Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

LucidusBiceps :yum:

I suggest you guys to pair it with intercessions, could be quite the experiment :ok_hand:


Dragon one? :grin::grin::grin:


Just coming from a nice nap with all the intercessions, this is nice but damn I was nudged to finish with the Blueprint of Life, it definitely transcend all of those beautiful realms :joy:

Felt like a “stop trying to manage your life bro, we take care of you”.

I’ll continue to use Enhanced visual processing though, it truly feels this album is completing the ultimate combo: Blueprint - Ojas - Internal Crucible.


Yesssss! Dreams are so vivid/lucid a bit 2 days ago had a real clear lucid dream but lately all my dreams have been really vivid so I didn’t think much of it(dummy me) :nerd_face:

Dream can’t stop surprising us!


when i’m about to sleep and close my eyes i already see visuals and i’m practicing to bring up what i want to see!


Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Its on Patreon and YT


I hate to say this, but that field has nothing to do with Visualization. Look up visual processing, it’s about your physical eyes perceiving light.

I hate how they don’t leave a description on their fields. And that’s how hundreds of ppl get mislead on what a field actually does. Then, the maker doesn’t do anything to correct them. Smh

the link LunaMoon offered has the description and literally tells everyone it helps with visual memory.


@mojito They leave description on the fields. As posted by @psynergy

Anyway I might add to it that visual processing increased should potentiate the ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns while also involving the ability to store and recall visual representations via visual imagery and visual memory.

Light is how your eyes start the process.

You weren’t misled here. You rather assumed something (wrong) and sticked by a biased previous opinion.


This is what visual processing means:

It’s funny how I’m biased, but when you look up Visual processing, you get hundreds of sources that say it has nothing to do with Visualization.

the name is enhanced visual processing.
but the audio does a lot more.
what in the explanation is lacking?

I haven’t corrected anybody, because no untruths were spoken.

I am confused here


The description is actually pretty good. It’s just that guys like LunaMoon and Zen assume it’s about Visualization, though, if they looked up Visual processing, they are not the same. Those guys made assumptions without looking much into it.

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Well it’s for developing or enchanting visual areas of brain…so it’s has a lot with development of imagination and visualisation


Although I cannot show you physical proof, I can confirm from my experience that they are correct.

then a few nights ago I had a negative experience in my dreams, But yes, the Enhanced Visual Processing audio is working on visualization


First of all im not a guy.

Second i am not assuming.

I talk based on my OWN experience 💁

And i always say it, my opinion and my own tests and results, the one assuming here is you :blush:


I’m sorry but I don’t really understand the discussion.
The reason I said biased is because you looked two terms, and then went through Wikipedia, and now are criticising people’s conclusions.

Take the word “train”. Is it a :station: or :muscle:?

I don’t know if anyone read it, but I’ll explain : If you enhance the visual imagery
processing, you end up improving visualisation and dreams as a natural consequence, because they are mental representations…

So, the people that are saying they are improving visualisation aren’t lunatics, and are in fact correct. Because it is a natural event from improved cognitive function :man_shrugging:

Don’t know what else I might add…

And I also believe the description is quite accurate. Nonetheless, if anyone wants a thorough explanation, I may provide it.

@mods please move this to the appropriate thread, and sorry for offtopic.


I literally just went through the whole thread to see where i have commented saying such thing and no where shrugs at least quote or copy paste and show me where i “assumed” something incorrect so i can understand why you are so mad :joy:


Edit: not trying to add more to this.

That’s just my personal experience. I can’t speak for another.


When I close my eyes for like a period of time, then I see some random images in perfect detail, it’s crazy, I want this to happen at anytime though, and for longer period of time. I can also now do multiplication like 368*47 in a period less than 1 min and 30 seconds, with no tricks. I can do it 30 seconds faster than before, well for similar problems. This is all I have seen with this, and also more memorable dreams. This seems like decent progress with this so far. My other goal is to be able to hold onto 10 digits in my head, and manipulate them.