Energetic Clone Jutsu

What if you could create a energetic clone (or multiple clones) to be able to perform task and when they are finished, the clone returns to you and you can absorb all the experience, information and memory (muscular too) of the clones.

Energetic representation of the Naturo’ jutsu


Has anyone tried this dm? I’m very familiar with Naruto. It is also described in the comics that this art can improve the progress of spiritual cultivation several times. I wonder if we can come to several incarnations here and listen to one field for each incarnation.


Naruto is my favorite show this sounds super awesome


I sent my clone on a bit of an investigative mission. He returned with all of the necessary energetic information I needed, in order to make a much more informed decision. My own confirmation clone lol :mag_right:


If anyone gets it to do the dishes let me know.


better laundry. then you will be shocked…where did those clean clothes appeared from???


I imagine I would have to have quite a strong energy body in order to healthily use this? Aside from say, an ability/awareness to communicate with it, as with servitors?
@Benny, how easy/hard did you find using this? Have you tried it since? :)

Or, if a wiser guy could kindly provide some ‘prerequisites’ to be able to make use of something like this,


I see it’s on sale rn…


Super easy @zea !!!

I would say the only prerequisite would be to “keep an open mind” and drop all of those limiting beliefs that have been hammered into us since birth. If you find yourself still running into these limiting beliefs, I would spam Subconscious Limits Remover/Ego Dissolution.


Thank you, Benny!


You are welcome Zea!!!


You will receive all the fatigue of washing the dishes, but these will still be dirty :laughing:

But this way you improve and you can wash them faster next time


You can dm if you want for some guidance


I have noticed the aftereffects for sure. I have sent 1 out to do 200 pushups, then return to me. My muscles were slightly puffer. The only thing was, I didn’t feel as if my muscles had endured 200 in a row.

Maybe I needed to give it a time frame and set list to do it in. For all I know, it could have done 20 sets of 10 over 24 hours LOL. That could explain things.

Can you keep saying, “Activate clone to___” multiple times; for many tasks? Or, is it limited to multiples able to perform a single task, simultaneously?


Maybe. I been very specific with workouts, like "do 4 set of 12 pull ups, 4 sets of 12 dips, etc etc)

It is created like the jutsu of naruto. For example you can create several for different tasks, but it may not be as effective as creating one or several for a single task at the same time. It also depends on the amount of energy of the person, at the beginning naruto could create several but they were quite weak, and at the end he could make the clones fight for him with all the jutsus and sage mode lol

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Ah, OK. I am shocked that many aren’t sharing experiences with this. There is so much potential that I haven’t even touched on yet. Teaming them up with servitors, energy work (long distance Reiki healing), reading books & downloading to your subconscious), etc. There’s no limit.

Have you ever written a weekly schedule for them before; with success, or are verbal commands superior?


Hope many will come in the future :blush:

Only in the moment. I think with weekly schedule will be more efficient

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@aTouchOfTheGods can I tell it something along the lines of go study Spanish for 3 hours? would the clone know where to a source to get that knowledge?


Great question! I’ve passively thought of that in regards to trying to teach servitors to improve skills. So many state that we have to keep instructions simple or they get confused, etc. But after seeing tools like this + Captain’s ultra complex servitors, I’m convinced that their limitations derive from preconceived/ passed down blockages from their teachers & such. Maybe the collective mind has evolved to allow what we are currently experiencing?

I have recently felt it’s necessary to experiment with concepts (derived from personal curiosity, excitement and innocent faith). Things I was told can’t work have worked perfectly for my needs. Just because a construct doesn’t appear to be present doesn’t mean it can’t be created. That keeps my hope alive!

Even if a product doesn’t include an ability, it seems like a fun opportunity for the creation of a new tool to use with it; to create synergy.


Yeah of course, try to show him some knowledge or info about Spanish, so he can get some source to start with