Discussion for other Creator Channels

(Whoops sorry for the long ass post but I’m kinda passionate about this haha)

Hey! Glad to have you on here :smile: First off, it’s great that you came on here. Personally for me it’s commendable for anyone to be curious about these modalities, it’s a hard idea to fully accept especially considering how different it is from the norm, but to be curious in and of itself kinda shows that you’re open minded! And that’s great :slight_smile:

If I can tell you about my own experience with Dream, I’ve inconsistently used his fields from idk I guess 2014? I always wanted a quick fix and wanted to get results immediately, so I never was consistent and always looked for that one thing that would give me results the very next day. But something about the SM channel made me have trust in its energy. So whether or not things work for you soon, know your energy is in very good hands.

You can read my result in the results page but to sum it up, I had a really bad knee pain and what I think is tendonitis, and I’ve treated it without Sapien and with, and the results were literally the next day. So in that for me, personally, I know it works.
With my sister, a problem she had with her knee, which even after 2 years of physiotherapy persisted to a small degree, got fixed 2 listens after the plasma field. Now mind you, she had no intention of fixing this since she thought it was already as fixed as possible, so there’s no way her mind was primed to this.

On the subject of Subconscious resistance, honestly, it atleast in my experience does play a part. With energy work, your thoughts, beliefs, thought patterns and the like all play role in how suggestible and open to recieving energy you are. One such analogy I found was imagine, the Energy is a visitor trying to open your door, and the Resistance is you behind the door trying to shut him off with all your strength. In a similar way, the Subconscious resistance we have to the subtler aspects of this work, is best shedded off for best effect. Since thoughts, beliefs, etc have their own energetic imprint (as far as I know, anyone let me know if there’s any corrections in this statement!) It’s best to have them as clear as possible for the foreign energy to allow itself on our system.

Personally, SammyG’s post was very very eye opening to me and to this day, when I have doubts (Even after having results mind you haha) I go back to it and remember to be patient.

If you want to try it out for yourself, you definitely can! But I’d say go in expecting nothing, and hear a stack which clears your energy and allows for these fields to work their best. And also, be patient. If you really want to see if it works, take just 1 audio and try it out for a year. I was inspired by psynergy’s post where she stuck with 2-3 audios and is commited to a year of listening. So I’d say take a stack and stick with it for a good while.

My own stack right now, has Plasma, SLR, Confidence and Self Love. For me, these 3 really help cause it’s removing any psychological and energetic baggage which comes in way of the fields working and any manifestations I have. If this approach works for you, feel free to try!

I’ll link Sammy’s post here if you want to read it. It definitely struck a cord in me and if it does to you to, I’ll be glad!

Once again, your open mindedness and curiosity is great :smile: and if they work for you, that’ll be amazing. If they don’t, then one day I hope they do! I hope you’ll get the effects one day and realise the magic that Dream’s gifting us with, and that everyone can be healed without a lot of unnecessary suffering in the near future :smile:


One of the most important posts that anyone new to these modalities should absolutely read.


Yes exactly this, thanks a bunch!

Oh also, I completely forgot lol. He has a crowd sourced Plant Growth field experiment if you’re interested in seeing that!



As i said I am not close minded skeptic. Just there are alot of things that don’t make sense here…
What belief and energy sensitivity (would like someone to explain this term, what energy can it be measured ) has to do with it. If something work it should be working regardless of your beliefs, otherwise its called placebo effect. For example taking medicine pills has nothing with your beliefs you can even be unconcious of them and it will affect you. You said you manifest micro nutrients with this so called ‘energy’. You understand what that does mean? You are literaly a phenomen…
For this to be scientificaly approved, there must be clear evidence. Like someone listen hgh audio and after month measure changes. Thats how things works, and honestly most of comments of result on youtube and here aren’t realy results. Most say things like i healing, feeling good etc, but there aren’t any concrete solid result that could prove me wrong…

Basically, energy sensitivity is just your ability or capability to physically perceive (or “feel”) the effects of energy work on yourself. Specifically stuff like subtle energy, reiki and morphic fields.

