Ego Dissolution Audio


Peaceful Field :hibiscus:


It helped me with sleeping for another hour when i woke up earlier and could not sleep, relief of anxiety, silent the mind and allowed me to do self improvement practices which before I had huge resistance with.

The main feature i detect is the ego silence and having an open mind. I can see how this can be applied to other cases like an important conversation with a partner (business, romantic) or between people having an argument, maybe when studying. I am also wondering how it would work for individuals who fail exams because of stress and anxiety coming from past trauma and subconscious limitations causing self sabotage.

1 Like



Divinelove3 days ago



Tina Bravard4 days ago

Creates balance… grounding…
Your thoughts?


𝑨𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆6 days ago

Ego is powerless and every negative mind chattering that comes with it . Positivity is powerfull .:cherry_blossom:


Minanur Rahct6 days ago

There is loads of ads


Quentin22 days ago

There ads right on the middle of this meditation…


cherry fawn25 days ago (edited)

DAY 1: :green_heart:
DAY 2: :green_heart:
DAY 3: :green_heart:
DAY 4: :green_heart:
DAY 5:
DAY 6:
DAY 7:


Lawrencea month ago

I love how this always makes me go from over thinking what others think about me to not varing about others opinions. Thanks.


jamais vua month ago

my ego has been extremely defensive and fragile these past few months. i’ve been trying my best to overcome it, let’s see how this works!!


raya month ago

im too jealous. i cant focus on my own achievements and instead focus on others. i just need to let go.


Indigo Angela month ago

Wow. This is strong as hell :open_mouth:


killerquinna month ago

Do you listen to this without earphones? Or is it okay to use with earphones?


ratqueena month ago

always feel lighter when i listen to this. actually it works amazingly for my OCD


Diana Kloss2 months ago

Ego is the shadow


H Nj2 months ago

The past doesnt define me and never did. It is nothing more than an illusion


Νεκτάριος Τσιλιβίγκος2 months ago

May you find peace within yourself.


Anusha2 months ago

Please I want this mind’s chatter to stop… I don’t want to hate that family but the ego inside because of one member of family is growing so big now that my mind is thinking negative of them…I just don’t want to care about them I don’t want to hate them omg this feeling I want to be rid of it :cry::cry:pls


Sohini Basak2 months ago

Have severe cold and cough for three days . Suddenly after a long time listening to this and feeling better. Ego makes me ill hence proved :joy:


Kimberly2 months ago

Does anyone know anything about these little circle dots that keep appearing, like by the comments and at the grocery store, even saw them on a McDonald’s poster?


Marcia Santana3 months ago

Enquanto ouço isso,sinto que alguem dentro de mim se encolhe e quer fugir,morrendo de medo de se desintegrar kkkk…o eu observador ficou vendo isso e dando muita risada,porque parece ser algo realmente forte e assustador para meu pequeno ego​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Fortnite - Cronusmax3 months ago

Understanding Ego and Authentic Self-Expression:

When we talk about overcoming something in a spiritual sense, what do you think you’re overcoming? The ego, perhaps? But what is the ego, other than a culmination of collective inputs you’ve had from your reality since birth?

This idea of completely dismantling the ego is misguided. The ego, the personality, is a useful tool that we engage with daily. The problem isn’t the ego itself, but the belief that you are solely your ego.

If you accept that you are merely your ego, you are essentially allowing society to define you, to put you in a restrictive box. That’s a skewed perspective.

Your objective should be to define yourself to society, regardless of societal expectations or norms. This is the essence of honesty - expressing how you truly feel and what you genuinely believe, regardless of external influences.

Remember, you are not where you are, you are not what you experience, but the experiencer. If you let your experiences dictate your identity, you become a part of the experience, getting tangled in the web of external influences. If you are constantly avoiding pain, seeking pleasure, and believe that these pursuits define you, you’re caught in this web.

The Dangers of Ego-based Manifestation:

Your ego, through the law of karma and the law of attraction, can shape your reality. However, these laws can impose limitations on you. It’s essential to recognize that anything you want to manifest from the ego is a potential disaster waiting to happen.

Manifestations based on ego can inadvertently infringe upon the will of others. But when you manifest out of love, love takes precedence, and the manifestation aligns correctly, regardless of your comprehension of it.

If your mind is creating your reality and ignoring input from the spirit, you can potentially bring about negative outcomes. Submitting to truth doesn’t mean becoming an enslaved servant worshipping a deity, it means recognizing the inherent divinity within and around you.

The phrase “serving God” might be misunderstood. You exist because of the divine; it’s not about servitude but recognizing your interconnectedness with divinity.

Consider a mother and child. Does a mother go through the whole process of pregnancy and childbirth so that her child will worship her? No, the motive is not servitude or worship.

In the same way, the relationship between you and the divine shouldn’t be understood as one of subjugation, but as an acknowledgment of interconnectedness.

I’d recommend everyone listen to this Audio with the Intention of loving your spirit, Look at old pictures that made you feel shameful,guilty etc.

You can listen to this on 1 device and on another listen to something like “unconditional You” “Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love” “Become Whole: Self Acceptance/Self Love/Dissolve Insecurities” “Unconditional Love Infusion” “Spiritual Growth States of Being” “Love, Gratitude and Appreciation” “Self Love and Acceptance” “Divine Love” “Love Graviton” either of them works, follow your inner feelings on what works best for you.


Kimberly3 months ago

I think I might be addicted to this one. It’s my third time today.


Trustfreelovejoy3 months ago

Like many people with Atypical brains (high potential etc) :zebra::unicorn::rainbow::alien:when our ego is already non-existent what to do to survive in this world of economic ego ?


Trishna Dey3 months ago

This one is too lengthy but still I listen once everyday


Jayden3 months ago

a person recommended this video to me
Because I said I was suffering from subliminals, something like a block or clash or even worse
I was not getting any results at all, with any kind of audio or method, nothing worked
I hope this really works for me…


Leslie Carlson4 months ago

Will this open the window in the mind that is stuck due to inherited tendency of alcoholism


Arpita Pandey4 months ago

What a blessing….thank you for this❤️


Vilma Çakmaktaş4 months ago

I feel like I can do anything.


Ignas2fly4 months ago

Am I only one here to understood while listening to this, that all my life here was led to this particular point? :heart:


Anthony Brown4 months ago

if I start my stack off with this track alone, and then straight into my tracks, on days when I have less time, is that sufficient do you think?


Mez5 months ago

Your ego is your biggest enemy


Joyce Marie5 months ago

This is at the top of my playlist as such an essential part of our ascension. Thank You!! :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles:


Alisha Bhullar5 months ago

This seems interesting


ratqueen5 months ago (edited)

im meditating longer and longer thanks to this! struggled for 10 minutes now i can do 18 with the help of this field (inner chatter quieter) EDIT: Im back again after having a horrible slump. pain got in the way of my routine but this always helps


fink more 1115 months ago

You all should meditate to this in combination with the 114 chakras Field by Maitreya-Fields. Blissful beyond words, I started crying and it was like a light went on inside or above my head.


higher self5 months ago



Divinelove5 months ago



Karan Thakur5 months ago (edited)

You know worst thing about ego it makes you feel like you need it you will never be able to live without it it makes you feel powerful be controlling thing which is false by controlling you are actually becoming weaker you should let existence play its part and know what you should be doing right now you are part of existence play your part “serve” Ego is inferior it disconnects from reality and makes you feel like you are something special how is doing something great even though it may be not great but you make it in your mind you become like ballon filled with air just one puncture and you will be gone ego will say to you that without me you will be one weak I am needed but don’t trust it you are much more powerful than it you need to realise and for that it has to go to realise true self


Santosh Adhikari5 months ago

Get fast results from morphic fields
1.ego dissolution
2.subcousious limits removal
3.quantum booster
4.maitreya fields cleaner
Then other fields


Mrs. Z5 months ago

This is the first video I’ve listened to that helps the very first time you listen to it. I’ve been listening to this for two weeks and it’s helped me so much. I’m so thankful to have found this. It helps clear my head of all the negativity. It’s helped me be a happier person for sure.


