Don't want to be party breaker but

Right, I imagine my ego as a finely tuned IFF system that is experiencing some bugs at the moment.


Lol yeah, we actually are essentially on the same page. Just different way of looking at it.

Yep, this is a big part of the path that is often not even touched upon by many spiritual schools. They teach you to dissolve the ego but… then what? It’s not exactly viable to exist in society without an ego. That complete detachment is for people that manage to live society and live in the mountains and whatnot.

So yes, it’s important to undo the ego. To unwrap the mask. But from that egoless state, without directiion, you can become pulled back into samsara so easily. Your mind will latch onto anything and you can easily enter a state of psychosis like this. This is partly why some people who have awakenings, end up going nuts. This is why I think it’s just as important to build a new ego or at least have a framework to work off of. That is what a lot of spiritual systems/religions offer.

An automatic way for you to react/interact with the world that is virtuous, harmonious with the world and abundant. Because we do need that mental map to interact and go about the world. Our egos automatically react to the world and often in ways that work against us or others. We are focused on building an ego that works in harmony, can create a much more natural effortless flowing abundance, peace and love in our lives but is also not bound to dogma which some systems/religions are bound to.

That is what our retreat is going to be about. Building the highest form of ego possible within you while undoing the limited ego you’ve been operating out of.

And the option to go higher as well, although that will not be the focus. Oneness is the next step and is a very conscious choice to make. But it doesn’t need to be made for you to live a fulfilling, spiritual and whole life. You can remain an individual and find success, peace and love in this life as well.

But I think it’s nice to have the knowledge of how to ascend past the illusion of separation. Dream has taught me that you can exist within samsara in this state and I’m very grateful he showed me the way. Cause I was always concerned with ‘how the hell do I exist in oneness within this dreadful game?’ and there is certainly a framework that allows it to be so. It’s interesting how this all panned out really. I got to tell you guys, if you focus on an intention and never lose that focus and belief over the years, the answer will eventually come to you.

I remember years ago in this forum, writing about how even if I fail, I will try to find oneness within samsara instead of being like a monk that escapes off into the mountains. Little did I know that there already was a way of doing so. Anyways don’t mind me, I’m just ranting incoherently. A part of me says too much at times and that can be rather annoying. So sorry bout that dream lol.

But yeh, I’ve been very excited as of late. Lots of growth happening and well, I truly do want whatever growth we’re having to sprinkle onto all of you over time. Which of course, will happen. That is the point of this forum after all lol.


What I was getting at is that, it’s not a linear progression to the top. You can raise or lower your vibration you can accumulate negentropy or entropy. We do influence that.

I agree everyone can always reach the top, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can get away from it on your way. It’s not a straight line, there are mountain peaks, valleys etc.

Yeah but it’s not.
Eventually entropy gets too much and we reach the heat death of the universe. There are periods of growth and decline. Energy cannot be destroyed but transmuted.

That’s a good way to put it lol

I don’t get how people dismiss the ego so easily. It has it’s energy, it’s “mass”, it’s a thing. We manage it.
Both are true. On a bigger level you are part of the universe and yes, if you reach high enough, you are the universe (which let’s be real we aren’t close to reaching), but we also are individuals for all intent and purposes.

If it has it’s own signature, it’s own mass, value. You can’t just say “it’s fake”, no it’s real. We’re just trying to go beyond it. If it wasn’t real, we wouldn’t be talking to each other. Or are we not really talking to each other, it’s a metaphor for whatever.

And that’s the part I disagree with. but we’ll explore that point later.

You misunderstood me.
My point is that it’s not a straight linear ride to improvement. We can go up or down and since we are all made from the same source at the same time, we all started at the same point.

It’s like thinking that everything always gets better with time, more technology, progress etc. That’s naive, empires and civilization collapses and there are dark ages along the way. If you zoom out far enough the slope might look upward and vice versa.

If you are at the bottom of the consciousness/entropy scale and you started at the same point as everyone else, you dropped.

I’m not saying you’re evil, but there is the possibility that you dropped and that might not be entirely a choice. It’s not necessarily a punishment from a universe that hates itself. You can think of it as a game or competition.

The choice to reincarnate here is so far removed from you, the rules are bigger than you are. Depending on how you roll, your reincarnation might be worst than now. It’s not a guarantee that you’re just evolving straight to the top.

I mean, think of demons and fallen angels.
Pure beings corrupted.

You can reach a really high vibration and mess it up all the way to become a drug addict, satanic power-hungry pedo (well, not just like that lol). Things happen along the way.

