Does anybody else get an absolutely piercing punch to the gut?
Lol I couldn’t talk for the whole 12 minutes of looping. (I didn’t even want to after this). I just began discrediting my own and other people’s negative statements towards me. My mind was picking things to disagree with and turning them around from the opposite perspective.
All I felt like doing on my PC was looking at this mandala and the omega love mandala, no more rapid scrolling, the ADHD thoughts slowly stopped. (Which is what Philip must have meant by “primal thoughts” behing halted by the first ego diss)
I can still kind of feel it in my gut. You remember that time when you were a kid and wanted to joke with someone you really admired and looked up to during a time when you really needed to be serious? Then when they turned to you and said “shhh focus” it’s like you automatically felt that sense of urgency down to the core to start taking whatever the topic at hand was seriously? That’s kind of how it feels.
I had already listened to the first Ego Dissolution about 1 hour before this one, and I used PoNR 2x and BoL 2x , but when I played this for the first time it was like a mood, vibration, concentration, and whatever else, shaker and stabilizer. Lowkey scared to listen again, I hit abs heavy yesterday so I’m not trying to fry my core.