Елена А6 months ago



Darío D.6 months ago

Starting today 21 april


Godcandy6 months ago

Why does this work?


Giovanny Cruz6 months ago

Is this kinda like an Ego-Death?


Mmhash browns13136 months ago

Intense and cool


Mikoustic6 months ago

Ego dissolution to lower the ego, then use whatever fields to reprogram yourself. By far the best field to ever happened.


Vince Kesada7 months ago

This Is my second day, my overthinking Is reduced like 80% and bad thoughts like 70% i going to continue i’m feeling this Is true this really works


Halley White7 months ago

:sos:? I’m an empath, should I not use this ? Because 99 percent of the time I don’t think with my ego, because I give and give till I’m exhausted


dreamer lounge7 months ago

The body can die the mind can be lost energy is flowing karma is all around but the true self is eternal the true self is journey it is peace and wisdom within a dimension of love we are not just a small drop of water we are the ocean from the ocean we rise to the ocean we go the true self is what needs to evolve to escape pain and find paradise. To overcome ego is one way to do it.


Positive all7 months ago

Thank you


ratqueen7 months ago

can feeling upset/uncomfortable be a form of resistance to this? I’m guessing so


Real Talk7 months ago

do any of you use solfeggio/rife frequencies or binaural beats on a regular basis?
stuff like that?
and if so, any noticeable results with them?
any that any of you would particularly recommend?


Mickey M.8 months ago (edited)

Can this still affect people even if their listening with earbuds in their ears, watching something else??
While I play this on phone speaker? Thank you in advance.
(I think it would since it’s a energy field. Not sure. )


chandru yuvi8 months ago



Spooky8 months ago

How many times to listen every day??


Divinelove8 months ago



Lina A9 months ago

“Ego are the compulsive patterns orbiting your personality, not the illness of having a personality.”

  • Matt Kahn (healing core wounds)


Divinelove9 months ago

InthemightynameofLORDJESUSCHRISTgratitudeeternally :blush::sparkling_heart::coconut::sunny::pie::apple::sparkles::pray::rainbow::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


su2sa1li49 months ago

Follow this breath.


Eustachy Piotr Puzon Kalarepa - Kontrabas9 months ago

This is pernament?


shadow9 months ago

I can feel this in my throat and I feel something that I can’t explain.


tracy9 months ago

Sweating, this energy is powerfull…


Dan Theman10 months ago

Takes away my overthinking


Tara Wilson10 months ago

I’m reaching out to the Sapien community to see if anyone has had any luck with a formula that would help with suicidal thoughts.


Angel :butterfly: Butterfly10 months ago

Why my hands are itching after listnd this once?


KSHATRIYA :trident:10 months ago

Thank you Dream Seeds, God bless you and all of us… This one is truly grateful for your services in this ones journey


eha year ago

Can i just use this for 5 minutes instead of listening to the whole video?


animusa year ago (edited)

Remain as awareness you mental Masturbators only in silence you ll find your essence you are running away from


Tatyana Proninaa year ago

Благодарю Вас за Ваши труды!


suffering withina year ago (edited)



Mx Ruwaa year ago

It feels vital that this, brain regeneration and hope and happiness


Akiraa year ago (edited)

Resistance prevents us from having our manifestations. And ego creates resistance. If ego dissolves for the moment we are listening this field then there won’t be any blockage or resistance. Mind won’t resist anything for that moment. It means we’ll get our desires quickly through visualising or even affirming during this field. :pray: Tell me if i am wrong .


Caiden Lighta year ago

This video is great to cleanse the "problem of main source "… Thanl you very much :pray:
Also listlen to “pride removal” by Maitreya Field


Life’s meaning is to be happya year ago

Thank you really helpful


eha year ago (edited)

What if i was having intrusive thoughts of my health when listening to this? Would they manifest?


Subhasini Saravanana year ago

Will this accelerate the results of other fields from sapien


Raiders of the Lost AI Coversa year ago

Really awesome, I did it just once after my mind was going 100 mph and my negative thoughts were assaulting me… and now I’m cool as a cucumber and hella relaxed :DDD


Valisivea year ago

feeling like a tame buddhist when listening to this


Liam Garciaa year ago

I accept and embrace all changes that come with this energy field


s pa year ago

Does this help to reduce expectations also?


Blinka year ago

How many times a day is recommended? once at morning once at night?


Valisivea year ago

this is MASSIVE woah never had an experience like this ever with anything


Valisivea year ago

i felt like my body was made out of waves in the first second of listening to this


ayaz lakhania year ago

It didn’t have much effect maybe a little. I think a lot of my ego has been dissolve by subconscious limits removal.


William DeLonga year ago

There are no problems outside of yourself.


S Ba year ago

Rain sound


Calm yourselfa year ago

Can I loop ‘Ego dissolution’ along with my playlist? or should I hear it for sometime before playing my playlist?. Please reply.


Ela year ago

Does anyone know which sapien fields will help with procrastination caused by perfectionism? :)


William DeLonga year ago

Take a vacation from you.


Julian Solisa year ago

Ego is not our Enemy it’s our power
Our ego is what we identify with what we say is the I am.

A negative ego will have you saying I am unconfident I am weird ect

When you control your ego you decide what you are not society not your family you that is your power in ego

The most powerfull is what you believe you are , the story you tell yourself is the way you will live your life and the quality of it

No one on earth can decide the I am but you


William DeLonga year ago

There is no you or me only source.


Hunter Huntera year ago

Can I speed it up? Will it still work in 2x mode??


Perle De majorque.a year ago

Bonjour c est qu elle frequence q on ecoute ? Pour dissoudre l ego .


Mary Smitha year ago

I feel so free,I feel so free…


N na year ago (edited)

Thank u​:wilted_flower::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::palms_up_together::wilted_flower:


Kenna year ago (edited)

The ego is like a cloud in your mind as it’s clears your judgement and blocks you from seeing things as it truly is, this audio slowly clears those clouds and allow for divine insight or your higher self to shine through the clouds so the more you clear those clouds the less confusion there will be within your mind, I suggest listening to this audio in conjunction with higher self audio as it can strength your connection with source and quickly allow you to ascend to your highest timeline of being.


hydrantincoa year ago

who ever made this is perfect lol


Jenny Medleya year ago

:astonished: WOW…Not much really happened at the beginning, but then near the end I got really hot hands and itchiness like crazy. This is so powerful. Extremely POWERFUL. JUST WOW​:pray::heart:


Joann Robinsona year ago

Gratitude :two_hearts::sparkles:


Vespera year ago

Wow I felt this one immediately. I dropped the vice I was indulging in in less than a minute. Likely not for good, but I immediately lost the taste for what I was doing previously. I love so much of the music used in the Dreamseeds videos and Sapien Exotic Matters collection. That would be awesome if a Subconcious Clearer comes out in this vein. :scream_cat::blush::white_heart:


Kiko Aino The Ultimate Empatha year ago (edited)

This was playing one day and it was automatic and I didn’t know why I was having all these realizations then saw the audio that was playing.

Being able to see yourself from a state of neutrality is very freeing no fear or judgement.


Saudidaraa year ago

listening to this i can now understand how many negative patterns i had. it’s a lot. feeling a strong feeling in my third eye chakra along wit many of the areas i feel discomfort in during OCD episodes or from negative thinking. such an odd experience…but definitely a welcoming one. can’t believe i was scared of trying this out initially lol. honestly feels good to be able to think freely like this. no pressure. no negative patterns. just clarity


Perfect Piea year ago

Wow - my mind was going 100 miles a minute when I turned on this audio. After about 11 minutes I’m so calm! What a blessing.


suffering withina year ago



devilishtrio1111 ma year ago

Either the ego dies , or I die with it , fuck it


Bella Gardnera year ago

thank you so much for all of your videos. you are literally saving so many peoples live’s. including mine. your work is like nothing i’ve seen before. it is truly medicine and art. i am not even exaggerating everyone should listen to these videos.


