Discussion for other Creator Channels

Rupert Sheldrake offers a hypothesis of formative causation that involves “morphic fields,” which provide the pattern for both physical objects and living beings. Morphogenetic fields are defined by Sheldrake as the subset of morphic fields which influence, and are influenced by, living things. [src]

From a recently published in-vitro study from Stockholm University :

Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines


Really? You just posted out-of-context-taken-stuff to defend a fake morphic fields channel :roll_eyes:
What is your motivation in doing this?

“Light Language”:
It is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light.
:laughing: I bet, she (Jamye Price) doesn’t even know what she wrote herself.
That site and its content is total uneducated writing stuck in the pre-2012 “lightworker” era.

From what I read from the Abstract, the study does not says that the vaccine changes DNA. Only that there might be an influence on the DNA repair process itself.

Anyways, I will not try to convince you. If you want to use “Morphius Fields” feel free to do so, it’s your decision.


Right now am stick with sapien ,Maitreya ,sigh energy ,programed intention, spirituality zone and Freedom ,am not getting problem with those ,only positive result without negative consequence or effect ,or attracting demons or low vibes etc

For me those are legit ,the rest are red flag


Nothing I posted was out of context, they were clearly responses to your assumptions.

Just because you don’t understand something it doesn’t make it wrong.

The terminology of morphic/morphogenetic was distinctly defined by Dr. Sheldrake, you were clearly unfamiliar with his pioneering research and I’m sure others will be interested in learning more.

I personally know lightworkers who channel light language, both speaking it and sketching the symbols. If you wish to dismiss it then that is your prerogative but I’m sure I’m not the only person here who has benefitted from light language or potentially could. It only takes a few minutes to research the subject to see if it resonates. I experience undeniably strong sensations during all of Jamye’s light language activations, and there are many more channelers on Youtube to explore.

Morpheus does not assert that the vaccine changes DNA, that was a strawman argument that you inferred. The description of the DNA Relief field clearly states :

There is no conclusive evidence as to what is causing this.[…] For legal purposes I will not comment on the source of the trouble only that this audio it meant to relieve such symptoms.

The in-vitro study finds that key DNA repair proteins are impeded due to the spike protein so the title “DNA Relief” seems perfectly apt to me.

Exactly. I have subscribed to the Morpheus Fields Patreon and I am seeing positive results after only a few days, much more than Maitreya or others, but I will wait a few more days before posting conclusive feedback. I have developed a strong connection with my subconscious so I don’t need gatekeepers to tell me what fields are “fake”, I am perfectly capable of making such assessments myself, as I am sure many others here are. For those who aren’t, I will contribute testimonials in due course as the Morpheus fields do seem to be working rather quickly and at a deeper level than other creators (for me personally anyway).


Clearly, if you can’t talk about it, it’s obviously related to COVID-19 or the vaccine. Other creators like Quadible and SZ have made the same vague statements with their antivax audio descriptions

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Indeed, so much censorship and blind faith in so-called “science” related to this unprecedented gene therapy technology. Because Morpheus claims to work directly with his guides and angels then he may have good reasons for calling the field “DNA Relief” while simultaneously avoiding stating specifics that would jeopardize his channel. I have previously posted higher perspective on how DNA is affected in the appropriate thread so I won’t derail this thread further.


Well keep me posted. I try to keep an open mind now that more creators are coming out. I like to hear results either way.

We have free will on what we do or don’t, but I like to hear other opinions…. So thanks!

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You are falling for a typical New Age energy vampire witch, claiming to be a “lightworker”. Her parasitic cords are clearly attaching to the solar plexus chakra. She is the 3rd and 4th chakara equivalent of those femdom erotic hypnotists (that usually feed of the 1st and 2nd chakra). She is clearly channeling lower astral beings and the energy, she and her website are giving off, are dirtier than the Thames river during the industrial revolution.

That “Light Language” of hers is total BS. Any being and society beyond what the humans are currently at, communicate telepathically/conceptually.

I am trying to warn you so that you can avoid a big detour on your journey. All of this fake “New Age” stuff was trending between 1988 and 2013 as part of the “2012 Ascension”, mostly via the book market, and most of those so called “lightworkers” from back then are today are as miserable and clueless as they have been, because it is never been about shadow integration and methods that work, but rather superficial “feel good” stuff. People who did not do their research homework back then are now falling for a new wave of New Age parasites, mostly active on YouTube (Teal Swan etc.).

You may want to research the origin of the New Age propaganda which goes back to the 18th Century (Blavatsky etc.) then you will see that “lightworkers” today are copying and saying almost the same stuff that has been around for a long time.