The simple fact that we are near the bottom says a lot, at least closer to the rock bottom than the top.
How do you discount that if we all started at the same place and it’s not a matter of starting time ?
I mean, how many people are happy or satisfied ? Genuinely speaking.

Assuming that we have some agency and there are basic consequences, if we acknowledge that based on our decision, we might lower our vibrations and reincarnate on a lower plane. That’s not a unique idea, but that’s a huge red herring.

We also have an incentive, I mean our primitive mind have an incentive to craft biased self-serving stories too. Put the pieces together, what kind of story do you get ?


The ego is also source. It is also ‘god.’ That is what I was sort of alluding to before when I replied to @JAAJ . It becomes easier to become unconditional to the ego when percieving it as source/divinity and not something separate from it. But even then, this only makes sense if you are able to begin to dissolve from ego awareness and into ‘source’ awareness. Meaning, observe the ego rather than observing in identification with the ego.

So yeh, I’m not saying the ego is fake. I’m saying you are more than the ego. The ego is the limited self. A very transient one that also completely dissolves after this life. It’s a tool. A map. But we end up mistaking the map for the territory and identify with it to a degree, that we create all sorts of boundaries within our own mental map and end up limiting our potential in many ways… and especially limiting our capacity for peace and awareness.

Oh I agree with you there for sure. For as high as you go, you can easily fall all the way down. So yeh, I agree with the path not being fully linear.

While the physical universe may undergo periods of growth and decline, the essence of consciousness that underlies all things is still constant and eternal.

The transformation of energy from one form to another reflects the ever-changing nature of the universe while still maintaining its fundamental unity. The fragments of consciousness spread throughout time are different manifestations of the same universal consciousness, regardless of the universe’s physical state. Death/life - Destruction/Creation - Entropy/Negentropy - Nothingness/Everything = Are all states of this universal consciousness.

Moreover, the concept of time itself may be a construct of our limited perception, and from a higher perspective, the evolution of the universe may be seen as a single, unified process. So infinite expansion is also in essence infinite contraction. It is both at once. It is undoing and doing itself at the same time.


The following replies are my personal opinion.

It is a choice.

But to make a choice, you have to develop enough free will to make the choice.

And you also have to have developed enough discernment and knowing what YOU actually want, because otherwise there you might be talked into reincarnation by some advanced astral travel office sales men into things you didn’t wanna do.

Also, as mentioned, the main matrix game is happening on the astral planes.
Earth and other physical planets are just rare hardcore servers that only a minor part of all players choose to play in.
These hardcore servers are an accelerated way of coming to realizations and growth.
The more friction, i.e. stress, the more consciousness growth.
Physical Earth is a hardcore stress environment.
Like literally.
Stress is one of the main challenge factors here.

One may think so, but it does not.
Born into such circumstances means being severly limited with having access to information, limited access to game challenges that go beyond physical survivial, and also being limited in time that one can actually invest into one’s development.
Such incarnations provide only a very narrow and limited type of stress.
Which means you can not grow as much into the many possible directions, when the stress is applied only to a few focussed areas.

This theory is debunked by what we know from astral travel and near death experience reports. Nature (Gaia) is doing her own evolutionary thing.

Nature is going her own evolutionary way, on the physical and on the astral.
This seems to be detached from what human souls are here to do and to experience.
Please see my response to Felix in the Meme thread yesterday.
We as humans can participate in nature’s development path, but we don’t have to.
And I think also that part of the game challenge for us, is to actually choose otherwise in the end and NOT get sucked in into Gaia’s own game.
Otherwise you would be giving away your free will again to someone else’s cause.
We are not here to become trees, whales, cats or dogs. Just temporarily learn from each other.

Nothing lol.

The more I heal, the more I recognize that it is the best choice for me to be actually “me” and not someone else. Especially, I wouldn’t want to be anything that is part of Gaia and her low vibe nature stuff. This is not my ego speaking, but the realization that there would really be nothing to gain here for me (anymore) by participating in nature’s stuff.

Yes, but not only.

This is not really fixed but fluid.

That’s how crazy manifestations and miracle interventions can and do occurr on a regular basis.

Also, various luck fields and other manifestation methods seems to hijack typical space-time flow and make “impossible” things possible. Things that would go against our mainstream physical assumptions and calculations.


I think it is time for you to finally study the Eternal Life thread if you want more answers instead of just speculating around what you already know.


