Ego Dissolution Audio

I will try that stack thank you, I’m going to try to manifest money with sapiens audios also so I can buy these things

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Working on your chakras will slowly raise your vibrations, so all chakra audios too


Idk whether to use them daily or take breaks

listen to your body and mind, usually its better to take breaks


An off topic question, I ordered an item 3 months ago and it NEVER ARRIVED.

For people who are in the same situation as me. Can you still request CUSTOM fields? Or is it no longer possible?

Thank you.

Not sure if you contacted us about that but if that’s the case then we’d be willing to make that field on a custom item of yours free of charge.


Teespring printed my item 3 times and it NEVER ARRIVED.

Teespring offered to wait a little longer and make a decision, but I’m really disappointed because I actually want the item.

Unfortunately I did not contact you.

There’s nothing left to do?

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and what does the track number of orders show?

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We’ll work it out with you bud. One way or another, we’ll get you those fields. Send us an email.


Indeed it is… indeed it is :wink:


Related: but a more reminder to myself for a discussion on another day.


Great question dude.

Non duality isn’t exactly complete passiveness. It’s a matter of more choice from being able to see both perspectives at once rather than stuck on one side or the other. If you don’t have much of an ego, then you often end up choosing what has the better outcome for the collective and creates the most overall balance. Egoless people tend to be utilitarian. But… they might choose not act at all. Non-duality is to gain the free will of choice rather than be subjected to the choice of your ego’s beliefs/perspective. And in this free will, you do gain a strong clarity as to what course of action can lead to the most balance.


I see some understandable misconceptions about what the non-dual is in this thread.
I was going to write a long wall of text but realized it would probably upset everyone except a handful of people here.
So instead I’ll leave this seed and let it grow… assuming it isn’t immediately uprooted by one’s beliefs.

(Please do not @ me if this bothers you. Your “beef” is with everything you were taught being “wrong” and at the “Universe”)

Will start with the picture above as a “clue”

Yang = Light = Manifest = Masculine = Giving = Positive Polarity = Creation = Service to Others = Space/time

Yin = Darkness = Void = Feminine = Receptive = Negative Polarity = Destruction = Service to Self = Time/space

Non-dual by definition means “NOT two” ie the balance or integration of the seemingly “dual” nature of the Universe.




i really like this pic compared to the usual symbol with solid dots in the middle of both the black and white.


Okie dokie. See you at Mass Meditation!

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What then doesn’t have duality, know you at least just one thing?

Nothing is true everything is permitted. Use the field and come to your own conclusions/reality paradigm etc. The One Above All does’nt post here and nobody needs to be “corrected”.

you cant describe sth that is beyond the logical mind

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Can this be played overnight?

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