Brian Sousaa year ago (edited)

I found it easier to let go of “needing” to understand more things. When I used to want to know: why a thing should occur, what the possibilities could be, where it may take place, when it could be expected and wondering with whom a thing was to happen with, I had been limited myself (from an ego perspective). The ego thought it had to understand everything; within the process, for it to work. Once all that melts away, you realize that it is easier to leave the fine details to our higher power’s infinite intelligence.

Just remind ourselves, “Everything good and beneficial, happens at the right place, at the right time; in the perfect way; with the perfect people”; ALWAYS.

With every breath, I am better than I was during my last breath. With every inhale, I allow love inward. With every exhale, I gladly let go of any negativity and share my abundance of love.


Kendra Ha year ago

Without fail, every time I listen to this I end up feeling so calm and falling asleep :blush:


Flossy Archibequea year ago

Will this help me get rid of a crush I’ve had on someone for years? I have tried other things but my mind is fixated on this person against my will.


illdowhatiwanta year ago

Wow this worked
Like actually worked. I’m amazed and excited and so grateful. :nazar_amulet::old_key::rainbow::green_heart::candle::green_heart::rainbow::old_key::nazar_amulet:


Chris Zablockia year ago

If Barry Bonds got fed to crabs, it’s not like they all become Barry Bonds by proxy. I’m not saying that he’s better than you, but…


Raphael Oliveiraa year ago

Pessoal ontem minha visão ficou embaçada e normal quando escutei o áudio


Absolute Goddessa year ago

Is the fear of time running out and being stuck Ego?


Marsha Davisa year ago (edited)

Have been listening to this for about a week now. My skin feels like a very gentle electric current is passing over it while it plays. I have also had a severe neck muscle spasm the whole week. Guess that self protection ego doesn’t want to let go. And my heart chakra is feeling lighter and sensing some movement in the crown chakra.


Raphael Oliveira2 years ago

Pessoal e normal eu do nada perder o foco mesmo ouvindo o áudio por que esses dias estava tão focado aí hoje fico desfocado porque acontece isso


Bianca-Stefana Sofronie2 years ago



Mx Ruwa2 years ago

Thank you Sapien


the kingdom of heaven is at hand2 years ago

Thank you may the most high bless yoy


Unthinkable2 years ago

I ma scared of sleeping and people advised me to see and listen to this video. May it help? I suffer from fear of sleeping because I can’t accept that my brain fully abandons me when I sleep. I can’t accept that I don’t exist in those moments. May this video help?


Raphael Oliveira2 years ago

Pessoal tô mais seguro meus pensamentos aínda está acelerado e algumas coisas mudaram no meu relacionamento com as pessoas do trabalho


Funnu Highty2 years ago

can i use it for a brain reset?


Round blue eyes2 years ago

I fell asleep listening to this. I don’t know what that means


Voice Of Goddess Weapon2 years ago

I accidentally listened to this… what is the antidote please? My solar plexus needs growing not dissolving at the moment


Vanessa Dascalu2 years ago (edited)

This is brilliant! We are programed running pattern, called dramatic triangle,victim, abusser and saviour.


StarSeed3122 years ago

I’ve a neck injury and I felt alot of neck movement. 2nd listen.


Tobias2 years ago

Honestly, I am a little skeptic to these kind of stuff but this one is the real deal


Elhaendhael2 years ago

does anyone cry while listening to this video?


CQN APDN2 years ago

Very very very deeply calming…


Beautybliss22222 years ago

I literally feel shedding old skin… Grateful for this now my dark night of soul will end soon. Thank you​:heart::pray:


Ghost2 years ago

Sapien says to only use 4 fields max per day, I use 5 is that okay? I use this, amygdala healing, superhuman genius because of my learnership, and amplify positive planetary effects and nulify negative planetary effects. Not sure if all these fall under the permanent change fields


Ghost2 years ago

Comment number 1000 :fire:


Imran Shaikh2 years ago



Imran Shaikh2 years ago

999 comments! Wow! Thank you universe i am ready to receive all of it! Shower me with the gifts as i keep giving my gifts with upmost love and gratitude!


:butterfly:Beautifully Broken​:butterfly:2 years ago

Can you mute the sound and still work?


The Jaguar King2 years ago

I’m scared…


livia capone2 years ago

I felt like my toughts was becoming clearer, i’ve noticed that before i had like "a line of fog"in my head, that is starting to disappear.


Mohamed Abdi2 years ago

Would listening to this overnight be recommended?


Tashana I-W2 years ago

Very grateful :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


KEVIN2 years ago

When i listened to this i farted what does that mean guys?


Sky2 years ago

Moments of resistance are perfect moments for ALLOWANCE. Awareness of polarity is a MUST for acceptance and flow. Be it and you shall ppppprosper


Brandon Gaspar2 years ago

Will reccomend doing shrooms to this


Lexi2 years ago

I love this so much, its breaking down my barriers day by day helping me become more aware of everyones energy and our collective conciousness


Abhijit Kesarkar2 years ago (edited)

Thank you. This helped with my ADD and auric attacks. I also used the etheric cord-cutter, emotional release after and before my playlists. I no longer feel the need to listen to too many audios a day to get results.


Claire wooding2 years ago

I thought My mind was getting worse then I realised I’m actualy just seeing my ego Ive patterns more clearly :pray: thank you dreamseed for this one I have been using it a little while not sure how long as I don’t tend to time things these days … another realisation haha


B D2 years ago

I use this instead of subconscious limits because the music on that one annoys me since I grew up hearing it attached to other media experiences I was exposed to on television. Would love a new one of sub limits and depression relief with no music or different music.


8 8 82 years ago

I feel lighter


M D2 years ago

I understand what is the psychological meaning of ego and I need to heal that but I wanted to know if this can also help with other type of ego like pride / arrogance ?


Watcher The Insane2 years ago (edited)

Update: Coming back to this after a year for a few reasons. While the things I wrote initially were true, I realized something else. The voice bringing me down is still quiet, but there’s another part of my ego that’s still alive, a far subtler one. It’s the one that makes you think you’re better than the people around you. It’s not nearly as problematic to me as the other stuff, but when I became aware of it, I realized that I want it gone as well. My spiritual journey will never be complete as long as I look at others as inferiors.

I’ve listened to this for eight months, first thing in the morning, thrice. I’ve stopped now for about a month, but that annoying little voice that caused me so much pain and misery is gone and still hasn’t returned


Anthro Teacher2 years ago

This one is quite good. Definitely feel a lot lighter after playing it.


Anne Pimenta2 years ago (edited)

Love and peace for all :heart::om::v:
my results are, I am calmer, uncontrolled and negative thoughts disappear, I don’t live with irritation, I stopped arguing with my boyfriend for nonsense, increased my compassion, attention and empathy, I live in a state of constant peace. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us :pray:


Connie Henry2 years ago

Is this what was meant by we must die daily? Our ego has to fit through the eye of a needle. Deep thoughts.


