube ones e.g. at the teeth one, and also here in some brain topics


Hard to tell excactly but I learned Matrix Heling and with that I manifest all micro nutrients that my body needs daily. So only the missing ones will be manifested. And for that you dont need much energy. I dont know but I am sure that when we manifest by ourself it is stronger than most of fields.


Yeah, I’m the one who made that comment… Ofcourse i know i would get called short minded, stupid etc.
Well I’m not, I actualy used most of this channels. I always test things first then write about it, and i can say that there wasn’t any changes honestly. Now for real, there is audio for almost every possible disease that exist. Thats is a big claim here. Many people unfortunately would use that instead of going to normal therapy, and what if they end lethaly which fault would that be?! Do creators of this ‘fields’ have thinked sometimes about that and consequences of their promises?

What channels did you use, what audios did you listen to , how often did you listen, how long, what are your goals with these fields.

Tell us way more info so that we can actually help you out.
By the way, sapiens stuff is not dangerous or lethal, at least if you read the description.

Also you don’t need to feel anything for them to work


Well you might not be energy sensitive, or maybe you haven’t committed enough to a single audio, etc.
Have you tried Ego dissolution from Dream Seeds and/or Subconscious Limits remover from Sapien Medicine?


nice to meet you man very very welcome

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Hi to all of you, don’t get me wrong its good that many young people want to improve themselves…
First thing that didn’t make sense to me are reasons why it didn’t work. Subconcsious blocks, not believing so it didn’t work. Thats definition of placebo effect. Now this weight gain, you eat 2000 calories and you get 4000 calories…It’s not possible, you now can say everything is possible and we can argue whole day like that. There is simple test, give some specific audio for physical change to people and at the end of month take picture of changes. Its that simple…

well if you dont work on yourself. your subconcsious blocks, your beliefs, your energy body… nothing will change for you.
and thats ok. you dont have to believe anything. people are different and others are more open to energy work.