Ego Dissolution Audio

I thought I’d share this tidbit here because I use this before VoT not sure if its overkill But this is DrVirtual7s rediscover your authentic self which has in the description maintain, tame, and establish a healthy ego. Seems to keep my ego under control for much longer.


ego diss first almost always in almost any stack.


Followed by subconscious limiting belief and if scared of that you want to change use the new Amygdala audio.


As Sapien says - experiment. :slight_smile:
For me, this combination is optimal:
Ego Dissolution
Subconscious Limit Dissolver
Forgiveness and Release
Emotional Release + EMDR x2 (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Session
Amygdala Healing x2

Yesterday, after such a combination, the whole body began to burn. Some unpleasant emotional states began to come out :slight_smile:



What do you think guys if listening this only once in morning in my playlist would be enough? Will do it’s work like for better or effective working Sapiens fields on me?
How many times you listen this stuff?


What does everyone think of this?
If you think it’s total bs, I’d like to hear your reasons.


In context of spirituality’s interpretation for these modern days, the discussion is directed to quickly moving from quickly clearing one’s mind and doubts and internal conflicts and simultanenously move to rectify what’s wrong with the society and in this case, the above quote holds true.
For example, the planet and people would really be better of if the majority sifted to vegetarianism atleast since we now have the technological means to do so in terms of distribution, production and maintenance and as research has pointed out. To do that, one would require to fiercely participate in any outer activity promoting veganism etc. while simultanenously changing his own lifestyle as much as he can. This would require planning, resources and execution. Where would one be able to get it from? From doing something that requires your ego to be involved. The very thought of indulging in this work in this way means that ego is the primary requirement for one. I think taking the right action is the only right thing to do, both at the societal and personal level, everything else is just a means to achieve those right targets. That;s what true religion is, that’s what true spirituality is, I believe.


When they will released it in a dog tag.?

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Donny Epstein

Exactly! Donny who?!

This “quote” alone without a WHOLE LOT of background and contextual explanation is kinda hogwash and misleading and easy for misinterpreting…by the Ego.
Ironic, I guess :smirk: :sweat_smile:

edited: lol had to edit, didn’t even get his first name right… Donny, not David. :roll_eyes:

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Ego is a tool to navigate the world. The way I see it, the goal in spirituality is to transcend your ego so it no longer has control over you. You’ll be using it instead of it using you. You can certainly still take action to better the world if you are enlightened.

In being more connected with the world by being more present in the moment rather than being carried by your ego’s thought patterns, you get a better feel of what the ‘right’ thing to do might be. ‘Right’ in the sense of helping others, spreading love and positivity, perhaps creating positive change in some form. Since you aren’t stuck in the mind set of what your ego thinks is right, you’d be more in the present flow of truth and understand what others may actually need rather than what your ego thinks they need. There’s more of an open mindedness that leads to better clarity in these kinds of things.

The ego is already set on its morals of what’s right and what’s wrong. It is not very open and can be very undermining of other people’s morals. So something we are actually seeing a lot of in the world today are people like Donny Epstein. People who believe in ‘good’ and have positive intentions to help people and change the world. But, they want to change the world to fit what they believe is right or wrong. People who think differently, are in the ‘wrong’ and need to be woken up or in some extreme cases, eliminated.

The Social Justice Warrior movement for example is huge on this. They might have positive intentions but many of them go about it by attacking people who think differently than them. That’s such a silly way of trying to create change. Those people they are attacking, have been conditioned with their set of different morals over a life time and aren’t going to be convinced they’re wrong just because you say they are. They are only going to hate them more and feel more validated by their behavior that stinks of self righteousness and disdainfulness.

Look at some vegetarians for example…. Some of them end up attaining this self righteous attitude and attacking people who eat meat in their ‘Go Veggie’ campaigns. How is that convincing meat eaters to switch to vegetarian lol?

If you want to create change, you can’t go at it from one side or another. An ego picks sides. Change is to fix what’s broken and part of that is to reunite the disconnect to create balance once again.

This is why in the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu believes that the leader of a country should be an enlightened one. Because an enlightened man is non dual and doesn’t play to sides. He acts on what creates balance for everyone rather than one side or the other.


Hes right.

Dont believe me? Put on ascension tag.

Good luck changing the world with it.

When I wear that tag, you can murder a baby in front of me and I wouldnt give a fuk.

“Meh, just a vessel, soul will find another one”

“Its just human emotion, ignore it”

Edit; @SammyG is right too. Theyre both right lol.


Those? That’s me that did that.

He didn’t get suspended for thinking differently. He got suspended for breaking the rules by posting racist comments. Warned him about that before but then did it again. Insults, especially of that caliber are against the rules as posted in the forum policy .

And ex-roku is still around. I like the dude and don’t have an issue with him. Just you know, rules are rules.


Lol at ex-Roku.

Breaking rules is my purpose in life, but I respect Sam and Dream too much to do it here, again.

A little unstopable will and we’re good;)


Sadly… Roku passed away because of massive volcanic eruption in his home island… :pray: :pray:


Which audios can have similar effects to ascension tag

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I don’t think they will. These audios are very strong, putting them on a tag could cause more harm than good.


Vibration series

Lol which audios can mirror the effects of the vibration series

ego dissolution
amygdala healing
higher vibrations
angelic vibrations
higher self connection
whatever the name of that chakra one is now…lol

as a stack…

those are the closest you’ll get i think.
I’m sure i’m forgetting some.

watch this for edits…lol