Wilma2 years ago (edited)

Ego is that part of our mind that tells us who and what we are, in terms of appearance, roles, characteristics, worth and limitations. Either positive and negative. And we believe it and identify with it. Without the identification, we are afraid we can’t exist.
The ego doesn’t dissolve, we just stop identifying with it. As long as we’re identified with ego, we cannot dissolve it since that would seem to us like dissolving ourselves, meaning dying.
I’m sure this formula can help with calming down the mind and letting go of the repetitive thoughts. But transcending the ego is another level


momoben2 years ago

This while high >>>>>>>>


EFT Happiness and Love2 years ago

It is as if it made you return to your essence from when you were a child, without mental constructs. Personally, I got a little scared, because when I was a child it was tough in the family. It is precisely in that innocent essence that I have suffered the worst abuses. And hearing about going back there scares me because I’m not sure it won’t happen again. I don’t know if I was able to explain myself.
Has anyone happened the same thing?


who wants to knaw on human bones2 years ago

I love the sound of this audio, it’s so soothing. I’ve been struggling with my inner ego. I hate the disgusting feeling that I’m entitled to things after I volunteer and serve by my own will for people. I deal with feeling like I’m never recognized or even appreciated.
My list I’m going to follow:
-This audio
-Kinder and more patient person
-Become whole

  • uplift.


Jonathan carter2 years ago

What motivates you to want to dissolve your ego?. If you find the time to respond with a message, I would be eternally greatful. Personally, I want to be free of any ego attachment because I want to reconnect to divinity in all its array of glorious attributes and thereby rediscovering my true beautiful and God given nature where the impossible is not only possible but guaranteed!


Jonathan carter2 years ago

I have arrived at a point in my life where I have total, complete understanding of the ego, how it works and why it fucks us over everytime. It is the false light. When you truly understand it for what it is you will want to cleanse it from your soul as it is a form of possession, it is the wall you built to keep the divine out of your life.


hi2 years ago

few minutes after listening to this,
is this how mentally healthy people feel?


Jonathan carter2 years ago

Scrolling is your ego patrolling!.


Zai2 years ago

This audio calmed down my mind. I no longer have negative and repetitive thoughts.


Blitz2 years ago

I was brought here so will try I’m very egotistic lol


Krissy Ramsey2 years ago

“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” - A Course in Miracles


Hareessh Prabhu2 years ago

Thanks for your existence, brother :slightly_smiling_face:


Nightmare Rex2 years ago

why do they talkk about how “ego death” is bad but then is apprently only way to stay out of SCP-666-H?


henry james2 years ago

When one assumes the correct answer to every question already exists, the self-imposed barriers become rather thin…


Dhiulya Besyon2 years ago

Escutar sem fone faz efeito?


Em Scott2 years ago

Thank you this felt great. I feel relaxed and peaceful.


su2sa1li42 years ago

Ego is a system created to feed from you. Its the Matrix. All thougths are baits seeking for our answers.


suffering within2 years ago

Secretly Play this everywhere and peace will prevail🙂, people are not good or bad it’s just their ego🙂


Green Ranger2 years ago

I have a few questions.
1)i love my hobbies, passions and interests and etc that i enjoy, like, love and etc.this wont interfere with them right? It brings me joy and consider them a part of my what makes me.
2) this will preferbly remove the parts of me that i find annoying about thyself? Examples: unhealthy habits that are detrimental to ones being.


Zai2 years ago

Is this a booster?


J S2 years ago

Don’t live in your head but in your heart fully open. Love & Light.


Kusum R2 years ago

I have bad and negatively impactful dreams and depressive thoughts when I listen to this. What does that mean? Should I continue listening to this or should I stop?


Delta Subliminals2 years ago

Such a powerful field! The people of the world sure could use more of this. Have a wonderful and blessed day!


Destiny Frazier2 years ago



LJ2 years ago

Can i use this while studying ?


K N2 years ago

Should i Listen on a speaker or headphones?


Swagota Dash2 years ago

Ego means mind made false self.


Noorul Islam :crescent_moon::rice_scene:2 years ago

Bhaduri mera libaza
Jeet mera mukadar
Insaf mari lat(addiction) hai


Talita Vonfürstenberg2 years ago

The sounds made me remember a lot of my childhood memories and got into my deepest thaughts


Nancy Chartrand2 years ago

How many times a day should I listen to this great wonderful frequency ? Is two times a day good ?


KARMA2 years ago

Everyone gangsta till the harp starts playing


Prithu Mukherjee2 years ago (edited)

I’m a married person who loves his wife but my ex is abusig me in social media I am feeling really helpless at times and not being able to find proper solution …can any field of sapien/dream seed/ energetic Alchemi make me benifitted…? you kind hearted pple can sujjest something…


Minuushi2 years ago

Meditation + Ego dissolution = Peace


Yoda The Great2 years ago

Best audio to use before starting a stack. Effects seem to come in a lot better and quicker to.

On top of that I’m comment number 777 :grin:


Anna Stanley2 years ago

This is the holy grail if not single most important youtube video ive ever found it cures dissociation combined with m.e.f.'s booster forget it. This is important because its a tool to undo thinking patterns. Bad ingrained or other wise it really is a treasure.


egodeathrow2 years ago

can you please make a pure frequency audio for ego death?


Amandeep2 years ago

Is this good for shadow work?


Sendo Humana :cherry_blossom:2 years ago



Vijay Kishore2 years ago

This is amazing :clap:


tjrn732 years ago

The things my coworkers used to do that enraged me has gotten much better.


Astrid Jaye2 years ago

I try and listen daily before stacks and have the sub limits tag. I get kinda anxious from this and I think it’s that it works on serotonin and or glutamate receptors and I have glutamate audio. Still going to keep listening but I dunno how people loop this at night :rofl::pray:


Renew2 years ago

One listen is enough for me to feel completely peaceful for the rest of the day no more negative mind chatter everything around me immediately becomes so beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:


Bruna Martins2 years ago

I meditated while listening to this and WOW, it was stunning, I felt like my body was floating in space. Definitely will use this daily. Thank you :heart:


kheireddine kahla2 years ago

Ego is the the matrix


suffering within2 years ago (edited)

Can we listen to 2 sapien audios at same time. From 2different devices?


Armaan Sharma2 years ago

How do y’all know that this is Sapien’s channel ?


Raluca M2 years ago

how can i quiet my mind? i just find myself having random thoughts while listening and it really annoys me


Harsh Thakur2 years ago (edited)

Best audio to listen after you have been cheated or had breakup


neil cleghorn2 years ago

Can someone explain what the ego does,and how listening to this will help me


Love :heart::sparkles:2 years ago

I think there is healthy and unhealthy ego. Like I always say, ego is needed for a healthy sense of self and grounding. It is your human suit. Especially if you are an empath and “too spiritual”. You have to be able to somewhat ground to your human body and physical senses to experience life in the 3D.


mm2 years ago

Changed my life i guess


Natan Dettori2 years ago

I feel like I have nothing I can relate to, like theres nothing outside of myself I feel connected, that I can relate to and that can define me
So lonely…

I used to relate to my friend when we played with bionicles when I was a child, like I could relate with him that they were so cool and awesome like we could share a feeling together
But now nothing,
Nothing to share with people
I’m not the same like anyone else


SophisticatedRat2 years ago

Can I reprogram myself psycologically with this?


Truth2 years ago

Should i use this with subconscious limiting beliefs? If so what goes first? Im also listening to the amygdala healing.


Drakonski2 years ago

Does someone knows, is it working while listening on the background during for example movie? from same audio output?


no name2 years ago

I think I fell in love with one of my friend. Usually he’s not into guys, but he said he likes me a lot, so we wanna get to know each other better and see how it goes.
I know I’m lucky, right ?
But I’m a bit scared. He is so amazing, I fall in love everytimes he talks to me. But my ego always give me negatives thoughts, and scenarios where I am rejected.
The thing is that the relationship model I known, from my parents, was a disaster, and I grew up with their toxicity, and never really been in a relationship before, when I was in the closet, because of my own self hate and dysphoria.
The thing is, even now that I’m much better, I’m a bit scared of love relationship. Scared to hurt hom amd be toxic. My ego keeps me in this position of not being loved when I am. I am loved by my friends, and my crush likes me a lot, when he just could have said “no, I never met a boy I was attracted to so I’m straight.”
My ego wants to keep me in the “not having relationship with who I really love” pattern because it’s where I used to be before, to keep me “safe”. thanks, but no thanks. Screw the past. Unknown is safe, and I am reaaaally safe with this guy. I am loved, Love is safe. True hapiness is safe. Don’t worry about me :) goodbye now, ego.


