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I haven’t used this exact one yet, but all I can say is that you can really feel the energy on his stuff

Look what we have here…


i dont have a good feeling about this one :joy: i saw the description of the horse testosterone one and yeah… didn’t make me feel comfortable lol

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Forget it, even if the works of Masaru Emoto, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden etc were shown, there would be the same questions.

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This doesn’t even convince me :joy::joy:
Unfortunately we are still physical beings and also the air molecules around you is very different and represent much less (!) Energy than X kcal. Calories are actual measures of energy.
I hope it’s just some guy who wrote it not the creator…
Also because of the physical body you are in, the conversion of water to muscle is not possible, not like that, there are actual chemical and biological processes in that happen behind muscle growth.

Look at the amount of sapien videos there are, addressing different stages of the process and trying to manipulate it by introducing certain compounds.
It’s good to be open minded but don’t leave critical thinking at the door.


Yup, same here

Critical thinking yes, but aversion to the evidence I would say that it is not good.

I know right :joy::joy:

Oh, that looks like the infamous Thomas again lol…


Yup, it’s not written by Maitreya

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I don’t think this is true, I think anyone can get results by clearing up their blockages and improving energy sensitivity, I haven’t got results after almost 2 months; however, I am willing to be patient and also improve those specific things aformentioned.

I dont know which of my comments you are replying to but whatever is. You are doing right by following your intuition

just click on the the reply button on the top right hand corner of my post.

Lol thanks for teaching me that.

The person is way too blocked to believe anything we could say, and when we are that closed off towards something is best to keep looking every where else until we find one that clicks and then maybe in the future theyd come back with a more open mind. if not thats ok too, nobody is forced to click with a specific creator, each path is different and personal.


:raising_hand_man:t2: Hello! :blush: If you allow me, on some occasion I could see the physical change of the beautiful face of @anon46520955 perhaps those results can give you a sample that what the captain does really works! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::smiley:


I wonder if lack of photos might also be partly due to the demographic? For example with subliminals, you have a lot of teens and early twenties (that is not to say it excludes those older, just an observation on the majority based on comments, requested topics-- mostly physical changes). This is the selfie generation. Many of them are not as camera-shy, as say someone who is a working professional, and wants to keep their Internet identity private, so is cautious about posting photos of themselves online.

Many of the treatments on Sapien Medicine also target conditions that are internal. For example, my mom uses the blood pressure field. You can definitely see the results on the changing nunbers of the monitor. But do you think it would occur to her to take a before and after photo? This is the generation that didn’t take photos of their food. My dad would shake his head everytime my sister used to whip out her fckng DSLR to document her latte.

How would you even take a photograph of mental health?

The other factor is that lab conditions are not practical to recreate in real life. There are too many variables we cannot control. People don’t live in a vacuum. For example, weight loss. To prove it was JUST the field that changed one’s weight, there should be no other lifestyle changes. Can you control external stressors? Do you think someone who wants to lose weight quickly will just depend on the audios? Most likely they are already taking steps to get more physical activity or eat healthier. The audios just supplement their effort. You see this in comments “complaining” that they want weight loss feedback from those who did not exercise. Although of course there are still some “I did nothing else but listen” cases.

Another factor might be the platform. The audios/videos are posted on YouTube. So most of the feedback will follow the constraints of the medium, that is of the comment section, which is text-based.

(btw I saw one of you guys, same username and profile pic, asking some random chick who gave a testimonial for body changes, for her bikini photos. Geez. Even if that was a joke, c’mon man.)

Anyway. If you want something more image centered, there’s Instagram. A lot of subliminal creators use it to compile photo and video results from their users. This fuels the belief that they work. This could be a possibility, but one would need to be savvy about it. It takes a lot of time and effort to have a nice feed, know the hashtags, interact with users. IG also made changes so that the recommendations are now based on Saves, Shares, rather than likes. It’s a game you need to know how to play. But it is WORK. Eats up time and brain cells. Some people have Social Media Managers to do this for them. I’d rather the Dream Team focus on what they’re already doing, and doing well.


Yeah I don’t have/use social media so no pictures of me lol
I have seen on some topic in Reddit in r/subliminal that they were saying sapien is good but comment section is full of boomers :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
I think they would consider me a boomer too but I’m only late 20s


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