Drops of Memory

how much do you loop this one!

how is your experience with this field so far?
are you getting that awesome benefits!!

Hello, I know exactly how you feel right now. Unfortunately, like some other brain fields in the past, you may have to be the one who gives those results.

Iā€™ve had at least 3 fields where the results posted wasnā€™t enough to dictate potential outcomes, but I read the description, did further research if necessary, and then trusted Dreamweaver to deliver.

Each time I was brought into a state of gratitude, because itā€™s always more than what you originally hoped for.

All that to reiterate that maybe you will have to be the one who posts the results. Since a lot of brainiacs have not only specific theories of what geniushood looks like, but we also have our own individual weaknesses to work on.

I was using this field for the working memory benefits, but my working memory was boosted by mathematical madness and manhattan method, leading this field to no longer be as much of a necessity as it was in the past. Donā€™t get me wrong though, this field is amazing and I definitely will be spending some good weeks to months with it, just not at this present moment because i have a good long term memory, and now a good working memory to accompany it.

I suggest you post your results after mass looping. :slight_smile: Youā€™re far more interested in this field than anyone else Iā€™ve met which is awesome. Your results may even encourage me to start mass-looping this one again.

Iā€™ve used it here and there. The working memory manipulation and information recall benefits are amazing. But for me to give an actual thorough perspective of the effects wouldā€™ve required far more time spent with the field.


ok, i will post my own results with this fieldā€¦
i selected this field because description suited my requirements,
1.working memory
2.short term to long term and dual processing.
so i thought it will save huge time from repetition, which i can dedicate on other aspects of examā€¦

and I will have awesome recall ability.

as i need to remember more minute details,facts, formulas, scientific names, history, geography, political science, current affairs,surveys and budgetsā€¦ agricultural pathologies etcā€¦

REVIEW :- only 4-5days so far(6-10hours) i think wiring from this will take time to reach the level from descriptionā€¦right now i dont feel increased recall or working memoryā€¦ first day i didnā€™t feel it in my brain at all but 2nd day onwards i can feel it in my brain(mild sensation, pressure)

but i will keep on using this field daily and will probably keep on giving reviews hereā€¦after every month or soā€¦:grinning:

looping 5/6 hours enough? or should I push more


Nice goals, we have/had similar ones.

It will take time for sure to see remarkable gains. Also depends on if you have boosters like brain key or snapping synapses, etc.

It will also depend on how much youā€™re using them as you know. I played this field like 8-12 hours every day when I used it. I only played the field maybe 120 or so hours, but I have a friend aka Sims who played it more than me. Sims reported a much better memory and working memory.

I think if you can do more, then more is better if you want faster gains. As long as you cut that axon overgrowth you should be fine. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m glad that you are dedicated long term as well. Most people want results after 3 weeks of looping, but these are indeed negentropic in nature and require some time and effort. If you report back in 1-2 months, you should notice great gains, especially with boosters.


i think these wiring fields do take timeā€¦so like you said we should loop more and moreā€¦
but once i get near the end result of this field after months i can only imagine how awesome that will be.
any side effects/ drawbacks of using autism field every night?


No there is not, only beneficial things like axon pruning and a decrease in overstimulation. :slight_smile:


Hello this one will be dedicated to @waanabetopper

So when I first got this field it was strictly for the working memory manipulation benefits as well as short term memory.

But the more smarter and intelligent I became, the more I realized that episodic memory, semantic memory, and more played a great role in overall cognition.

I started noticing that I can recall the craziest details and youā€™ll see me be like ā€œRemember when we were eating at that place back in May and the guy had on a red shirt with sunglasses and he had that Itachi phone case who asked us if we watched John wick 3? Yeah thatā€™s the food spot Iā€™m referring to.ā€

Itā€™s like I can remember large quantities of information as well as vocabulary words which boosts the affects of key to babel and EVERY other brain field. This field is by far one of my favorites and it helps with processing information of every category.

You will dive into new information and understand it not only conceptually through conglomerateā€™s memorization subfields but also through drops of memory in a more holistic and photographic way.

This field has directly influenced everything the way I drive the amount of things I can hold in my head, the way I make decisions, etc.