Nikolai Weinerhausen3 years ago

Every time I listen to this, I feel like deleting my Facebook account.


Fai3 years ago

I play this everytime I feel my ego trying to gain control, fill my head up with negative thoughts and make me become a perfectionist,it calms down the voices inside my head.
I don’t usually listen to long audios but I always listen to it twice


wilsoncloudchamber3 years ago

I am sitting by the bedside of a friend who is dying. I am playing this composition to assist her unbinding process. Are there any other sapien or dream seeds compositions that can help in making an easy passage?


ilyaki3 years ago

This one feels great after few days of listening. Did anyone else notice having less hunger and more calm mind?


Prince Albert In A Can3 years ago (edited)

Ego doesn’t necessarily mean “big ego” like people traditionally think. It’s your sense of self identity no matter what that is. Mine used to be someone whose been cheated on, lied to, used and abused, falsely accused, abandoned, ghosted, manipulated, underestimated, was viciously and maliciously gossiped about, and was utterly powerless. 3 days of listening to this, along with an 11× booster, and I’m becoming someone whose identity is one who embodies health, wealth, youth, vitality, confidence, pride, beauty, and someone who does NOT suffer fools and WILL not abide any sneaky, fakey, f***ery!


Sangeeta Kumari3 years ago

could you please make a subliminal on healing narcissistic personality disorder,please!:pray: i know I am commenting on almost all video of ur channel about it!


Hristo Lazarov3 years ago

For some reason i cannot use the enlightened states forum so i write to everyone that is interested: when we talk deamons and enteties my conclusion is that the biggest and strongest of them is the so called ego…so my advice in order to serve u all is use ego dissolution and the demon and enteties and maybe the justice for all audio and hopefully u will be able to manage that not so undifficult task. Help will provide also the senctisient cells audio and the subc. Remove audio. Glad i could serve. Have fun livin…:grinning:


s p3 years ago

Can this help with OCD?



Om namah shivaya .



Hai there .


PostmodernistCitizen3 years ago

While listening to this, the thought came to me that due to my love attachment style (anxious), whenever my partner travels, I become very unstable and message and call him excessively. It makes our time apart needlessly vexatious and painful for us both, as you can imagine.

This stems from a childhood of not experiencing stable & healthy parental love (the case for many of us), and it has affected most of my adult relationships.

Further, it just dawned on me that my mind works in the exact same way as how I relate to my partner. Whenever I become anxious, it “talks” incessantly and draws me in ten directions just to avoid sitting with the discomforting thoughts and emotions that arise. I compulsively run through ideas and stories in my mind whenever triggers arise in daily living, and for some reasons I never was aware of this.

This insight brought me to a complete stillness inside, and as I sat and observed rather than react to the waves of unconscious thoughts and emotions that normally flood and exhaust my psyche - I thought: “Wow; I’ve just diagnosed a maladaptive coping mechanism stemming from childhood, and it explains why life has been so needlessly stressful and painful. My mind is on constant flight mode. I just have to switch it to “cruise”…

That thought alone, allowed me to soften my entire body. I have suffered from fibromyalgia for almost 10 years (as well as other health & mental issues), and I realized it probably stemmed from my body freezing up and becoming depleted from my mind’s constant engagement in “fear/flight” mode . It’s crazy how our younger years can make or break us.


Only a few minutes after this big Aha- moment did I realize that I am listening to “Ego Dissolution”.

So this video really does wonderful, wonderful, healing and life-changing things.

I wanted to take the time to write and share this, I felt someone somewhere may be going through the same dysfunctional pains and traumas and it might be of help to them.

I read in the comments someone mentioning about auto-immune disorder, etc… I’m not suggesting that it may be the case for all, but a lot of times our physical maladies is our bodies’ way of signaling there is something really not right in our spiritual / mental space that needs investigation / healing.

So, you see, ego dissolution is a really really big deal. It’s a phenomenal thing Sapien is doing here. He’s pioneering deep physical, mental, spiritual healing and it’s all made free to the masses. Those of us who find his channel are really very fortunate. I truly wish more people would know, believe and understand the power of this revolutionary technology that Sapien & co. offers us, the public, so generously & compassionately.

I listen to many Sapien videos, and also an avid fan of his other channels: Dreamseeds & Energetic Alchemy. Sapien has been an important part of my spiritual/ healing journey in the past 3 years.

Thank You can hardly convey the gratitude I feel. Blessings, blessings, blessings to you Sapien — may the forces always be with you.



ahmed yasser3 years ago

I swear I feel power radiating from my hand , it’s hot :fire::sparkling_heart:


Lee Wawson3 years ago

Infinite :sparkles:Beings :dove: The Eg*go IS a Waffle :waffle:


su2sa1li43 years ago

Compulsive eating?


Maan faith3 years ago

If you want, you can


Maan faith3 years ago



Anthony Medina3 years ago

If I listen to this for 3 months daily will it become permanent? This is too good


ayaz lakhani3 years ago (edited)

I suspect this has helped me with biggest manifestation of my life. It could be something else but i suspect this has played its role.


Fernhill3 years ago

Amazing …!!!


Jonathan carter3 years ago

I meant to say that this is yet another beautiful energy transmission. Great for polishing up your clarity by extending those glorious gaps between thoughts, where you can feel, breathe and live in your heart . Beautiful, thankyou. Love and gratitude.


the Demon3 years ago

Does this actually help? Im a self aware narcissist and want to use this.


M R3 years ago



Anti closed minded spirit3 years ago

I admit I have a problem with my ego. I’ve always had a problem where I’d help people but then always feel like I was owed something back. I just want to go back to enjoying being a light worker without the bad portion.


Imogenpsychic3 years ago

Sometimes this is just the frequency I need. To tame my ego.


Rebecca Destura3 years ago

yo this is DOPEEE :dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:


Jayana Jain3 years ago

Trust me this works. Give it at least 2 weeks by which I mean, it starts to work the first day of listening internally & you may not feel it tangibly right away but in the bg it IS working! After 2 weeks you’ll feel the difference tangibly.


Jonathan carter3 years ago

Whatever you believe is just your ego butting in. The ultimate truth is that the ego has no place in God’s realm, the ego is man made, foolishness and nonsence. The ego is dying rapidly in today’s world and those that hang onto it will suffer tremendously in the coming weeks, months and few years. The earth and evolution of the soul is slaying the remaining ridiculous attempts of the ego to maintain control.


Saqib Hussain3 years ago

Can you provide no music version?


k3 years ago

I am trying to work with it… Need a turnaround… Thanks :rose::tada::christmas_tree:


brokenlone3 years ago

Are headphones required?


Elijah3 years ago



Rachael Tan3 years ago

I am not the body , I am not even the mind


The One3 years ago

The Monkey Mind aka the Ego. A proper little asshole that keeps trying to gain control over our amazing abilities and dreams .


Ayy yooo3 years ago



Ayy yooo3 years ago

Listen to this before blockage remover by sapien


Miriam Ana3 years ago

I :heart: YOU


EyeSee3 years ago

Can this be played on a low volume?


PJSWAG2113 years ago

Do we have to visualize our ego leaving us? Or will this work on its own without conscious effort. Thank you :)


PJSWAG2113 years ago

Can I listen with wired headphones? What about Bluetooth ones? Thank you :)


StellarHermit3 years ago

We are simply 3d projections of God/Source/Shakti. We were never separate from but were. We are Spirit Incarnate for the Development of Ourselves as Ascended Beings. We are all simply 3D projections of the Universal Light and We have the ability to become that light for the benefit of all who gather on this 3D plane. Limits were created from ego but are truly illusions for we are actually limitless in all ways.


your neighborhood zombie3 years ago

Today I was starting to feel negative energy try and change my vibrations of my physical body. I turned this on and took deep breathes and I’m feeling a lot better. Thank you intuition and gods/spirits for giving me a slight push towards this.


vpd3 years ago

Does no one have hearing problems becaus of these audios?


