Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)

read through most of the stuff.

Want to know about this. What better ways?

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Well right now… it seems my simple :smirk: 22 week challenge of doing the Star Exercise 2x/day as been kicking most people’s a$$e$, so let’s start with that one for self-discipline.

For Ego Control, :thinking: let’s add one cold shower every day to the mix.



I don’t like you anymore



I can’t get over the fact that @_OM and some other sources suggest that;

For men, restraining/dicipline brings up “superpowers”
For women, indulging in it opens up chakras and brings up the goodies.

Who made these rules? nature? Dude I’m always 10 seconds away from going hardcore redpill all over the world for the past 1 year. How is that for restraining?


Never said this… please don’t misquote me.

Interesting word choice.

Did you actually read the posted search links?

If so, they yeah, the answer is YIN/YANG…
like every post I ever talk about with you has been about this.

Why would “sex” be any different?
But I didn’t actually say all the things you think I said, so it doesn’t matter…

And see this…

kinda feels like you’re shouting :man_shrugging:, but I may be wrong…



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Did I get this wrong?

Nope, just missing some emojis. And it wasn’t directed at you, more like a complaining to the world/existence itself.

@Maoshan_Wanderer wrote a very good post about this at some point.
Summary is (i think, sorry if misquote) that while men “lose” jing with orgasm, women gain. I think he also wrote (?) that during intercourse, there can be an energy exchange and it is possible that men dont lose jing if done in a certain way.
My low-level mind interpreted this as “if there is mutual orgasm” but yeah that could just be me.

I’m female and to be honest for me it’s like… if i havent had sex / orgasm for a while, I pretty much stop caring…


Well yeah…kinda… what does my recommended “self control” and “self-discipline” recommendations have to do with MALE V, FEMALE anything??

This is what happens when things get taken out of context which is precisely why I didn’t post any specific things and linked to entire posts/threads.

Two of those posts/threads point to something written by Maoshan (ah see MonkeyOwl has posted about it to while I write this) that is a VERY GOOD understanding of how masturbation for males has been seen by “enlightened masters” in the past.

And there’s no talk of “nofap” from those sources.


now that’s what I’m referring to. That is exactly my misinterpretation of @_OM text to a common belief, perhaps a fact, out there.

Men get this level of magnetic stuff when they restrain, and it’s not just the magnetism. There’s a whole another level that perhaps the following funny video can express the feeling;

and women seem to get it when they’re more active. I heard this from several ladies which doesn’t sound like a fair game :sweat_smile:


You’re a male in a universe where you can have sex and never have to carry the alien life form in your body for any amount of time.

Sorry everyone…but seems we are still not ready for this convo yet.


Women…masturbate without guilt… It’s actually good for you

Men…masturbate without guilt… it’s not going to kill you or hurt you in any measurable way.


Do not @ me for this thread. I will ignore or worse.


That should clear up what I’m referring to. Subject is masturbation, and semen retention is often considered “discipline” for men due to “the build up”.

Sorry OM of I contributed to this… I meant to just share the experience but maybe it would have been better if I didn’t.

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Jeez man, just saw ur post after I posted the one above. Alright not tagging and not caring. Chill out. Go mind your business if the topic is too unfamiliar with your prejudice because obviously you’re far from knowing what thousands of people started basically a cult about.

You know who this post refers to.

Now, like others before you, I’m going to point out somthing that happens alot and I WILL NOT TOLERATE…since you want to be a jerk about this

I said read my posts FIRST…several times…

Are you kidding me? This topic was LITERALLY created for MY input.
Seems perhaps you’re the one who should be “minding their business” eh?

Literally wrote several post about this very thing if you had STOPPED for a few minutes and ACTUALLY READ what I wrote previously like I tried so very hard to make people do multiple times in this thread…

Here’s the EXACT post for your very lazy, very triggered self.

Now, considering I actually like EVERY OTHER Post you’ve written up until this point, I’m not going to block you…
unless you continue to be rude to me about something you still haven’t READ what I wrote before on the subject…


Euh don’t let your ego take it personally, this was clearly not meant for you.

We can start a topic in the ladies lounge :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Well, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to share your experience, and let you know you’re one of several females that stated the same.

I think it’s okay for people to question this aspect of life, and definitely not a reason to get roasted for.

I think you are confusing me with yourself. Tone down your perception and approach.

But you wanted to exit, and I said “so be it”.

Now, I’ll sum up this whole thing very clearly;

Since I like you, I kindly ask you to take some time off and come back to read this entire thread when you’re calmer, perhaps realize who is the one being triggered and rude.

All I did was to disagree with what you said. I never addressed your personality in a rude manner or called out names for you.

We can’t say the same for you. That being said, I’m not always this calm. This is an exception due to my respect for your dedication and perseverance.


Alright :+1:t3:

Not gonna tag you in any post related to this from now on. To infinity and beyond @_OM (I mean… not tag you from now on)

You’re missing the point… I think the nofap has been addressed directly and indirectly by OM, Maoshan and Sammy too, and they all say basically the same thing. The same as OM wrote above 🤷

You only think it’s unfair to you because you’re a man and think like one, and based on your personal experiences (I don’t mean this in a bad way at all!!). I doubt you would consider this an advantage of you were a woman.
There are a lot of things which are “unfair” related to sex and procreation from a woman’s perspective but I will not engage in that discussion because that would really get everyone triggered :grin::grin::grin:
Also, it’s not a race to the bottom, let’s not make it one.