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also, would a good desciption for this audio ★Human Programmed: Limited Subconscious Beliefs Purger Level 4 ★ Remove Subconscious Beliefs - YouTube, is that it removes the deepest/root layers of subconscious limitations/beliefs. perhaps even beliefs from past lifes?

I listened to their skin restoration before and my skin cleared up over a couple days.

about the sigh energy ordeal too. how about we use the “mother of all boosters” audio from SZ to basically create/fix the morphic fields together. I also feel that the old files lost a lot of Oomph in their power so we should do that. I also have a modified audio of MoAB that has 20% divine masuline energy being outputed and is 500% more powerful than the youtube one. Lets just say that I asked E.Ts to modify a copy of the file. the modifed version has a different feeling than the unmodifed version.

also Sigh energy mentioned that theres a ‘team’ so maybe the reason why they pump out commercal grade files is basically because theres more people involved. just a guess.


Good information: Fields of Sigh works

Bad information:

  • cause stress
  • sleep becomes shallow, nightmares
  • fields do not remove the cause of the disease. For example, listening to acne on your face. But then they appear on the lower body.
  • No lasting effect. You need to listen constantly
  • The fields themselves are not short in duration
  • from half of its fields there was zero effect
  • lies about DNA and that they solve the problem forever

Testing time 5 months. It was decided to completely stop using its fields


Lol then:

Its not so

Regarding the DNA… have you tried Sapien’s one?


My experience has shown that there are effects from the fields of Sigh. Not from all.


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The DNA Repair System: New Release

stick to the one whose fields always work :relieved::wink:


Programming intention’s evaporating cooling (Patreon) is very good.
If you live in a hot place I highly recommend it.
He has an audio to heat body and rooms too.


im playing quadible integrity’s game changer in 7 tabs simultaneously along with 11th power in 7 other tabs simultaneously and im playing 2 enhancement playlists in 2 different tabs.

do u think this would work for me ?

i honestly want my results fast.

would this work or turn into something trashy ?

i’ll be eagerly waiting for your response my fellow chads and queens.

But why?

Patience is important trust me. You would wanna enjoy the journey but what I can tell you is ego dissolution and SLR are good starters if you only want sapien

Abundance mindset or gratitude and appreciation to get you out of that wanting feeling.

The vibration series can accel them results too.


Uhm this is Sapien Medicine forum.

You gotta ask in their channel about that


Everyone wants fast results :slightly_smiling_face:

The fastest results are called “instant miracles” and for these you need a very deep and good connection with your Higher Self who makes these instant miracles possible.


Ego dissolution will fasten your results while you being detached

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Should I start “Project Sigh Revamp”

Which as I mentioned before, we (anyone who wants to participate) use SZ’s mother of all boosters, life force protocol, and maybe the Hydian’s version of MoAB which is MoAB but is 20% divine masculine and a little bit stronger (I’ll have to put it on mediafire for that to happen). To fix the mistakes in the sigh energy fields collectively on a given time period?

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I feel compelled to at least make this comment regarding what happened a little while ago when I was listening to Sigh.

I don’t remember exactly what video it was but I fell asleep watching it and even holding my phone (which I never do) and was having bizarre dreams about Freemasonry and shit and when I awoke holding my phone what do I see? A YouTube comment saying something to Sigh about Freemasonry influence of his videos.

Now is that maybe just me initially reading the comment and it bleeding into my subconcious during sleep? Perhaps, but either way I got an a very uncomfortable gut reaction and turned that shit off. I felt it was more than a coincidence.

Again, it very well could have been nothing, but @Maoshan_Wanderer made a good point, and why I just use Dream’s stuff now. I don’t want YT chumps either maliciously or negligently hurting me.




Lol I know, I’d like to hear an expanded story on that

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They said their a group of people. I believe that whoever sets up the description is rather lazy

dude, you only come here to this forum to either promote your weird work which is nothing but you trying to copy and mimic Dreams work, you have even openly said it, that you never buy something from him because you rather copy them, if not its to support other creators, Sigh work has been looked down several times, by several people, except you of course, and now you are offering a solution to a problem by probably creating a bigger one through your zero credibility experiment.
leave people along in this forum, if thats gonna be your contribution.


I rather try to copy because I’m not in charge of my money, my father is. I would buy whatever is on gumroad if I could, but I’m not allowed to. My father doesn’t think it’s worth it to buy a 50$ audio that supposed to do some magickal thing and therefore doesn’t have any hard evidence to it. My father is a nurse for a prison. I don’t think I can convince him to buy any of the audios for me.

That is why I try to copy. Also I’m have high functioning ASD if that helps my case