Hans van Ditmarsch3 years ago

Feels good.


Primal life3 years ago

How long the dissolution will last?


:leo:Julián Śondakh​:crown:3 years ago

Hey all can this Remove Attachement???


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)3 years ago

I got tingles while listening , this help anyone with subliminal results ?


Waterflowerfairy3 years ago

Please everyone, the ego is very simply not the enemy.
We as humans on earth cannot live without it. The ego is all part of the human experience.
You do not need to reach a higher state of consciousness or your higher self. You are absolutely gorgeous inside and out with all of the human being feelings you all carry inside of you.
You are loved
You are worthy
You are having a human experience .


Waterflowerfairy3 years ago

The ego will always be there as part of the human experience. Ego deaths can only ever be understood through the ego itself.


Vicky claxton3 years ago

Been delving into shadow work of late to integrate my fractured self, is there anything audio wise that can help with this?


owendagreat13 years ago

Limits are only illusions of the ego.


Queen Forever3 years ago

This is the best audio ever. I can listen to it all day long. It makes me feel so calm :heart:


Daniel Edmundo Rodríguez López Serra3 years ago (edited)

Meditating and letting go are the best ways to dissolve ego.
This music is awesome.


conner Nolan3 years ago

Amazing and it’s track no. 11/11 :pray:t3::pray:t3:


GBaker3 years ago

*yawns. Sleepy now.


A K3 years ago

how long and how many times can I use this? Other subliminals like changing my physical donot seem to work for me, even though I had used them consistently. Some one recommended me to hear this first. So can I use this along with a thin nose subliminal or stop hair fall subliminal


Heathcliff Beareroflight3 years ago

does this help with detachment of things?


Angelaura5553 years ago

so strong ! :ribbon::ribbon::ribbon::ribbon::black_square_button::partying_face:


Christ Consciousness3 years ago

The experiencer is just an experience the thinker is just a thought the feeler is just a feeling I does not exist


Antonio Jose Murillo Murgueitio3 years ago

Hey Dream Seeds,can I buy this one?


Mo3 years ago

What is ego? I never fully understood what it means.


Blank3 years ago

I just read on Sapien’s forum that this video promotes neuroplasticity


Kite Sky3 years ago

Love this and listened many times. This time though… my eyebrows are vibrating :joy::joy:


Mimi Berlin3 years ago



Copper Canyon Health3 years ago

putting music on and this is pretty nice!!


TerikaJ3 years ago

I love how people in the comments are helping each other! Way to go guys! :raised_hands:t4:


Copper Canyon Health3 years ago

this plus DMT one anyone tried it :P??


Angel Cheng3 years ago

So lucky to find this. We won’t die of our ego :grin:Great love to everyone! Thanks Sapien.


John Diamond 7773 years ago

Much Gratitude for this Bless YOU!!!


How mathematicians create maths3 years ago

imagine if politicans and CEOs listened to this… they would turn from tyrans to leaders ;-)


Dilan’s Channel3 years ago

A field for emotional indépendance please.


aithaf3 years ago

Merci !


Ahrar Syrian3 years ago

Uncomfortable :nauseated_face::broken_heart:


Aparna M3 years ago

This is a masterpiece. When the ego is dead then u realise you are not just the human body but you are a part of the whole, one consciousness. This is blissful :expressionless::innocent:. This is so useful for soul path instead of ego living,:innocent:thank you for this gift​:blush:


Rena Minor3 years ago

Hmmmm…Does listening to this along with say, facial symmetry or wrinkle removers constitute cognitive dissonance…?! (Being facetious, of course…) ;) Love your work. Thank you.


Julian Runia Sondakh3 years ago

Why this make other frequency work faster?


Spartan13373 years ago

Finally to the point where I can achieve true balance whenever I put in the effort.


Yoda The Great3 years ago

Can anyone say that they feel this in the crown chakra area? I feel somewhat of a little itchy feeling in that area.


Random guy on the internet3 years ago

Hoping this helps subliminal results


Wisteria A.3 years ago

How do I establish a healthy ego?
To function as a human being on this planet, one needs to have a healthy balanced ego.
How do I not fall in to the illusion of my ego identifying as “ego-less”?


Julian Runia Sondakh3 years ago

Is this remove also obssesive to subliminal?


nightly3 years ago (edited)

Is pausing the ego’s pattern equivalent of pausing our current homeostasis?


Ancientloveme3 years ago

Am I the only one getting ADVERTISEMENT in the videos? does’nt it cancel out any benefits? There are 3 ADS or 4 in this video. my friends pls. let me know if it still works for you or just a waste. Thank you.


mike bauer3 years ago

Found this and just used it,amazing at first was skeptical but was playing a video game when this kicked in wow!


saweetie3 years ago

Thank you so much i don’t get results bc of my stupid ego who doesn’t want me to change finally gonna changee


Just3 years ago

Love the course! THANK YOU!!!


Merlinus Ambrosius3 years ago

Does the video quality make a difference in the intensity of the energy ?


JS Info3 years ago

Anyone… any result with this audio?


conquerer3 years ago

Can anyone tell me what is the importance of this audio


Bashayer Bebita3 years ago (edited)

I woke up grumpy (had awful thoughts from yesterday) and I’m playing it now felt like an outward push in my heart space!!!

Also feeling it heavy pulling from my stomach area the other day. :ringer_planet:


Pasindu Kaumada3 years ago

What is the difference between Subconscious blockages removal field and this field ?


sofie gottlieb3 years ago

Thank you sapien you bless us 🧚‍♂:pray::heart:


ᴀᴅᴠᴏᴛɪʏᴀ ʀᴀsᴋɴᴏʟɴɪᴋᴏᴠᴀ3 years ago

Thank you Dream/Sapien, this is just what I needed.


Godson_2563 years ago

Ego is your default programming, it always fight back, but this is overwhelming and overpowers it, it is the enemy within, the seat of the devil. Free yourself you are more powerful


Russell Starmore3 years ago

I gotta say, this is definitely one of the deepest meditations i’ve ever had. I actually started to see faint pictures that reminded me of psychedelics. Amazing what frequencies can do! Thanks :slight_smile:


Lisa McCue3 years ago (edited)

Why isn’t this permanent? Is there a way to make it permanent? Please try. Also, should this be making me very sleepy? And thirsty?


light seeker3 years ago

You will become a monk after using this…lol


Starr3 years ago

Goddess of love


Starr3 years ago

Just say no to anchor ikimet. Love L7


Master Axe3 years ago

What is going on? Why am I angry with some people for some of the stuff they have done to me? :worried:


Unique3 years ago

One of the main reason of any kind of separation is the ego. I will combine this with attract Love and gratitude. Let‘s see what happens.


Lucifer3 years ago

Can I listen Ego Dissolution with Higher Self Connection? Pls tell me. Sorry, my English isn’t very good. Thank you, i love you <3


deephouse_ down_under3 years ago (edited)

Subs going​:weary: crazy in my rari :musical_score: :+1:…Feel like selling the car now Mr Sapien :racing_car:.


aquario16o23 years ago

Might dissolve some problems :)


Daniel3 years ago

Can you do Out of Body Experience with it while awake? Great Work!


sh 943 years ago

Why do I feel sleepy? :neutral_face:


XX3 years ago

“there is also be some enhanced glucose absorption,(brain fuel) to compensate for the increased cell excitability which should take place in the frontal and temporal regions.”
Does this mean one should increase glucose consumption because of higher demands?


Brooke88883 years ago

Thank You DreamSeeds!

