Dragon servitor teaching abilities


I’m glad to read you writing these things because I thought it’s extremely difficult to communicate without thinking conceptually, but you are in a way the proof that it is pos I too do not master conceptual thinking and this is one of the skills that I mainly need in spirituality and the manipulation / work of Subtle energies.

I too talk to my dragon Golem in French while thinking a bit about what I mean or expect him to do,Maybe he understands it and does what I ask, but I never know because I don’t understand what he is saying.I ask him to stimulate the left hand (or left arm) for a no or my right hand (or right arm) for a yes,But no stimulation or sensation although I am a little sensitive to the energy. J I am not an empath to feel the emotions of others, so I hesitate to ask to communicate a certain emotion as a response, because in general, I know that I do not have a lot of feelings or emotions towards other people or certain situations which could be rather emotional.

I have used Animal empathy and telepathy on youtube and patreon, but have had no results, bought IPF for months and still have no results, after a few weeks, I boosted the IPF dogtag several times to get results, but still no results. I used the ego dissolving and subconscious limit deletion and j I continued to use the fields that could help communicate with the servants, but still no results.I am considering saving up and purchasing the new Conceptual Use Audio Field to help with communication be.he S ervants and myself, and hope that help me progress.

I can speak to the servants in human language (voice, writing, thoughts, etc.), but if I don’t have a response from them, it’s not really communication. And I do not often see the result of requested tasks. How do you manage to understand their answers easily without conceptual thinking, other than seeing the result of the requested tasks.?!

If @Dreamweaver and @SammyG or any other person, can think of solutions that could help me and everyone in my situation, we are very interested and thanks to them for everything they do.

PS: I also use the course of sapien medicine to help increase my energy sensitivity, so I believe that I don’t have any blockage of energies in my system.

Thanks, but at that point I didn’t know, but it’s been a long time now since I read the booster threads and learned, but it was already a bit late. I no longer boost dogtags, and I grow my energy system to be able to work with boosted dogtags.

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I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who speaks “normally” to her servitors :wink:

Actually, when I read about people’s experiences with theirs before creating my own, it never occured to me that they meant “conceptual communication” when they said they talked to their servitors. So I simply talked to mine like I would talk to anynone.

Now, how to perceive feedback from one’s servitor is a whole other problem. My guess is everyone has to find what works for him/her. Which is easier said than done :sweat_smile:

You say you are a little energy sensitive so I would suggest to build on how you feel energy. Well maybe that’s exactly what you did by asking your dragon to stimulate your left and right hands/arms. But maybe you usually feel energy differently ? Like, for me, it’s a sensation of my chest opening up with positive energies or closing down with negative energies that is the most noticeable. So that was my primary mode of communication.

If you feel things with some of Sapien’s fields or other energetic fields/practices/whatever, you could also show that to your dragon and see if he can recreate the same effect.

Or maybe put your hand in the fridge and under warm water to show him how cold and warm feel so that he could learn to replicate the feeling (no idea how long it would take, though :cold_face: :hot_face:).

Or maybe take the path of synchronicities : ask your dragon to show you a number, or an image, or whatever you want, and see if it pops more often in your life. Okay, having a conversation this way would take dayyyys, but still, it’s a start.

Or maybe use cards, or runes or another divination method.

The key is to get creative and try things until you find something that works for you.

Also, pay attention to what you see, hear, feel : maybe your dragon is/will be trying to give you clues on what could help you understand him. Actually, you can also ask him to do that, to be sure. It can only help.

When you have found something that works, even a teeny tiny little bit, practice it as often as you can. Then, get creative once again and see how you can improve your method to have more complex and nuanced discussions.

Poke @zeropointpimpin and @Bre19, in case this might help you.


thank you very much, you were very good advice, thank you again

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i’m wondering if one can ask the dragon what is wrong as one is experiencing mysterious symptoms related to energies and have it fixed :/

Yes of course one can certainly ask, if one can communicate with it.

The Energetic Support Servitor and Fae servitor may be better for that, as they are already programmed with a versatile knowledge of energy structures and your energy system, and can readily correct imbalances, modify energy flows, etc.

Also, they are newer servitors perhaps more suited to beginners if you’ve never created a servitor, easier to communicate with immediately and more powerful.


did it work?