Hell does exist in various astral forms and as you’ve said, the folks there are there by their own choice and as a consequence of their own beliefs and assumptions. If they believe they deserve it, they will manifest it.

This is because it is the universal Consciousness that is expanding.

Not some physical universe or something like that.

It is not the spoon that bends, but you!

People here on earth all get it upside down, especially scientists.

Everything that you observe is just a game illusion happening in and with our consciousnesses.

We are not consciousness in a physical universe.

We are consciousness ACTING AS IF we would be in a physical universe.


This is what I also believe.

The ego is a tool that has to constantly be re-adjusted to your next step of growth.

But it is not a tool to get rid off.

It is not even a “progression” but rather a “collection”.

In the sense that your Higher Self incarnates in parallel incarnations with different purposes at the same time.
Each incarnation collecting certain puzzle pieces and then bringing all the puzzle pieces back home to the Higher Self, which then puts all of them together into one complete artwork.

Your particular personal individual growth in your incarnation means simply that the more you advance while being here, the more pieces of the whole puzzle you will bring back home.

This was also confirmed by PU in the Soul Continuum thread btw when I explained my experiences with it.

That’s just one assumption of early 21st Century scientists.
There are also other models being discussed right now.
YouTube is full of scientific “Big Bang debunked” and “Expanding Universe debunked” videos…

Same with this concept here. It is an assumption made by 3d scientists.

But if we assume that the whole universe, as mentioned above, is just the universal consciounsess imagining things to itself, then for sure it can imagine “more energy” and thus create inifinitely more of it.

It is called “creative consciousness” because this is exactly what it does. It creates by imagining! This includes anything that is information, ceceptual, energy and matter too.

From the perspective of the Higher Self, this just another experience.
The experience of “messing up” and all the realizations and growth that comes from this experience.
It is still progress in terms of collecting realizations and pieces of the puzzle.

I think Sammy got it right mostly with most things here. With “right”, I mean that I personally agree :slight_smile:

But for a lot of other people here, I feel like there is always so much speculation on this forum where people speculate about the big questions in life but at the same time refuse to study available material and the experiences of others.

I made the Eternal Life thread with the purpose so that people can explore content that goes beyond what they already know.

The people who are not yet ready to study what we know about the afterlife, the astral worlds, the purpose of life here etc. should definitely look into these topics, because this is where their next big spiritual growth steps are – seeing the whole game for what it really is, why it is and why it is the way it is.

Way too many people here are still in cognitive dissonance about how the world works. I am not saying I know most things in life, but we have people here on the forum who use morphic fields on a daily basis, yet aren’t mentally open enough to recognize the reality of basic things like manifestation, the subconscious mind, angels, aliens, life after death etc.

Openmindeness is the key.
Few weeks ago I didn’t believe in astrology.
Today I am proactively working with the planets.
Openmindeness is what will answer one’s questions about life and purpose.
But this Openmindeness is only possible when we acknowledge that our assumptions about the world are just that – temporary assumptions.


Commander of the Arcturian Earth Base. I’m guessing the accommodations are good.

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“ Do you think that’s air you’re breathing now?”

Acknowledging the effects of morphic fields (once you move past some placebo arguments) does create a problem for the implicit reality model of West. Cognitive dissonance is the simplest path forward for most people to operate in consensus reality. Otherwise, they’re looking at a lot model reconciliation that in most circumstances they can’t discussed with the family and friends.

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Yes, and in the end and either way, this is reconciliation work that has to be done. Sooner or later, it has to be done. People are free to choose how long they want to remain in mainstream consensus reality versus finally “having enough” and reaching out for their own internal power.

People learning about morphic fields but refusing to reconcile and upgrade their personal world view, will be in a constant nagging subtle state of incongruency. Sooner or later it will get to them and they will have to face this nagging incongruency, because only when becoming congruent again, they will be able to feel whole and in peace with themselves again.

And even when they will numb themselves from this nagging feeling with drugs and distractions, sooner or later it will get to them. That feeling of not being whole and congruent will sooner or later become so unbearable that it will trigger a surrender of the ego and they will become open to updating their world view. This process can take a long time, even people in the afterlife a full of all types of limiting beliefs, all just so that they can stay in the comfortable mental box.

I find extremely hard the idea of wanting something without an artificial ego.

How did we end up here? Did God not want anything?

I highly doubt that God is anthropomorphic/teleological and limited/shaped by reason and desire.

Reason/logic/desire is epiphenomenal and given by extreme arbitrary circumstances.