~Love and Light To All​:heart::pray:t4::heart:


Anton Bengtsson3 years ago

These fields are 110% legit and working perfectly, but do we nees to listen everyday for 3 months ?

Because i’ve read that skipping one or two days, and you’ll restart. Is that true?

And if so how long should one listen on a daily streak to get permanent benefits of these amazing fields?

Kind regards


Whatever you wish3 years ago

Does this contain affirmations or is energetically programed?


PSI PATH3 years ago (edited)

Excitable cells have resting potentials that range from -50mV to -85mV, while non-excitable cells have potentials that range from -5 mV to -10 mV. we will be on horsepower lol


PSI PATH3 years ago (edited)

yes my ego fight back everytime since i’ve used the self-realization series to let go the ego, but when some part of the ego come back, it doesnt back come as strong as it was in first or second time. like its begin to loose its strength every time i shut it down. it become easier to embrace the mental freedom each time. i won’t lie that it was somehow painful experience first when i got lost in spirituality first time i had spiritual awakening then ego death. but now ok im more peaceful than before.


3 years ago (edited)

Peace is always and already present
When you stop wanting…


Amras Culnamo3 years ago

I hope this works… I am severely depressed and tired of living


Chantel Morton3 years ago

I Love the concept :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:
Thank you for this creation…you are incredible​:grin::roll_eyes:
I wish it could be permanent … super higher conciousness :thinking:
That would be AMAZING :heart::heart::heart::heart:


My / Cosmic / World3 years ago

A M A Z I N G! Thank you so much for this and all that you do. Big Love. C.


Sanaa Issa3 years ago



Emile Zaha3 years ago

The bass on this on my speakers shakes the whole building :joy:
Guess neighborhood is wonder wtf is that


Matías DL3 years ago

How many times should i listen?


Primal life3 years ago

So how long this dissolve last to let us programe our self


Gentleman3 years ago

Do THC field the psychoactive chemistry, i think is a good match :relieved::herb: Plus DMT


Doris3 years ago

Thank you so much, I just finished listening to, Justice for all & this is the perfect follow up. I want to ensure that I’m doing things for all of the right reasons & am facing a heartbreaking situation. Seeing the destruction of what addiction can do to a person is so painful. Thank you! Graywolfwoman :v:


Happy Now?3 years ago

This truly was the video I did not think I needed but needed the most. Thank you again for your wonderful inspirational video <3


Hemanth SivaKumar 1113 years ago

Can I listen to the Quadible Integrity’s Semen Retention formula after listening to this Ego Dissolution frequency? Please let me know the benefits of this combo. :)


Dupa Granita3 years ago

make for visits people in their dream


Vegan Vocalist3 years ago

Doctor Who :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Clo-tii3 years ago

SM now I congratulate you, not on your capacity to speak quite many languages ah ah but on your level of expertise when you explain the effects of your videos on the human body…I am like a student learning and I am thankful to “côtoyer”(wasn’t satisfied with the different translations, so I leave it in French, not a problem for you :nerd_face::smirk:) people like you. Merci :relaxed:


Ionut-Alexandru Bajarca3 years ago

Just listened to this for the first time and I had one of the most beautiful experiences ever! Thank you Sapien! Really grateful for your work!


Wisteria A.3 years ago

Huh, so this is basically Ego death. This concept is associated with enlightenment. It’s very fascinating.


Healer7863 years ago

Please make a video to get text from specific person plzzzz


Essou3 years ago

It undoubtedly works well for Me!
For a facile understanding, this audio is canceling any clutter you might have when working on an object that requires extra concentration.
Thank you.


tubebut tubebut3 years ago

Is this supposed to be listened with headphones?



I would love to have one video die muscle flexibility and incrasing mobility ,tension get rid of.


Harish Panjwani3 years ago

I am feeling irritated and emotional… Is that the sign of dissolution?


Captainkickass123 years ago

Would this enhance the effects of subconscious limits dissolver if played before it?


Wandering Star3 years ago

I was so excited to see this. I have been looking for something like from you for a few months. Omg.


Tom-Lee Allinne Diego3 years ago

thank you so much sap! will it be on patreon?


Healer7863 years ago (edited)

Can I use this for healing of my partner’s ego


SociaVibe3 years ago (edited)

This might be the most important field to date. Something like this could really help with the egocentric stubbornness and arrogance of the world. Not a full, permanent ego break, but it’s close enough for now. As always, thank you SM.


littlebopeep20113 years ago

Yesterday morning I was looking for a video to dissolve ego and by night, you posted. It’s unbelievable. Thank you so much🙏. I only wish the effects could last forever


Andy Candy3 years ago

Thank you :blush: for Your Love :heartbeat:. This is truly soothing and relaxing on my mind. Such pleasant feelings of a gentle falling , and lightness of being, into a beautiful happy zone. Awesome​:pray::pray::pray:


The1stBoon3 years ago

hey sapien or someone else what is the best way to implement these kinds of patterns? visualizing? making statements to myself ?


x Active Xx Goldeneye 0073 years ago

Sow this combined with subconscious limit removal would improve drasticaly the effect of your fields or other Frecuencys ?


avelione3 years ago

This makes me feel lighter and takes some emotional issues but… also gives me quite a strong headache -_-


Ada Maria3 years ago

God bless you


Réjeanne Dubé3 years ago

Thank you very much Dream Seeds. I love this video. Love and blessings.:leaves::rose::leaves:


Kirteem kher3 years ago

How can we create new patterns using this???


Kirteem kher3 years ago



Wings3 years ago (edited)

Nirvana is not the end :relaxed: and there is nothing wrong with you :crazy_face:


Anonymous me3 years ago

The biggest obstacle for a person is being able to witness his ego to reach enlightenment maybe this can help.


Susie Turner3 years ago

This is really incredible! Thank you!


d653 years ago

THANK U . this make me able to watch rick and morty i was think its stupid i dont know how grown ups can watch it , also stop feeling anger because mother not giving me basic human attention when talk to a group … and i feel i get myself back before i get into self love self knowledge self healing thing 5 years ago like i am unbothered and your energy blockage video works it was’t effect me before this gift!


Brooke Little3 years ago

Thank you for doing what only you can in such a weird time. You have helped me.


M D3 years ago

Is this supposed to be listened from time to time or can I listen it daily? Btw thank you so much for this is so powerful. :two_hearts:


aaa aaa3 years ago

Thank you<3


Ted Smith3 years ago

Is this one going to be for sale?


Dane Tannahill3 years ago

So, I’m not sure if it would take a few hours to integrate but suddenly I’m feeling void of feeling. I’ve been under excessive anxiety including major heartbreak over my ex lover and now it’s like nothing matters. It doesn’t feel right but does. Maybe this will energetically allow her ( not against her will ) to come back to if that is what will serve us.


Moonessa Lyn3 years ago

I’m listening again this morning and it’s… perfect is all I can say.
Thank you Dream Seeds. Lucky me to have found you.
Hope your life is as good as you make others. M


Dziad Borowy3 years ago

Sapien why did you remove meditation video from the other channel?


lurgy3 years ago

Such a blessing to know this Channel.
Thank you so much!.


Bianca E.3 years ago

Wow, thank you so much! I really need to get rid of my ego. My ego is always in the way of my spiritual growth


Natalie E3 years ago

Perfect thank you :green_heart::pray:


Jalal Ahmed3 years ago

Wow this will be a great tool during meditation!


Hams M.3 years ago (edited)

Why wasn’t I notified for this? :sob: wow I have wanted this for a long time now! Does that mean that “the more we listen the longer the effects last?” I hope so… Also I’m buying your Glory tag and I can’t wait for the quality of life it will bring to me… :heart::heart:


NOID3 years ago (edited)

I really would love to understand why there is something that is holding us back to be our true self and why that is possible. I do not consent that something can hold me back to reach my full potential!!!


