Discussion for other Creator Channels

Oh damn it is that person.

Super cringe how many people jump on the morphic field/ energetically programmed trend even tho everything they probably do are subliminals

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The ones that really irk me are the 15 year old girls from r/subliminal. Like really?

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Well regardless of whether he is lying, it is a dick move to dox a person which does not make you nor Louie seem anymore saintly.


Agreed! Bad behavior. I was not going to comment (I mostly never do about any other creators (except Dhyaanguru at times because his mantras irritate me haha)) - but I looked this guy up on Youtube now and his energy feels extremely icky. And such behavior from his proxies doxing folks does nothing to better my perception of him.

Dream gets accused of so many things every damn day, have you ever seen him act vindictive?


How is it possible they’r working as completely silent

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I dont know you guys but, i think we need to stop using this thread to shred to pieces others creators, yes we could be right perhaps every time but even then, we need to stay above all of it, weve seen Sapien being a target to destroy him and his work left and right, when we know how good his work is and most importantly without malice.

But we know all dirty eyes are always on this forum, they all are always watching and reading the posts through and through but specially this thread, and these comments and digging out the working ways of others keep bringing negativity to Sapien, jealousy, anger and the desire to push him and his work down grows because of it.

We are better than that.

We dont need to get down to their level and do the same.

We dont need the darkness and negativity low vibration that judging what others do keeps bringing to this place.

Even if they do that all the time all over the internet…

We are better than that.

People should be wise and careful enough to do their own research and well i guess trial an error when it comes to testing other creators work, this forum is not a kindergarten to babysit and point out what you should do or not, we must be responsible for our personal evolution and protection of our mind, body, soul and energy. It is not a joke.

And if you feel like jumping from one creator to the next without doing the proper research before… THAT is on you.

This forum is our sanctuary and we must keep it as that and honor its cause.

We can discuss about other channels and creators in a factual manner, and about things that can actually enhance our process if not let it go… but if we know of someones work being bad lets just advice the person asking about so and so to go research in depth or take it to PM, but seriously, this thread is total poison poured onto Sapien as retaliation. Which is what they do best. Not us.


You are right, I apologize for acting out in any way.


You know there is something wrong when there is someone else I know who had the same experience as me from using quadible integrity. Hers was worse in fact.

But real talk. Any other channels? None of this happened

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its most likly just a phase

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link? I’ve never seen it

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It got taken down from YouTube

so it isn’t anywhere to be found? I wonder if MEF fields are real, so I wanted to test it as there was said it to be effective.

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Yeah it’s gone for now

I beg to differ; Quadible Integrity is a channel that I’ve used a lot and have got results very quickly from there audios


There are only two channels I would back up in my entire life, one being Sapien Medicine and the other being Quadible Integrity

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Which stuff from Quadible Integrity worked for you? For me their stuff never worked…

Diabetes field, and tbh pretty much everything there, but again you are different from me and I am different from you. We might respond differently to the same thing. Blessings and peace


Anyone got results from akuo subliminal?

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Yes he is pretty decent and trustworthy

Long time ago i used some of his i honestly dont remember which ones exactly but they are reliable