I don’t know where the reason and logic came from but yeah you’re right

Is your higher self greater than your soul, or is your soul greater than it? what I mean is, is your higher self the highest self, or is it part of your soul which is greater?

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Need to say I’ve got a crush on @SammyG and need to chat with him more. Wow his knowledge- Took me ages to learn all this and I still have questions. Self improvement is my focus. Marry me sam?

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Please don’t take Sammy away from me :pray:


Haha I just want to chat with him and get more info from his beautiful mind. He’s enriching and helping other souls and I’m so grateful!

What about your agenda of desperately and urgently marrying someone?

:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It wasn’t an agenda, you uncultured person. It’s about wanting a committed, loving relationship, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Desiring something meaningful isn’t desperate—it’s called knowing what you want and valuing real connection.

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Interesting how you say it now.

Because, in my personal opinion, this is a completely different goal than “getting married”.

Marriage is a social construct and a contract with a Third Party, i.e. the state. Aiming for marriage is aiming for a contract with the state and executing an artificial social construct.

You can call it “culture” if you want so… but yeah, in that sense I am “uncultured” because I don’t blindly do and believe what most of society does or strives for.

But it (marriage) has nothing really to do with love or a “committed, loving relationship”. Neither is “marriage” required in order to build a “real connection” with someone.

Why do I say that these two are completely different goals?

Because a potential partner will always subconsciously sense what your endgoal is and will react accordingly:

Sensing that it is all about the “marriage” tells the potential partner that it is not about him in the first place and that he is just a means to the end.
Which is the exact opposite of a “real deep relationship”!

If your endgoal is “marriage”, then potential partners will sense that it is not about them but about fullfilling an idea inside your head. A really deep relationship with someone would never ask for, demand for or focus on “getting married”. Instead, getting married would occur as a natural consequence of the already deep relationship.

This is just my personal opinion.

In another thread you wrote this:

So you say that you have identified the specific blockages that prevent the manifestation of someone wanting to marry you. Therefore, in this case, to reach your goal, you would need to specifically work on these “blockages” that you have identified (whatever those may be).

Anyways, I recommend you focus on manifesting the “deep relationship”, not the “marriage”. Because relationships are actually real, whereas marriage contracts are all just temporary human contracts and paper. Potential partners can sense what you really want in the end.

And maybe also ask yourself why that what you want to manifest, has necessarily to follow the “current social culture” and why you identify a “real connection with someones” with this artificial cultural construct in the first place?

From a male perspective I can also tell you, that any smart man, will sense whether you want him for a real relationship and a deep real connection or whether you want him to “finally marry you”.
And a woman wanting a marriage contract is the biggest turn-off I can think off. Because it shows to me that she cares about an idea in her head more than she cares about me. Even if that may not be true, this is the impression it gives off. And that impression will make most smart man shy away from marriage completely.

If you don’t change the focus of your end goal, potential partners might continue to get the same impression again and again and feel that it is not about them and the relationship. Just saying, subconsciously people always can sense what the other person’s real intent is. Therefore, the advice to forget about marriage completely and focus on manifesting a truly deep and real relationship.


It’s clear that we have different perspectives on marriage. For me, marriage isn’t just a social contract or a cultural expectation—it represents a deep, mutual commitment between two people. I understand that, from your viewpoint or for someone in the trailer park, marriage is seen as an artificial construct that doesn’t necessarily equate to a real, loving connection.

However, in my world, marriage is a natural extension of a deep relationship. It’s not about chasing a title or fulfilling a societal norm, but about solidifying a bond in a way that symbolizes trust, love, and mutual growth. When I say I want to get married, I don’t mean it’s the end goal at the expense of the connection. To me, the connection is the foundation, and marriage is a meaningful step that follows from it.

I get your point about how focusing solely on marriage could make it seem like the relationship itself isn’t the priority. But I never said that. You guys judged. In my experience, I haven’t been fixated on just the idea of marriage. Rather, it’s about reaching a point where the relationship is so deep and meaningful that marriage becomes the natural next step. I’ve encountered obstacles that have prevented this, and that’s where my reflection on potential blockages comes from.

As for why I align marriage with a committed relationship, it’s a personal value. It’s about the mutual decision to build a life together, to commit in a way that feels official not just for ourselves but also within the world we navigate together.

I understand where you’re coming from, but for me, the goal is not simply “to get married”—it’s to have a lasting, real connection that ultimately includes marriage as part of the journey. If that scares someone away, it’s more a reflection of differing values rather than a misalignment of my focus.

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