Bobby Velez3 years ago

This is another top notch video from Sapien. Thank you so much Dreamweaver!


he z3 years ago

Tysm :purple_heart:u fr yr unconditional :purple_heart:


Rock Star3 years ago

Kindly forward this to all the ladies across globe
Thank sapien


shade grey3 years ago

Rip my playlist !


LuAna Limitless Possibilities 10103 years ago



Nazneen Ahmed3 years ago

“You may feel resistance but this is probably most gentle way to do this.”
These lines are true. When ego dissolution comes through worldly experiences, it is painful.
Benefit of this field is that oneness or unity conciousness could also be experienced. When we shed unhealthy ego, there is so much possibility of growth within.
Thanks for posting this field Sapien.


d653 years ago

… this great


Priyanka D’sa3 years ago

Thank you Sapien…


oly3 years ago

My friend I have no Word. :gem:


Stuart McKenzie3 years ago

I wish we were born without egos. We all would be nicer people


Christ Consciousness3 years ago

We are beautiful :fist:


S E3 years ago

Synchronicity woohoo :partying_face:


Linux3 years ago

Your content keeps getting exponentially better. Thank you for your hard work and determination to provide us this life changing work!


Michael Johnson3 years ago

Thank you so much for your generous uploads! You are the best Dream Seeds <3 <3


spiritual being3 years ago

Does this remove the karmic body which is essentially the ego it’s a snake like body attachment on to your energetic system. Was placed there by archons,once the karmic body is removed ego is gone for good and you start ascending super fast


Vaibhav P3 years ago

Hello Sapien Med
I have a question I forwarded corona virus disruption mp3 to my friends using whatsapp will it be still effective for them as they haven’t downloaded it by themselves from your site?


Nitin Sawant3 years ago

Wow its a blessing thanks​:heart::heart::heart:


PsychicRani3 years ago

Love this :pray:t5::woman_in_lotus_position:t5:


psychonaut3 years ago (edited)

Sapien… Please make a track for soul retrieval.


Just3 years ago

Lol so a Sapien Med Booster!!! This is so amazing! Thank you for helping me get out of my own way!!!


anamika3 years ago

Thx so much… sometimes i feel is like to get rid of ego permanently… feels like a pain in butt


Gentleman3 years ago

Sir after how much time does the ego takes to come back?? this is so funny btw, as if it’s in vacation… I’m seriously just tryna get to know how to use this properly


Frank lee3 years ago

Sir you are Gold!!


KING Sheldon3 years ago (edited)

SO FREAKIN EPIC! :star_struck::star_struck:


BootieHorsie3 years ago



Carloniel Duran3 years ago

I am grateful for this, now I can tame my ego.


DIANNE3 years ago

I am feeling piscean


DIANNE3 years ago

I like it a lot and I had big reservations. It is unburdenening. Mind you I was just thinking about that today too. What a strange synchronicity/ Thank you


Trex183 years ago

Saying this is the best free field created thus far is an understatement. I’d even say this can compete with the vibration of creation. Powerful stuff dream. I would love to see this as a wearable field someday.


WhyOnlyRed?3 years ago (edited)

I have no words… Thank you. Again and again✨
:) I got the message :slight_smile:


Lipgloss Lesbian3 years ago

Immediately my temporal lobes started crackeling and a calming over my whole head.This is deep and just f&$!?/. Rad!!!


Daniel3 years ago

Is it safe to use it 24/7?


Orion333 years ago

Timing is impeccable


Erika Csizmadia3 years ago

Love the whole idea.


Devin Elon Madgy3 years ago

Aurora approves


Navya J3 years ago

One if possible for success in everything-career, starting a business, making it success, relationship success, health success, money success, everything in your favour


Wisteria A.3 years ago (edited)

I always feel like I have an existential crisis, will this help or make it worse?
I almost feel ego-less at times, but I feel like it’s part of my ego to feel that way sometimes.


Josie Belle3 years ago

Thankyou!! This is gold


Moonessa Lyn3 years ago

Gosh I feel light as a feather. Free floating. Aaamazing Dream Seeds such mind blowing work. Literally.


erick t3 years ago

I was reading one of the comments in the chat room. Is weed really an acension Tool? To get help get past the ego?


zezima3 years ago

How about you make a field to stop the damn new world order and the deep state from enforcing martial law and forced vaccinations. Bill gates. Anthony fauci. The World health organization, all were in cahoots with China to release this virus and then find a “cure” (vaccine) connected with a micro chip to enslave us under artificial intelligence and a police state. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are also part of the deep state. Bill gates had a PATENT on the corona virus. They want mandated vaccines and a CHIP to control us, along with a militarized state under technocratic surveillance (5G)/ I love you sapien but we need a serious field right now for what’s going on. And this is just not important right now. Agenda 21 and the new world order agenda to depopulate us and control with A.I is real. We NEED a field too STOP this agenda


Kevin Earl Enright3 years ago

Perfect timing. I was just searching for an ego dissolution Audio like 30 minutes ago for the first time ever and of course my favorite artist comes out with one :heart_eyes: :pray:.
Grateful for our existence!


thelamb3 years ago

Well… Good to have this as it will help me a lot in my daily life. So many things to do. This will help me in my daily inner struggle.


Nexus The Traveler3 years ago

Yeah but there is so much work to be done. This is a step in the right direction for sure. Props for this one Dream


Brooke Little3 years ago

This will benefit so many. :heart::pray:

where to find EMDR x2

EMDR is a type of therpy technique, you can find it on youtube.

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I already have some
I thought there was an NFT

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So once you “dissolve” your ego, what is left? Is there another kind of self?

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Someone with more space, ease, calm, love, humility, focus, will, strength, joy and a lot more stuff that has been hidden from you by your very own ego :ghost:, but I would only ask you start listening and experience it for yourself because it is difficult to express in words.

All I can say it makes life easier, you get the tools and the will to experience this blessing, called life.


This is a kind of question where merely a mental or intellectual answer won’t do it. You have to discover and see it for yourself. :brown_heart:
You won’t regret it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Problem is if one looks up ego dissolution on google the first thing that comes up is " the ordinary sense of self is replaced by a sense of union with an ultimate reality underlying all of manifest existence"

So realistically one is functioning as if one is the entire universe?

Which sounds great if it happens during meditation but maybe not so great if one wants to function in the physical world in a physical body?


That’s the thing. You cannot grasp it merely by intellect. Nobody can. It’s indescribable and unimaginable. You can only be that. And actually you are only that but believing you are separate - ego.
It’s okay if you don’t get it or not.
It’s gradual proccess for most.
It’s like peeling an onion. More layers you peel away more lighter and happy you are and all functions perform better.
But what remains after all layers are peeled? What is in the center of the onion?
Indescribable joy :heart: :pray:

I wasn’t asking about enlightenment. Just ego dissolution. If it can’t be described then how do we know its even safe to use?

Well, it’s not safe for the ego because it may disappear.
What is enlightenment? Who gets enlightened? Isn’t it just dissolution of illusions?
I don’t even know who is writing this and to whom it is written.
It is just seen here and in you. Pure seeing, no labels.
Yet it is.


Beautiful. Thank you :pray:t5::sun_with_face:

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The true freedom field.


Using Opus Manhattan 5x prior to Ego Dissolution 3x before proceeding to our playlist, let’s see what happens. Maybe it will further bolster the effects and results of Ego Dissolution.


No procrastination thanks to this! :sunglasses:


Universal tier field. Using this daily for hours :gift_heart:


Ego dissolution gives me the sense to become awareness from a cleanslate. In this state, it becomes easier to build new identities with perspectives, behaviors, and belief systems that differ from your ‘old’ self. I strongly believe it is essential to engage with this field daily, just to stay aware of the thought patterns and avoid falling mentally ‘asleep’.

Overtime, this field allows us to transmute to higher level of consciousness.