Fake New Age stuff always promises “Ascension” without shadow integration.
With each new New Age wave it gets more “Disney” and easier to digest for the masses every time :laughing: :crazy_face: :face_vomiting:

Yes, keep an open mind for everything.
But also learn the fine art of discerning information: logically, fact-based, intuitively and through ALL of your chakras, especially the 7th one.

Just because something “feels good in your heart chakra” doesn’t mean it is true. Manipulative astral beings and human energy parasites, but also those with Borderline disorders, are masters in manipulating the lower 4 chakras.

Mainstream science is logic only.
New Age BS is 1st to 4th chakra only and without logic.
If you want to the truth, then focus on 6th to 8th chakra + logic and facts.

You may want to look into this part of a long series on how to decipher esoteric disinformation by using logic alone:

And if you want to go deeper into this topic, there are also free ebooks available that go into more detail: books | Transcending the Matrix Control System


I agree with your message about mainstream spirituality.
Especially when somebody keeps talking about golden age coming, we are loving in a golden age etc.
I mean… have they like looked around??

It’s important to think positively and integrate, but there is a certain type of fake love/positivism that should be avoided asap.
It’s when you can’t “feel” and “live” the negative thought, emotions etc., Because when you express it you’re told you should be grateful instead etc., Be positive…
You can’t integrate your negative emotions / “shadow self” if you’re not allowed to bring them up and live them.
I stead of integration, they advise to push it down, deeper into yourself and sugarcoat it with some positive affirmations.

This creates the sort of situation where whatever is beneath the surface is not addressed/healed, and it becomes a significant energy block blocking all progress. Because once the energy is there, it manifests events that reinforce it, the the subconscious beliefs (all repressed) get stronger. It’s like a black hole.


Logic only gets you so far. Critical thinking helps a lot in any area, but once you near non-duality logic is useless because yes equals no, so no logical principles can be used.


Yes and by doing so, they create more trauma on top of old trauma, perpetuating the problem.
Which in turn means, they are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

New Age folks almost never talk about looking deep into the subconscious mind and facing one’s own demons and negative core beliefs and childhood trauma. And those few who do, will offer you useless affirmations and “light meditations” or “light language transmissions” to dissolve them, lol :laughing: :persevere: :expressionless: :sob:


LMAO :rofl:
:muscle: :weight_lifting_woman:


To be honest, I share your general stance on ‘new-age’ spirituality. However I disagree with your assertion that light language is complete BS (along with your assessment of Jamye’s energy). But that’s fine, its obviously not for everyone and you are entitled to your own opinion. My friend is a QHHT practitioner and she has channeled light language activations specifically for me, connecting directly with my higher self and guides beforehand. She doesn’t post online but there are others in the same field of work that channel light language, such as Transformotion, who have also recorded clients under hypnosis speaking light language (they also recommend Keleena Malnar). My friend has also channeled very specific info direct from my guides and confirmed that my shadow work is complete for this incarnation, zero trauma to transmute, and other guidance that aligns with what I’ve received internally. So I have long since stopped seeking external sources of spiritual information or activations. But thanks anyway for “trying to warn me” about my personal journey. And I’m sorry if my responses to your criticisms were unwelcome.


Aside from Sapien Medicine, the other good creators I trust are Maitreya, Programmed Intention, Spiritual Zone and Quantum Frequency Technologies (It’s a mobile app)

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How have programmed intentions helped you ? I just discovered that channel today

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PI works pretty well. I used the Pain and inflammation one and that one almost always works for me. But I use the paid ‘extra strength’ version, so I can’t speak for the regular one.

Do anyone have any results or information on aether frequencies?


I bought the muscle builder one today hope it will work well.

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The Multidimensional Shield XS is good from PI but I haven’t personally found much benefit from the others.

aether I don’t really rate, I much prefer subtle.energy sciences who aether has evidently copied the aesthetic from right down to the font. But the SES mandalas are so much more functional whereas I feel like aether’s are energised but don’t actually produce results, despite big claims regarding benefits. Your experience may differ, there is the option to try each ‘frequency’ for an hour on aether’s site.


I’ve been trying PI’s Body Hair Removal one for the last week because Sapien hasn’t remade his old ones and done a Whole Body one yet. I haven’t seen changes yet, but it’s something that takes time.


Thanks for the info!

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Literally my favorite cleaning audio is multidimensional shield XS is the most powerful Cleaning to me bcs it also clear stuff from you social media etc ,and also i use the DNA activation XS with Blue print of life from sapiens ,and i got good result using those together

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