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Is there any evidence that this ’ energy ’ exist ? All types of energy (kintec , electric , solar can be measured easily).


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man…cant believe i missed this post…it’s really inspirational.
Thank you Maoshan :heart: and of course to sammy for writing it :blush:

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water is wet right? but there is no scientific evidence for that… does it means without proof its not real?
like I said you can have your own thoughts and believes but why you dont tolerate other opinions?
this is like the spiritual warfare happening on earth right now lol

Yeah, but every person can fell that water is wet… I am open to disscuison, but there are some things that need to be told. Like having audio to cure corona virus, and when it doesn’t work you say you have subconcsious blocks… Thats just doesn’t feel right to me.

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I was waiting for that one. First plants react to music, and second there are many factors that play here. Most of audios are for humans right, why aren’t anyone already posted of pictures of clear changes. Like bald person grow full hair, or someone measure testosterone levels after using same field. That would be enough to convince any person. I for example used automated workouts since i don’t have time for my workouts. Can’t say i gained anythnig realy. Now is it my ego , or my subncon beliefs hm ?

There are picture testimonials on this forum. There’s an entire thread for it

Most can’t be taken seriously, and there isn’t pics that can show as i said below concrete and clear evidence of the effect. I don’t want to mention other things like spirits and other metaphysical claims…
Why didn’t creator posted some of result of his product, no offence but if he realy has all those skills that he claim then one pic of clear, same angle, visible phycical changes is piece of cake? Again just my logical thinking.

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Already used, i was just woke up so it should have some effect on energy levels but no… Then cup of coffe get me on. Sorry man, maybe it seems I’m unpolite but im just talking facts and my personal experiences…

If nothing mentioned above is enough for you then maybe Dream’s stuff are not for you. Try something else and best wishes in your spiritual growth.


This is NOT a Sapien Medicine field. You are on a thread that discusses other channels on youtube.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Here enjoy, meet Charlie Goldsmith or even better Edd L Edwards an Energy healer who has been measured in several science labs for the last 26 years, the ability to use 90 per cent of his brain etc…

by the way welcome to the “cult” :man_shrugging: :man_facepalming:

Charlie Goldsmith

Edd L Edwards


Here’s how I see this going down: the users here will try to be helpful and present their points, links, information, opinions, references. Many will be educational and compelling.

But: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

I see that at the core of this is OP placing prime importance on Truth (what is True). What is real and false. And that things must be measurable to be valid. Or at least perceived with the senses, particularly with the eyes. Photos or it didn’t happen, right?

(There’s an entire section on this in the energy course, but let’s set that aside for now.)

That is one way to live. I’ve certainly spent some years in that mindset.

But we have to ask ourselves: Well, how is that approach working out for you?

I’m currently going through a kind of therapy for my depression, it’s a more recent offshoot of CBT, if you’re familiar with that. The new one is called ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

The Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) model rests on the concept of workability. An ACT therapist asks, “Is what you’re doing working to give you a rich, full, and meaningful life?” If the answer is yes, the behavior is workable. If the answer is no, it’s unworkable.

PDF excerpt of ACT Made Simple:

When we use the basic framework of “workability,” we never need to judge a client’s behavior as “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong”; instead we can ask, nonjudgmentally and compassionately, “Is this working to give you the life you want?” Likewise, we never need to judge thoughts as irrational or dysfunctional, or get into debates about whether they’re true or false. Instead we can simply ask, “Does holding on tightly to those thoughts help you to live the life you truly want?” or “How does it work in the long run, if you let that belief be in charge of your life?” or “If you get all caught up in those thoughts, does it help you to do the things you want?” or “If you let those thoughts push you around, does that help you to be the person you want to be?

Not here to convince you to change your mind. Only you can do that, if you choose to. And it’s a ton of work. So a bunch of text from internet strangers probably isn’t going to make much of an impression.

Just placing this here for your consideration. It’s one approach among many, but this is what I’ve found to be most helpful for me in shifting my mind and attitude and improving my quality of life.