Wholistic thinking, conglomerate, and drops of memory are a godly trio lmao. But so does every trio with drops of memory.

I havenā€™t even used this field much tbh. Maybe 150 hours?

If you have this it will open up a lot for you.


@waanabetopper Kinda slid that one in, didnā€™t you? Under the guise of what might cause the audio to not work for you lol.

It is absolutely NOT okay to sell or give an audio field to others. Unlike NFTs, the ownership of the audio remains with the creator; you are not buying ownership, merely the right to play it for your own uses.


One last thing, this field is great for people with ADHD. We tend to dump out information and also have short term memory and working memory benefits. This field helps with a lot of that stuff.


i asked every single question because of doubt and fearā€¦i wanted to know the rules clearlyā€¦
i never actually thought of selling it.:joy:, its just that i wanted to know ā€œwhat not to doā€
and i thought a list will be givenā€¦
as i am using these fields to clear certain exams its important that I donā€™t do any single thing which will stop it from workingā€¦ otherwise my main purpose with the fields will not be fulfilledā€¦
and i will never know what happened why it doesnā€™t workā€¦
these fields are magic,the creator is the magic man.
we here should only choose fields according to our purpose and then work with fields to achieve themā€¦thats itā€¦


awesome mam :+1::sunglasses::sunglasses:
hope i see this kind of results soonšŸ˜

also i want to ask something.
DO YOU FEEL it in brain/head any sensations while playing this fieldā€¦??

i felt it only sometimes all other times i dont feel it.
but when i play superhuman genius 2X then DoM
i feel it in my head like sensation are clearly thereā€¦

i feel like using superhuman genius/brainkey is unavoidableā€¦thanks @dr. manhattan for suggesting this method :pray::ok_hand:

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You may not feel it much, because well, advanced brain fields have circuitry that can be so skinny like the thread of a hair, all over the brain.

You canā€™t feel that.

Now with this field, I can feel it in the hippocampi a bit. You should look up the hippocampus. Youā€™ll see how small the hippocampus actually is.

I canā€™t confirm for sure, but itā€™d be logical for this to be the area ā€œstimulatedā€ out of all brain regions, IF it is (Since brain circuits are capable of doing various cognitive tasks). But the other brain functions like working memory manipulation, and long term memory to working memory dual processing can be done directly through precise brain circuits, encompassing various areas all over the brain for specific functions.

So you may not ā€œfeelā€ anything for various advanced brain fields, and it will also even take longer. But this is simply how circuitry is formulated.


thankyou so much :love_you_gesture::grinning:ā€¦
i have been using this field for >6 hours everyday from last few daysā€¦
i am waiting till i see significant improvementā€¦
then i will share my own experience with this.

Lol you should read Jojoā€™s Brain Journal

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thanks for giving updates about your progessā€¦ it helps so many people :ok_hand:


yes its gonna take long long time that thing is very clearā€¦
so to get relatively fast results spamming is the only optionā€¦ thatā€™s why dr manhattan recommended to me to spam this whole dayā€¦
at first i was afraid doing this, but now i think this ā€œslow processā€ is the reason why spamming is importantā€¦we need to put required hours for wiring to be completedā€¦so spam and reach those hours Target fasterā€¦? is it correct ?

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Yes indeed.

You can even feel the brain overgrowth from fields like manhattan method and mathematical madness, and then you can feel the overgrowth being cut by brain key, snapping synapses, and plasma brain of youth.

Then you do it again and so on.

The more wiring, the more growth.


Wonder who gave this 2 and 3 starred rating? Guess they were expecting quicker results or perhaps File Retrival from SSD type of Memory Recall! :face_with_monocle:


Most people arenā€™t grinding with these fields.

Also this one does seem to take a bit longer than the others.

Having used this on and off for 9 months though, I can totally vouch for this one. I expend a lot less effort to remember things now.

I bet if people keep grinding this for a few more years, we could get close to something like that.

After reading a book once ~2 months ago and not picking it up again I can vaguely remember the information on a few pages I made an effort to remember. Still a bit fuzzy, but thatā€™s a huge improvement from how I was before.